Optiese vesel kabel


Fiber optic cables are generally lighter and less susceptible to electromagnetic interference, maar optieseveselkabels is geneig om meer broos te wees as kabels met metaalgeleiers. Toepassings vir optieseveselkabels(ADSS kabel en OPGW kabel) wissel van tot miljoene oproepe per kabel tot hoëspoed-data-oordrag vir groot rekenaarnetwerke. With thirty’s year’s of experience in kabel produkte, we can provide the best quality and competitive price for you. Welkom by cKontak ons in your free time.

Fiber Optic Cable Types

ADSS optiese vesel kabel neem 'n los-laag gedraaide struktuur aan, die optiese vesel is omhul in 'n los buis gemaak van hoë-modulus poliëster materiaal, en die buis is gevul met 'n waterdigte verbinding.

The main uses of ADSS fiber optic cable are:

  • Utilizing it to be used as the introduction and lead-in fiber optic cable of ADSS system relay station, based on its safety attributes, it can be a good solution to the problem of power isolation when introducing and leading out the relay station.
  • Use it as the transmission optical cable of fiber optic communication system in high voltage (110kV-220kV) power network. Especially, it is conveniently utilized in many places when transforming the old communication lines.
  • Use it for fiber-optic communication systems in 6kV-35kV-180kV distribution.
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The optical fiber is laid on the ground wire of the overhead high-voltage transmission line, and the optical fiber communication network is formed on the transmission line. This structure has the dual function of ground wire and communication and is generally called OPGW fiber optic cable.

  • Safe and reliable: OPGW fiber optic cable’s good insulation performance and anti-interference ability can effectively ensure the safe and stable operation of the power system.
  • Energy saving and environmental protection: the use of fiber optic cable to transmit signals, reduce the use of copper wires in the power system, and reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution.
  • Convenient maintenance: OPGW fiber optic cable maintenance and management is relatively simple, greatly reducing maintenance costs and workload.
  • Large communication capacity: OPGW power fiber optic cable can realize high-speed, large-capacity communication transmission, suitable for a variety of application scenarios in the power system.
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Vesel-tot-die-huis is 'n transmissiemetode vir veseloptiese kommunikasie. Spesifiek, FTTH refers to installing optical network units (ONU) for home or enterprise users. It is the optical access network application type closest to users in the optical access series, except for FTTD (vesel na die lessenaar).

  • Omdat dit 'n spesiale buig-bestande vesel is, dit kan groter bandwydte verskaf en verbeter netwerk transmissie eienskappe.
  • Twee parallelle glasveselversterkte plastiek of staaldrade het goeie drukweerstand en beskerm die optiese vesel.
  • Die optiese kabel het 'n eenvoudige struktuur, is liggewig, en het 'n sterk uitvoerbaarheid.
  • 'n Enkele staaldraad of staalstring word met 'n versterkingselement geheg sodat die optiese kabel goeie trekprestasie het.
  • Unieke groefontwerp, maklik om af te skil, maklik om aan te sluit, vereenvoudig installasie en onderhoud.
  • Lae-rook halogeenvrye vlamvertragende skede, omgewingsvriendelik.
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OPPC optiese vesel kabel

OPPC optiese kabel (Optiese fase Geleier, OPPC vir kort). Dit is 'n nuwe soort spesiale optiese kabel vir kragkommunikasiestelsels. Wanneer dit in kragverspreidingsnetwerkstelsels gebruik word, dit kan konflikte met die buitewêreld vermy in terme van frekwensiehulpbronne, roetekoördinasie, en elektromagnetiese versoenbaarheid. Dit is 'n nuwe tipe optiese kabel met dubbele funksies van kragoordrag en kommunikasie. Word hoofsaaklik gebruik vir spanningsvlakke onder 110kV, suburban power distribution networks, and rural power grid.

Structure Characteristics and Application

  1. Replacing one or several steel wires of conventional conductor with stainless steel tube OP Units, stranding OP-Units and AS/steel wires and AI/AA wires.
  2. Replacing one of the phase conductors with OPPC, the three-phase transmission line system consists of one OPPC and two conductors.
  3. Performance matching: mechanical characteristic, electric characteristic matching with border upon two phase conductors.
  4. Durative constant temperature: temperature cycling and current tests demonstrate that OPPC can meet with a durative constant temperature.
  5. Middle & high voltage power lines without ground wire such as | 0kV 35kV,66kV.
  6. It wouldn’t be suit to install OPGW& ADSS in the power lines.
  7. Rebuilding telecommunications for middle & high voltage power lines in town and rural areas.Providing optical cable for building distribution station automatization.
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Lugoptiese veselkabels word op pale hoog bo die grond opgerig. In vergelyking met ondergrondse kabels, die konstruksiekoste van oorhoofse kabels is laag en die konstruksie is eenvoudig. Dit word wyd gebruik in die voorstede waar die area ver is en die vloei van mense min is, en dit word ook wyd gebruik op plekke waar dit moeilik is om ondergrondse kabels te lê.

The specifications of VERI Cable’s full line of Aerial products are manufactured with environmental issues, such as changing weather conditions, in mind. And the material of the outer jacket of the Aerial fiber optic cable is made to resist excessive heat and moisture.
Aerial fiber optic cables also feature a 1/4″ galvanized messenger wire, for stable use. Cable TV, outside plants, and telecom applications are a few examples of where aerial fiber optic cables are often utilized. And we offer 9/125 single mode as well as 50/125 OM1, OM2, OM3, and OM4 multimode Aerial fiber.

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Direkte begrawe optiese kabel is 'n kommunikasie-optiese kabellêmetode. This optical cable is armored with steel tape or steel wire on the outside and is directly buried in the ground. Dit word vereis om die prestasie te hê om eksterne meganiese skade te weerstaan ​​en die prestasie te hê om grondkorrosie te voorkom.

Direct burial is the most convenient way of laying fiber optic cables, which also saves the cost of piping and overhead installation. Oor die algemeen, direct buried fiber optic cable has good mechanical and temperature properties, compression resistance and flexibility, suitable for direct burial construction, easy construction, and installation, plastic coated aluminum tape (APL) vogversperring, plastic coated steel tape (PSP) enhanced moisture barrier, and water blocking materials for underground applications.

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My optiese kabel is vlamvertragende kommunikasie optiese kabel vir steenkoolmyn of vlamvertragende kommunikasie optiese kabel vir steenkoolmyn, na verwys as myn optiese kabel, steenkoolmyn optiese kabel of steenkool optiese kabel, en sy model is MGTSV.

  • Foto-elektriese saamgestelde kabels word oor die algemeen gebruik in 0,6/1KV laespanningstelsels;
  • IPTV, toegang tot die internet;
  • Multimedia phone, voice communication, home smart meter, ens.;
  • The connection of the optical communication equipment room, optical distribution rack, instrumente, en ander toerusting.
  • The cable is used for communication in coal mines, goudmyne, iron ore mines, and other mining applications.
  • Duct/Aerial/Direct Buried.
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Uitstekende diens van VERI Cable

Uitvoer ervaring

As 'n professionele kabelvervaardiger, ons kabelprodukte is in die verlede na baie lande uitgevoer 30 jare, insluitend die VSA, Kanada, Spanje, VK, Duitsland, Frankryk, Rusland, Griekeland, Saoedi-Arabië, ens. In hierdie lande, ons kabelprodukte is baie gewild onder kliënte. En elke jaar, vanweë ons goeie gehalte en diens, ons sal baie goeie terugvoer van ons kliënte ontvang.

Pasgemaakte kabeldiens

Ons reeks pasgemaakte dienste sluit ontwerp in, grootte, en oppervlakkleur. Baie gewilde kleure is ook beskikbaar vir jou om te kies. Ons spesialiseer ook in oorbedekking, byvoorbeeld, ons kan pasgemaakte poliëtileen maak (PE) en Poliuretaan (PUR) volgens jou vereistes. Ons kan oplossings bied gebaseer op jou idees. Kontak ons ​​asseblief om vir ons jou idee te gee.

Streng kwaliteit-inspeksiestandaarde

Veri Cable bied 'n wye verskeidenheid kragkabels gebaseer op neigings en persoonlike voorkeure. En ons verskaf alle soorte kragkabels, meer as 100 reeks. Toe, om die kwaliteit van die kabels te verseker, ons dring daarop aan om ons produkte af en toe te toets.

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