كابل الألياف البصرية

Fiber optic cables are generally lighter and less susceptible to electromagnetic interference, but fiber optic cables tend to be more fragile than cables with metal conductors. Applications for fiber optic cables(ADSS cable and OPGW كابل) range from up to millions of calls per cable to high-speed data transfer for large computer networks. With thirty’s year’s of experience in منتجات الكابلات, يمكننا تقديم أفضل نوعية وبأسعار تنافسية بالنسبة لك. مرحبا بكم في جontact us in your free time.
Fiber Optic Cable Types
ADSS fiber optic cable adopts a loose-layer twisted structure, the optical fiber is sheathed in a loose tube made of high-modulus polyester material, and the tube is filled with a waterproof compound.
The main uses of ADSS fiber optic cable are:
- Utilizing it to be used as the introduction and lead-in fiber optic cable of ADSS system relay station, based on its safety attributes, it can be a good solution to the problem of power isolation when introducing and leading out the relay station.
- Use it as the transmission optical cable of fiber optic communication system in high voltage (110kV-220kV) power network. Especially, it is conveniently utilized in many places when transforming the old communication lines.
- Use it for fiber-optic communication systems in 6kV-35kV-180kV distribution.
The optical fiber is laid on the ground wire of the overhead high-voltage transmission line, and the optical fiber communication network is formed on the transmission line. This structure has the dual function of ground wire and communication and is generally called OPGW fiber optic cable.
- آمنة وموثوقة: أداء العزل الجيد لكابل الألياف الضوئية OPGW والقدرة على مقاومة التداخل يمكن أن يضمن بشكل فعال التشغيل الآمن والمستقر لنظام الطاقة.
- توفير الطاقة وحماية البيئة: استخدام كابلات الألياف الضوئية لنقل الإشارات, تقليل استخدام الأسلاك النحاسية في نظام الطاقة, والحد من استهلاك الطاقة والتلوث البيئي.
- صيانة مريحة: تعد صيانة وإدارة كابلات الألياف الضوئية OPGW بسيطة نسبيًا, تقليل تكاليف الصيانة وعبء العمل بشكل كبير.
- قدرة اتصالات كبيرة: يمكن لكابل الألياف الضوئية للطاقة OPGW أن يحقق سرعة عالية, نقل الاتصالات ذات سعة كبيرة, مناسبة لمجموعة متنوعة من سيناريوهات التطبيق في نظام الطاقة.
Fiber-to-the-home is a transmission method for fiber-optic communications. Specifically, FTTH refers to installing optical network units (ONU) for home or enterprise users. It is the optical access network application type closest to users in the optical access series, except for FTTD (fiber to the desktop).
- Because it is a special bending-resistant fiber, it can provide greater bandwidth and enhance network transmission characteristics.
- Two parallel glass fiber reinforced plastics or steel wires have good compression resistance and protect the optical fiber.
- The optical cable has a simple structure, is lightweight, and has strong practicability.
- A single steel wire or steel strand is attached with a reinforcing element so that the optical cable has good tensile performance.
- Unique groove design, easy to peel off, easy to connect, simplifying installation and maintenance.
- Low-smoke halogen-free flame retardant sheath, environmentally friendly.

OPPC Fiber Optic Cable
OPPC كابل بصري (Optical phase Conductor, OPPC for short). It is a new type of special optical cable for power communication systems. When used in power distribution network systems, it can avoid conflicts with the outside world in terms of frequency resources, routing coordination, والتوافق الكهرومغناطيسي. It is a new type of optical cable with dual functions of power transmission and communication. Mainly used for voltage levels below 110kV, suburban power distribution networks, and rural power grid.
Structure Characteristics and Application
- Replacing one or several steel wires of conventional conductor with stainless steel tube OP Units, stranding OP-Units and AS/steel wires and AI/AA wires.
- Replacing one of the phase conductors with OPPC, the three-phase transmission line system consists of one OPPC and two conductors.
- Performance matching: mechanical characteristic, electric characteristic matching with border upon two phase conductors.
- Durative constant temperature: temperature cycling and current tests demonstrate that OPPC can meet with a durative constant temperature.
- Middle & high voltage power lines without ground wire such as | 0kV 35kV,66كيلو فولت.
- It wouldn’t be suit to install OPGW& ADSS in the power lines.
- Rebuilding telecommunications for middle & high voltage power lines in town and rural areas.Providing optical cable for building distribution station automatization.

Aerial fiber optic cables are erected on poles high above the ground. Compared with underground cables, the construction cost of overhead cables is low and the construction is simple. It is widely used in the suburbs where the area is far away and the flow of people is small, and it is also widely used in places where it is difficult to lay underground cables.
The specifications of VERI Cable’s full line of Aerial products are manufactured with environmental issues, such as changing weather conditions, in mind. And the material of the outer jacket of the Aerial fiber optic cable is made to resist excessive heat and moisture.
Aerial fiber optic cables also feature a 1/4″ galvanized messenger wire, for stable use. Cable TV, outside plants, and telecom applications are a few examples of where aerial fiber optic cables are often utilized. And we offer 9/125 single mode as well as 50/125 OM1, OM2, OM3, and OM4 multimode Aerial fiber.

Direct buried optical cable is a communication optical cable laying method. This optical cable is armored with steel tape or steel wire on the outside and is directly buried in the ground. It is required to have the performance of resisting external mechanical damage and the performance of preventing soil corrosion.
Direct burial is the most convenient way of laying fiber optic cables, which also saves the cost of piping and overhead installation. بشكل عام, direct buried fiber optic cable has good mechanical and temperature properties, compression resistance and flexibility, suitable for direct burial construction, البناء السهل, and installation, plastic coated aluminum tape (الألغام المضادة للأفراد) حاجز الرطوبة, plastic coated steel tape (بي إس بي) enhanced moisture barrier, and water blocking materials for underground applications.

Mine optical cable is flame retardant communication optical cable for coal mine or flame retardant communication optical cable for coal mine, referred to as mine optical cable, coal mine optical cable or coal optical cable, and its model is MGTSV.
- Photoelectric composite cables are generally used in 0.6/1KV low-voltage systems;
- IPTV, Internet access;
- Multimedia phone, التواصل الصوتي, home smart meter, إلخ.;
- The connection of the optical communication equipment room, optical distribution rack, الادوات, and other equipment.
- The cable is used for communication in coal mines, gold mines, iron ore mines, and other mining applications.
- Duct/Aerial/Direct Buried.
خدمة ممتازة لكابل VERI

تجربة التصدير
كشركة مصنعة للكابلات المهنية, لقد تم تصدير منتجات الكابلات الخاصة بنا إلى العديد من البلدان في الماضي 30 سنين, بما في ذلك الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية, كندا, إسبانيا, المملكة المتحدة, ألمانيا, فرنسا, روسيا, اليونان, المملكة العربية السعودية, إلخ. في هذه البلدان, تحظى منتجات الكابلات لدينا بشعبية كبيرة لدى العملاء. وكل عام, بسبب الجودة والخدمة الجيدة لدينا, سوف نتلقى الكثير من ردود الفعل الجيدة من عملائنا.
خدمة الكابلات المخصصة
لدينا مجموعة من الخدمات المخصصة تشمل التصميم, مقاس, ولون السطح. تتوفر أيضًا العديد من الألوان الشائعة لتختار منها. نحن متخصصون أيضًا في التغليف الزائد, على سبيل المثال, يمكننا أن نجعل البولي ايثيلين مخصص (بي) والبولي يوريثين (بور) وفقا لمتطلباتك. يمكننا تقديم الحلول بناء على أفكارك. يرجى الاتصال بنا لتعطينا فكرتك.

معايير فحص الجودة الصارمة
تقدم شركة Veri Cable مجموعة واسعة من كابلات الطاقة بناءً على الاتجاهات والتفضيلات الشخصية. ونحن نقدم جميع أنواع كابلات الطاقة, أكثر من 100 مسلسل. ثم, للتأكد من جودة الكابلات, نحن نصر على اختبار منتجاتنا من حين لآخر.