Power Fiber Optic Cable

Power over fiber means the delivery of power for electronic devices via light in an optical fiber.

Fiber optic cables consist of glass wires, each capable of transmitting digital data modulated into light waves. They effectively send information encoded in a beam of light through a glass or plastic tube.

A key advantage of fiber optic cables over metal conductor cables is their superior performance in terms of bandwidth, and therefore data transmission performance. The high power delivery fiber cable is typically lighter and more fragile than metal conductor cable, but its superior performance of not being susceptible to electromagnetic interference makes it particularly popular.

ADSS Cable

Veri cable suppliers offer a comprehensive range of fiber optic cables, covering a wide range of applications for both indoor and outdoor installations. Fiber optic cables are used for a wide range of applications, from carrying telephone calls to high-speed data transmission for huge computer networks, up to several million calls per cable.

adss cable

ADSS Fiber Optic Cable

ADSS fiber optic cable adopts a loose-layer twisted structure, the optical fiber is sheathed in a loose tube made of high-modulus polyester material, and the tube is filled with a waterproof compound.

The non-metallic central reinforcing rib (FRP) strand into a compact cable core, and the gaps in the cable core fill with water-blocking grease.

The inner sheath of polyethylene (PE) extrudes outside the cable core, then two layers of aramid yarn for reinforcement twist in both directions and finally a polyethylene (PE) sheath or an anti-corrosion (AT) sheath extruded.

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Features of ADSS Optic Fiber

  1. Nevyžaduje samostatnou věž, protože ji lze nainstalovat na stejnou věž jako elektrické vedení.
  2. Stavbu lze provést bez výpadku proudu, protože porucha elektrického vedení neovlivní normální přenos optického kabelu.
  3. Nekovová struktura, tak dobrý izolační výkon, a ochranu před bleskem.
  4. Výrobní proces je sofistikovaný, aramidová příze je rovnoměrně namáhána a má vynikající odolnost vůči napětí.
  5. Průměr kabelu je malý, váha je lehká, rozpětí může dosáhnout 1500M, a dodatečné zatížení věže je nízké.
  6. Pevnost v tahu je velká, která může přesáhnout 90 kN, a antielektrická koroze je dobrá.
  7. Má vynikající protiúderový výkon a dokáže se přizpůsobit drsným klimatickým podmínkám.

Application of ADSS Optical Cable

  1. The design of ADSS optical cable fully considers the actual situation of the power line and is suitable for high-voltage transmission lines of different grades. Polyethylene (PE) sheaths are available for 10KV and 35KV power lines.
  2. For 110KV and 220KV power lines, it is necessary to determine the hanging point of the optical cable to calculate the electric field intensity distribution and use the tracking-resistant (AT) outer sheath.
  3. The amount of rapid fiber and the perfect stranding process is carefully designed to meet the application requirements of different spans.

Optoelektrický kompozitní optický kabel OPLC

Fotoelektrický kompozitní kabel (OPLC) is to place the protected optical fiber unit in the napájecí kabel, which can be used in power systems with a rated voltage of 0.6/1KV and below. Integruje optické vlákno, přenosový měděný drát, a měděný signální vodič. Širokopásmový přístup, spotřeba energie zařízení, nouzového přenosu signálu, a další problémy.

Navíc, it can also be customized according to customer needs. Due to the diversity of access methods and the complexity of the use environment, výrobci mohou také upravit podle požadavků zákazníka, podle různých napětí, různá vláknitá jádra, a různé struktury pro zajištění bezpečnosti a spolehlivosti sítě.

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Features of OPLC Optical Cable

  1. Cost-effective, integrates optical fiber and power transmission and distribution cables, avoids secondary wiring, and can effectively reduce construction, network construction, and other costs.
  2. Applicable to a variety of business types, strong adaptability, strong scalability, and wide product adaptability.
  3. The optical unit is compatible with the long-term working temperature of the power cable.
  4. It has strong mechanical properties, such as impact resistance and good pressure resistance, and has strong environmental adaptability.

Aplikace optického kabelu OPLC

Fotoelektrické kompozitní kabely se obecně používají v nízkonapěťových systémech 0,6/1KV, so they are mostly used for IPTV, Přístup na internet, multimedia telephones, voice communications, home smart meters, atd., as well as the connection of optical communication equipment rooms, optical distribution frames, instrumentation, a další vybavení.


Veri provides you with a one-stop service of R&D, výroba, and delivery. From the production of optical fiber products to after-sales, we will accompany you all the way.

If you have any questions, please contact our relevant customer service, and we will provide you with 24-hour uninterrupted service. The company adheres to the concept of customer first and integrity management so that you can get the most satisfactory service in Data.

Your satisfaction is the greatest affirmation of our efforts and the greatest driving force for us to keep moving forward.

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