Kako su ožičeni podmorski kablovi?

The picture shows the submarine cable that has been laid.

Inženjering podmorskih kablova je u svijetu prepoznat kao težak i složen tehnički projekat velikih razmjera. Oba dizajna kablova, proizvodnja, i konstrukcija polaganja su mnogo veća od ostalih generalnih kablovskih proizvoda. Među njima, are the intermediate joints of submarine cable, the production of terminals, installation, and wiring. And test commissioning is also a very important partČitaj više

What is the classification of cables and how to name and cable purchase?

This is the most common combination of high voltage cables.

ZMS cable editorial comprehensively organized the cable classification and naming representation, but also made a detailed introduction to the cable classification, to help you have a better understanding of the cable purchase. The focus of this article has the following three modules. 1 A general introduction to the cable naming rules and classification. 2 CommunicationČitaj više

Sumitomo Electric je navodno izgradio novu fabriku podmorskih kablova u Škotskoj

Submarine cables are wires wrapped in insulating material and laid on the ocean floor for telecommunications transmission.

Velika Britanija je dugo bila lider u razvoju industrije podmorskih kablova. I kao što je tema zaštite životne sredine sve više pažnje poslednjih godina, various industries are competing to make outstanding contributions to the protection of the environment in their respective fields. This is also true in the cable industry. … Čitaj više