Mining Fiber Optical Cable

As the use of fiber optics in the mining industry is rapidly increasing, in addition to the excellent quality of mining fiber optic cables from Veri cable manufacturers, we sell a wide range of other cables such as подводни кабели, въздушни кабели, coaxial cables, HTLS cables, and other high-quality cables. The success in mining also helps to foster confidence in fibre optic’s applicability to other harsh environment applications. We can also manufacture cables and cables according to customer requirements, so please feel free to свържете се с нас if you are in need.


OPLC Photoelectric Composite Fiber Optic Cable

данни Photoelectric composite cable (OPLC) is to place the protected mining optical cable unit in the power cable, which can be used in power systems with rated voltages of 0.6/1KV and below. It integrates optical fiber, transmission copper wire, and copper signal wire. Broadband access, equipment power consumption, emergency signal transmission, and other issues.
Because of the diversity of access methods and the complexity of the use environment, manufacturers can also customize according to customer requirements, according to different voltages, different fiber cores, and different structures to ensure the safety and reliability of the network.

Запитване сега

Features of OPLC Optic Fiber

  1. It does not require a separate tower because it can install on the same tower as the power lines.
  2. The construction can carry out without a power outage because the failure of the power line will not affect the normal transmission of the optical cable.
  3. Non-metallic structure, so good insulation performance, and lightning protection.
  4. The production process is sophisticated, the aramid yarn is evenly stressed and has excellent stress-strain performance.
  5. The cable diameter is small, the weight is light, the span can reach 1500M, and the additional load to the tower is low.
  6. The tensile strength is large, which can exceed 90KN, and the anti-electric corrosion performance is good.
  7. It has excellent anti-strike performance and can adapt to harsh climatic conditions.

Application of OPLC Optical Cable

  1. Photoelectric composite cables are generally used in 0.6/1KV low-voltage systems;
  2. IPTV, Internet access;
  3. Multimedia phone, voice communication, home smart meter, и т.н.;
  4. The connection of the optical communication equipment room, optical distribution rack, instruments, and other equipment.
  5. The cable is used for communication in coal mines, gold mines, iron ore mines, and other mining applications.
  6. Duct/Aerial/Direct Buried.
OPGW cable

OPGW Photoelectric Composite Optic Cable

The optical fiber is laid on the ground wire of the overhead high-voltage transmission line to form an optical fiber communication network on the transmission line.

This structure has the dual functions of ground wire and communication and is generally called OPGW fiber, because this fiber is resistant to electromagnetic interference, light in weight, and can be installed on the top of the transmission line tower without considering the optimal installation location and electromagnetic corrosion.

Therefore, OPGW has the characteristics of high reliability, superior mechanical properties, and low cost.

This technique is particularly useful and economical when laying or replacing existing ground wires.

Запитване сега

Features of OPGW Optical Cable

  1. It is suitable for high-voltage lines of 110KV and above, easy to maintain, and easy to solve the problem of branching, and its mechanical properties can meet the needs of large-span lines. And OPGW adopts metal armor, which has no effect on high-pressure corrosion and aging. Since the OPGW must be powered off during the construction process, the power loss is large. Therefore, OPGW should be used for new high-voltage lines above 110KV.
  2. In the performance index of OPGW, the larger the short-circuit current is, the more good conductors need to be used, and the tensile strength also decreases. In the case of a certain tensile strength, the short-circuit current capacity should be increased. Simply increasing the metal cross-sectional area results in an increase in cable diameter and cable weight, creating safety concerns for tower strength.

Application of OPGW Optical Cable

Urban construction


MGTSV Mine Flame Retardant Optical Cable

Структурата на MGTSV optical cable is to put 250μm optical fiber into a loose tube made of high modulus material, и разхлабената тръба е пълна с водоустойчива смес.

The center of the cable core is a metal reinforcing core, around which the loose tube (and filler rope) are twisted into a compact and round cable core, and the gaps in the cable core are filled with water-blocking fillers.

Double-sided plastic-coated steel tape (PSP) is longitudinally wrapped to extrude a polyethylene inner sheath, and a polyethylene outer sheath is extruded outside the inner sheath to form a cable.

Запитване сега

Features of MGTSV Optical Cable

  1. Good mechanical properties and temperature characteristics due to the use of a single wire center reinforcement.
    The loose tube is filled with a special waterproof compound, and the loose tube material itself has good water resistance to prevent water seepage from the optical cable. And the inside of the tube is filled with special ointment, which plays a key role in protecting the optical fiber. And it also has good compression resistance and softness.
  2. Use double-sided plastic-coated steel tape (PSP) to improve the moisture-proof permeability of the optical cable, and at the same time, it has the function of an anti-rat. Освен това, the secondary sheath is made of blue flame-retardant PVC, which makes the optical cable have a good flame-retardant effect.

Application of MGTSV Optical Cable

  1. It is suitable for coal mines, gold mines, iron mines and other mining occasions, as well as tunnel shafts, roadways, and other places with flame retardant requirements.
  2. It is suitable for long-distance communication and interoffice communication.

About VERI

Veri is a company specializing in the production and processing of optical fiber cables, вътрешни и външни оптични кабели, power optical cables, специални оптични кабели, optical fiber jumpers, and other products. Има пълна и научна система за управление на качеството.

Високотехнологично предприятие, което произвежда и разработва оптично комуникационно оборудване. Продуктите намират широко приложение в телекомуникациите, мобилен, China Unicom, радио и телевизия, Държавна мрежа, военни, ж.п, магистрала, железопътен транзит, добив, и други комуникационни полета, и спечелиха единодушни похвали за качеството и услугата, на които се довериха потребителите.

Продуктите на компанията отговарят на ITU, IEC, GB/T, YD/T, and international and domestic quality standards в индустрията, и ефективно провеждане на международно сертифициране на системата за управление на качеството ISO9001, за да гарантира, че качеството на продукта е отлично, стабилен, непрекъснато, и проследими.

Продуктите и техническите екипи на компанията са експерти и производствени занаятчии, които са били ангажирани в индустрията за производство на кабели от оптични влакна в продължение на много години и имат широко сътрудничество с много местни комуникационни университети за извършване на технически обмен и съвместни изследвания и разработки на продукти. Ако имате някакви нужди, welcome to consult.

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