VERI Cable was established on March 18, 1990, specializing in the manufacturer of захранващи кабели, подводни кабели, optical fiber cables, cable accessories, and cable products. Such as armored cables, control cables, кабели за напрежение, and some spare parts.
VERI Cable Products
Корпоративна основна ситуация на VERI Cable
VERI Cables can provide suitable solutions for countless customers. Cable products are widely used in the national grid, cities, railway power transportation, подстанции, solar power stations, and other fields. Със силно присъствие на международния пазар, ние изнасяме в много страни всяка година. Products are exported to Australia, Германия, the United States, the Philippines, Монголия, Сингапур, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, И така нататък.
The relentless pursuit of excellence, иновация, и конкурентоспособността е нашето убеждение.
Нашият кабелен технически екип има много опитни инженери. They can meet the needs of any custom project. To ensure the quality of the products, our cable technical team has been producing every product according to strict standards. Освен това, whether it is the selection of the product supply chain or the inspection of cables before sales, винаги сме приемали систематична проверка на качеството. We will strictly control it. VERI Cables offers over 100 series of various power cables based on market trends and personal preferences. За да гарантираме качеството на кабелите, we insist on testing our products. We welcome custom designs and sizes. We will do our best to meet your unique requirements.
Our Excellent Service of VERI Cable

Експорт опит
Като професионален производител на кабели, our cable products have been exported to many countries in the past 30 години, включително САЩ, Канада, Испания, UK, Германия, Франция, Русия, Гърция, Саудитска Арабия, и т.н. В тези страни, нашите кабелни продукти са много популярни сред клиентите. И всяка година, заради нашето добро качество и обслужване, we would receive much good feedback from our customers.
Customized Cable Service
Our range of custom services includes design, size, and surface color. Many popular colors are also available for you to choose. We also specialize in over-sheathing, например, we can make custom Polyethylene (PE) and Polyurethane (PUR) according to your requirements. We can provide solutions based on your ideas. Please contact us to give us your idea.

Strict Quality Inspection Standards
VERI Cable offers a wide variety of power cables based on trends and personal preferences. And we provide all kinds of power cables, повече от 100 серия. Then, to ensure the quality of the cables, ние настояваме да тестваме нашите продукти от време на време.