የጎማ ገመድ

Rubber H07RN-F Cable

As a leading rubber flex cable manufacturer, VERI has a large stock of rubber flexible cables, rubber welding cables, H05RR-F rubber cables, and H07RN-F rubber cables. Veri Cable produces highly flexible rubber cables to some other standards. We can also produce flexible rubber cable solutions to meet your application’s specific requirements. As an outdoor special cable commodity, rubber cables are of various types and have high-quality electrical equipment dielectric strength. But compared with other ordinary cable products, rubber cables are widely used in many places, because of their incomparable flexibility and physical properties. What’s more, our rubber cable is perfect for industrial environments.

አሁን ይጠይቁ

Types of VERI Rubber Cable

Rubber Insulation Flexible Copper Welding Cable

ዳታ rubber welding cables are mainly used in places with strict standards outside or in environments. Such as ships, mining, mines, railway vehicles, ወዘተ. Rubber welding cables have the advantages of purely natural rubber. They have various characteristics such as wear resistance, flame retardant grade, cold resistance, and temperature resistance. And it can make the types of rubber-insulated cables more colorful and more popular. It is broad and involves all walks of life in the social economy.

አሁን ይጠይቁ


5 Flexible Stranded Copper

Insulation Material


Voltage Type



2/0 1/0 Awg 25mm 35mm2 50mm 70mm 95mm2

Sectional Area



BS6346 IEC60502


Black/Red/Orange/Green etc

Temperature Range

55 ~+155 (PE Cable -40 ~+85 )


oil resistant,water resistant,flame resistant,UV resistant


For general use in dry, humid, and wet locations, for outdoor use, for agricultural applications, or in locations subject to explosion hazards. Also, suitable for connections of industrial and workshop electrical equipment submitted to medium-level mechanical stress. It can be used for fixed installations in temporary buildings, as well as for connections of mobile machines and hoists.

Flexible Rubber Cable H05RR-F EPR Insulation

H05RR-F rubber cable is suitable for mobile equipment and tools with AC rated voltage of 300/500v and below, is easy to move, and withstand general mechanical power. Rubber-sheathed cables are easy to move and bend due to their softness and can withstand general mechanical power. The structure of H05RR-F rubber sheathed cable is composed of a conductor, rubber insulation, hemp rope filling, and rubber sheath, and its flexibility and wear resistance are very good.

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Cable specification


Number & Crosssection area (No./mm2)

Conductor Structure

Insulation Diam.(ሚ.ሜ)

Overall O.D (ሚ.ሜ)



























It is suitable for places with severe cold, and strong sunlight. The H05RR-F rubber cable has passed the vertical burning test and has good flame retardant performance. The meaning of H05RR-F: HHarmonized Approval 5 -300/500v ratedNatural or Synthetic RubberNatural or Synthetic RubberFlexible Stranded Conductor.


The long-term working temperature of the H05RR-F rubber cable is -25 degrees to 60 degrees. The H05RR-F rubber has the characteristics of cold resistance, temperature resistance, waterproof, and sun protection.

Sheath Material: natural rubber sheath type EM2 to BS7655

  • HCE certified
  • 5-rated voltage 300/500 volts
  • R-natural or synthetic rubber
  • R-natural or synthetic rubber
  • F-soft stranded conductor

Rubber Insulation h07rn-f Copper Waterproof Cable

H07RN-F flexible rubber cables can also be used in drainage and sewage treatment. It is generally used in processing equipment, mobile power, construction sites, dams, ወዘተ. H07RN-F flexible rubber cables have excellent fire resistance and can reduce short-circuit faults in a short period of time. Therefore, it can still ensure the normal operation of the circuit system in the event of a fire, and can also extinguish the fire in time and reduce losses. Its operating temperature range is minus 40 degrees to 500 degrees. Flexible rubber cables are mostly used in large construction, petroleum, electric power, and other fields.

አሁን ይጠይቁ



Insulation Material


Voltage Type



3C x 1.00 / 1.5 / 2.5 MM

Cross Section




Sheath material

chlorinated polyethylene rubber (CPE)

Standard core wire colo



VDE, exporting countries, European countries

ስታንዳርድ&REFERENCES: Din 57282, VDE 0282, VDE 0615, VDE 0472 and BS6500

APPLICATION: It is for use in medium and heavy mechanical loads, dry and wet areas, and outdoors. They are permitted fixed laying on crane and machine elements etc. H07RN-F flexible rubber cable can generate heat according to its electric energy, and ensure a balanced heat, good safety, and the effect of saving energy. It is also very convenient to install. The main feature of flexible rubber cables is that no harmful substances are discharged during production, so they will not harm the health and the environment, and they can be regenerated.

Features: Sunscreen, waterproof, oil-proof, ሙቀትን የሚቋቋም, cold-resistant, UV-resistant, anti-aging, and flame-retardant.

Rubber Flexible Cables Characteristics

VERI H07RN-F copper rubber conductor

1. They are designed to provide high flexibility and withstand weather, oil, mechanical and thermal stresses.
2. Special wind torsion test: the H07RN-F cable passes the special 2.000-cycle Torsion Test required for wind generators ( for single core cables ).
3. Improved working temperature: The H07RN-F can operate at work temperatures up to 90℃. improving the HD 22 standard rated temperature, due to insulation with high thermal grade.
4. Rated voltage up to 1000V: possible thanks to the high dielectric properties of the insulation material (according to HD 5163.)
5- Weather resistance: The properties of the thermosetting vulcanized rubber outer sheath on the H07RN-F cables allow a permanent use outdoors.
6. Immersion resistance: Exceeds the established tests for type H07RN8-F, suitable for functioning permanently submerged CAD83.
7. Resistance to chemical products: Vulcanized rubber outer sheath is the most effective protection against chemical products such as hydrocarbons and mineral oils.
8. High Temperature Resistant Short Touch: The cable can endure extremely high-temperature environments due to the use of vulcanized materials.

የእኛ ሙያዊ አገልግሎቶች

የጥራት ማረጋገጫ
በVERI ኬብሎች የሚመረቱ ምርቶች እንደ ጂቢ ካሉ አለም አቀፍ ደረጃዎች ጋር ያከብራሉ, IEC, ቢ.ኤስ, NFC, ASTM, ከ, ወዘተ. ከዚህም በላይ, የኛ የቴክኒክ ቡድን ለፍላጎትዎ የኬብል ማበጀት አገልግሎቶችን ሊሰጥ ይችላል።.

የደንበኛ ክትትል
VERI ነፃ የባለሙያ የኬብል ማማከር አገልግሎቶችን ይሰጣል, አንድ-ማቆሚያ ፕሮጀክት መፍትሔ አገልግሎቶች, እና ፈጣን የምርት መላኪያ መፍትሄዎች.

የባለሙያ መጓጓዣ
VERI ኬብሎች’ የመጀመሪያ ግብ ምርቶችን በፍጥነት እና በአስተማማኝ ሁኔታ ማድረስ ሲሆን እንዲሁም ደንበኞችን ለመቀነስ ምርጡን የማሸጊያ እና የመጓጓዣ መፍትሄዎችን በማቅረብ ላይ ነው።’ የመጓጓዣ ወጪዎች ከፍተኛ.

የኬብል ማሸግ
የ VERI ኬብል ማሸጊያ በእንጨት ሪልች ውስጥ ይቀርባል, የታሸጉ ሳጥኖች, እና ጥቅልሎች. የኬብሉን ጫፎች ከእርጥበት ለመጠበቅ ጫፎቹ በ BOPP ራስ-ተለጣፊ ቴፕ እና ሃይሮስኮፒክ ባልሆኑ የማተሚያ ክዳን ተዘግተዋል. በደንበኞች ፍላጎት መሰረት የሚፈለገውን አርማ ከበሮው ውጭ በውሃ መከላከያ ቁሳቁስ ማተም እንችላለን.

    እባክዎን ጥያቄዎን ከዚህ በታች ባለው ቅጽ ለመስጠት ነፃነት ይሰማዎ.




