OPGW fotoelektrisk komposit optisk kabel

The optical fiber is laid on the ground wire of the overhead high-voltage transmission line, and the optical fiber communication network is formed on the transmission line. This structure has the dual function of ground wire and communication, and is generally called OPGW fiberoptisk kabel.

Optical fibers are resistant to electromagnetic interference and light weight, and can be installed on top of transmission line towers without considering the optimal installation location and electromagnetic corrosion. So, OPGW has the characteristics of high reliability, overlegne mekaniske egenskaber, og lave omkostninger. This technology is particularly useful and economical when laying or replacing existing ground wires.

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Funktioner af OPGW optisk kabel

  1. 110KV and above high-voltage lines. Large span (generally greater than 250M).
  2. It is easy to maintain, easy to solve the problem of crossover lines, og dets mekaniske egenskaber kan opfylde behovene for linjer med stort spænd.
  3. OPGW optic cable adopts metal armor, which has no effect on high pressure corrosion and aging.
  4. OPGW optic cable must be powered off during the construction process, and the power loss is large. OPGW bør bruges til nye højspændingsledninger over 110KV.
  5. In the performance index of OPGW, jo større er kortslutningsstrømmen, the more good conductors need to be used as armor, and the tensile strength is also reduced. Ved en vis trækstyrke, kortslutningsstrømkapaciteten bør øges. Blot at øge metaltværsnitsarealet resulterer i en stigning i kabeldiameter og kabelvægt, creating safety concerns for pylon strength.

Anvendelse af OPGW optisk kabel

Urban Construction

OPLC fotoelektrisk komposit fiberoptisk kabel

Fotoelektrisk kompositkabel (OPLC) is to place the protected optical fiber unit in the power cable, which can be used in power systems with rated voltage of 0.6/1KV and below. Den integrerer optisk fiber, transmission kobbertråd, og kobbersignaltråd. Bredbåndsadgang, udstyrs strømforbrug, emergency signal transmission and other issues.

Desuden, it can also be customized according to customer needs. Due to the diversity of access methods and the complexity of the use environment, producenter kan også tilpasse efter kundens krav, efter forskellige spændinger, forskellige fiberkerner, og forskellige strukturer for at sikre netværkets sikkerhed og pålidelighed.

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Funktioner af OPLC optisk fiber

  1. Cost-effective, integrates optical fiberand power transmission and distribution cables, avoids secondary wiring, and can effectively reduce construction, network construction and other costs.
  2. Applicable to a variety of business types, strong adaptability, strong scalability, and wide product adaptability.
  3. The optical unit is compatible with the long-term working temperature of the power cable.
  4. It has strong mechanical properties, such as impact resistance and good pressure resistance, and has strong environmental adaptability.

Anvendelse af OPGW optisk kabel

Urban Construction

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