


Alcatel Submarine Networks’ Nuwe ondersese kabelonderhoudsvaartuig is suksesvol gelanseer

Op Junie 24, 2022, 'n nuwe ondersese kabelinstandhoudingsvaartuig, Eiland Molène, is suksesvol in Calais bekendgestel, Frankryk, en sal by die ASN aansluit (Alcatel Submarine Network) vloot.

ASN President Alain Biston en Nathalie Bouchart, Burgemeester van Calais en vise-president van Hauts-de-France, het die inhuldigingseremonie bygewoon.

Dit is aan die lig gebring dat Ile de Molène verantwoordelik sal wees vir die instandhouding van die ondersese telekommunikasiekabel for Alcatel Submarine Networks’ customers.

It will be operational by the end of the second quarter of 2022.

The vessel has undergone a major engineering and upgrade program to enable it to best meet its future maintenance mission and the various needs of ASN’s customers.

The ship will be equipped with the latest generation of equipment and instruments to ensure the expected level of performance and efficiency required for its various missions.

Ile de Molène will fly the French flag and will be operated by Louis Dreyfus Armateurs.

ZMS Cable F

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