ACCC/TW Conductor

Aluminum core composite core cable (ACCC /TW conductor cable) is a new generation of traditional aluminum core steel core reinforced (ACSR conductor) cable. It is a new type of wire for overhead transmission lines. A form of conductor belonging to HTLS conductor. It has the advantages of lightweight, tensile strength, bona stabilità termica, small slippage, strong downstream ability per unit area, and corrosion resistance. This product is widely used in seaside, mining areas, high corrosion and pollution intensity, easy conductor jumping, and other environments. Fast and complete acceptance specifications guarantee our ability to deliver safely.

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Aluminum Conductor Composite Core ACCC/TW Features

ACCC/TW carbon fiber composite core cable is a new type of overhead power cable. It is a high-temperature low sag (HTLS) overhead power line conductor cable. The central performance reinforcement assembly of this cable is made of carbon fiber and fiberglass composites.
2-4 Examine the returned Type 1350 aluminiu (alloy) conductor at the periphery of the reinforcement. The returned Type 1350 aluminiu (alloy) wire meets the requirements of ASTM B857/ASTM B609.


  • Highly energy efficient and Cool
  • Excellent strength-to-weight ratio
  • High current carrying capacity
  • Excellent sag characteristics
  • Low wind and ice loading parameters

Overall the advantages of ZMSACCC/TW products are reflected in transmission capacity, wire sag, wire loss, reinforced core structure, eccetera. At the same time, the product is very easy to install and replace, which can quickly replace the line at a lower cost and improve the transmission capacity of the line. This also brings great benefits to power companies. Ultimately, it brings convenience to industries, enterprises, and residents.

ACCC/TW Conductor Specification

ACCC/TW (Aluminum Composite Core) is one of the materials with high-temperature low sag (HTLS conductor). Other materials for high-temperature low trap conductors are the Invar Conductor series (TACIR and ZTACIR), Gap Type Conductor, ACSS Type Conductor, TACSR/AW Type Conductor, ecc.

What is the difference between ACSR and ACCC/TW?

Although ACCC/TW and ACSR have their names, we can see that their most immediate difference is the material. But they are different in many ways.

  • The ACSR has a maximum amperage of 1,266 amperes at 100° C and the ACCC/TW has a maximum amperage of 2,376 amperes at 200° C. The ACCC/TW has a maximum amperage of 2,376 amperes at 200° C.
  • At 1,200 amperes, the conductor temperature is 93° C for the ACSR and 75° C for the ACCC/TW.
  • The reserve capacity of the ACSR conductors is 66 amperes and the reserve capacity of the ACCC/TW conductors is 1,176 amperes.

The ACCC/TW can be distinguished from ACSR in addition to cables such as ACSS cable and ACCR. If you need to know more, please consult the vericable website.

I nostri servizii prufessiunali

Certificazione di qualità
I prudutti fabbricati da VERI Cables rispettu i standard internaziunali cum'è GB, IEC, BS, NFC, ASTM, DA, ecc. In più, a nostra squadra tecnica pò furnisce servizii di persunalizazione di cable per i vostri bisogni.

Tracciamentu di i Clienti
VERI furnisce servizii di cunsulenza prufessiunale gratuiti di cable, servizii di suluzione di prughjettu one-stop, è suluzioni di consegna rapida di i prudutti.

Trasportu prufessiunale
Cavi VERI’ L'obiettivu iniziale hè di assicurà a consegna rapida è sicura di i prudutti mentre furnisce ancu e migliori soluzioni di imballaggio è trasportu per riduce i clienti’ i costi di trasportu assai.

Imballaggio di cable
L'imballaggio di cavi VERI hè furnitu in bobine di lignu, scatuli ondulati, è bobine. L'estremità sò sigillate cù cinta autoadesiva BOPP è tappi di sigillatura non igroscopici per prutege l'estremità di u cable da l'umidità.. Pudemu stampà u logu necessariu nantu à l'esternu di i tamburi cù materiale impermeabile secondu u requisitu di u cliente.

    Per piacè sentite liberu di dà a vostra dumanda in a forma sottu.





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