Charging Cable
Product Introduction
1. Charging plug meets 62196-2 IEC2010 SHEET 2-lle standard
2. Product assembly meets GB/T 20234.2-2011 charging mode 3 connection method B2
3. Nice appearance, hand-held ergonomic design, easy plug
4. Reliability of materials, antifoaming, pressure-resistant, urradura erresistentzia, impact resistance, and high oil.
5. Excellent protection performance, protection grade IP55 (Working condition)
1. Mechanical life: no-load plug in/pull out >10000 times
2. Impact of external force: can afford 1M drop and 2t vehicle run over pressure.
1.Rated operating current:16V or 32A
2.Operating voltage:250V
3.Insulation resistance:>1000MO(DC500V)
4.Terminal temperature rise:<50K
5.Withstand voltage:2000V
6.Contact Resistance:0.5mO Max
1. Case Material: Thermoplastic, flame retardant grade UL94V-0
2. Contact bush: copper alloy, silver plating
Environmental performance:
Operating temperature:-30℃~ +50℃
Veri Cable has multiple ways to protect your cables sturdy and professional shipping packaging and comprehensive insurance. Before shipping, our cables are packaged in wooden reels, and corrugated box coils.
During transportation, to protect the cable ends from moisture, we seal with BOPP self-adhesive tape and non-hygroscopic. Of course, we will send you the pictures during production and packaging. And we will deliver each order strictly according to the delivery time to ensure the smooth progress of the customer’s project.
We have established a complete service support system, properly responding to customer requests and efficiently handling customer problems through sales staff and technical support all over the world.
Our service team promises to respond within 24 orduak, resolve customer service requests within 48 orduak, and provide a 7×24-hour service hotline to respond to customer needs at any time.
Gure Zerbitzu Profesionalak
Kalitate Ziurtagiria
VERI Cables-ek fabrikatutako produktuek GB bezalako nazioarteko estandarrak betetzen dituzte, IEC, BS, NFC, ASTM, HANDIK, etab. Gainera, gure talde teknikoak kableak pertsonalizatzeko zerbitzuak eskain ditzake zure beharretarako.
Bezeroen jarraipena
VERI-k doako kableen aholkularitza-zerbitzu profesionalak eskaintzen ditu, leihatila bakarreko proiektuen konponbide zerbitzuak, eta produktuak bidaltzeko irtenbide azkarrak.
Garraio Profesionala
VERI kableak’ hasierako helburua produktuen entrega azkarra eta segurua bermatzea da, eta bezeroak murrizteko ontziratzeko eta garraiorako irtenbide onenak eskaintzea da’ garraio kostu handia.
Kableen paketea
VERI kableen paketea zurezko bobinatan hornitzen da, kaxa korrugatuak, eta bobinak. Muturrak BOPP zinta autoitsasgarriarekin eta zigilatze ez-higroskopikoekin zigilatzen dira kableen muturrak hezetasunetik babesteko.. Beharrezko logotipoa danborren kanpoaldean inprima dezakegu material iragazgaitzarekin, bezeroaren eskakizunaren arabera.