VERI Cables offers a wide range of specialized high quality industrial cables for large scale renewable energy projects such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power generation. For connecting equipment, creating specialized distribution networks, and connecting to wider national grids. If you have a requirement, please feel free to contact us.

solar cable H1Z2Z2K

Photovoltaic PV H1Z2Z2-K Cable

We promise to produce this H1Z2Z2-K series PV cable which can be used in many harsh outdoor environments, all of them are tested and certified by TUV/UL/IEC/CE, with a service life of up to 25 urteak.
Aplikazioak: for PV power plants/rooftop/floating power plants, compatible with all solar connectors.
Contact us online for your order requirements, including accessories you may need for your PV installation.

Conductor Material: Klasea 5 (flexible) tinned copper, based on EN 60228 and IEC 60228
Isolamendua & Sheath: Polyolefin Copolymer electron-beam cross-linked
Rated Voltage: 1000/1500VDC, Uo/U=600V/1000VAC
Minimum Bend Radius: 5D
Temperature Rating: -40℃-120℃
Certification: TUV/UL/RETIE/IEC/CE/RoHS
Cross-Sectional Area: The size from 1.5 mm2 to 120 mm2.

Kontsulta orain

Solar PV Cable 4mm 6mm 100m

This photovoltaic DC cable, 4mm, 6mm, 10mm, etc., is a very hot seller for all kinds of harsh outdoor environments.
It is TUV/UL/IEC/CE certified and has a service life of up to 25 urteak, and we provide 180 days after-sales maintenance.
This is suitable for connection of PV plant/rooftop/floating plant etc. It is compatible with all major solar connectors. Looking forward to your inquiry.

Zuzendaria: Klasea 5 (flexible) tinned copper, based on EN 60228 and IEC 60228
Rated voltage: 1000/1800VDC, Uo/U=600V/1000VAC
Temperature Rating: -40℃-120℃
Fire Performance: Flame non-propagation based on UNE-EN 60332-1 and IEC 60332-1
Smoke Emission: Based on UNE-EN 60754-2 and IEC 60754-2.
Certification: TUV/UL/RETIE/IEC/CE/RoHS
Water performance: AD7
Cross-Sectional Area: The size from 2.5 mm2 to 10 mm2.

Kontsulta orain

Earth Wire PVC Copper Core Solar Cable

This series is perfectly suited for harsh outdoor environments as it is TUV/UL/IEC/CE certified and has a service life of up to 25 urteak.
Suitable for photovoltaic/rooftop/floating plants and compatible with all major solar connectors, VERI cables have been exported to many countries around the world. If you need a quote please feel free to contact us.

Conductor Material: Tinned copper
Insulation Material: PVCa
Color: Yellow/green
Rated Temperature(): 70
Smoke Emission: Based on UNE-EN 60754-2 and IEC 60754-2.
Certification: TUV/CE
Cross-Sectional Area: The size from 1.5 mm2 to 120 mm2.

Kontsulta orain

Aluminum 2KV Photovoltaic PV Cable

The low voltage aluminum core PV special cables under this standard are the most basic type of PV system, with simple structure and stable performance, suitable for PV plants/roofs/floating plants, and compatible with major solar connectors.

Conductor Material: Aluminum
Isolamendua:Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE)
Size: 4AWG-1/0AWG
Features: Gas/oil and sunlight resistant, direct burial rated
Estandarra: Compact stranded 8000 Series Aluminum conductor per ASTM B800, B801, B836, B902

Kontsulta orain

Armoured Solar Cable PV Cable

This series is perfectly suited for harsh outdoor environments, including pressure and acid corrosion received when buried underground, as it is TUV/UL/IEC/CE certified and has a service life of up to 25 urteak.
Suitable for photovoltaic/rooftop/floating power plants and compatible with all major solar connectors, VERI cables have been exported to many countries around the world. If you need a quote please feel free to contact us.

Zuzendaria: Klasea 5 (flexible) tinned copper, based on EN 60228 and IEC 60228
Isolamendua & Sheath Jacket: Polyolefin Copolymer electron-beam cross-linked
Rated voltage: 1000/1500VDC, Uo/U=600V/1000VAC
Temperature Rating: -40℃-120℃
Certification: TUV/UL/RETIE/IEC/CE/RoHS
Cross-Sectional Area: The size from 1.5 mm2 to 120 mm2.

Kontsulta orain

VERI Cable Salmenta Osteko Zerbitzuari buruz

Lehenengoa, Produktuaren Kalitatearen Konpromisoa:

  1. Guztiak fabrikatzeko eta probatzeko kalitate-erregistroak eta proba-datuak daude kable produktuak.
  2. Produktuen errendimendua ikuskatzeko, zintzotasunez gonbidatzen ditugu erabiltzaileak produktuaren prozesu osoa eta errendimendua pertsonalki ikuskatzeko. Produktua sailkatua dela baieztatu ondoren, ontziratu eta bidaliko da.

Bigarrena, produktuaren prezioaren konpromisoa:

  1. Produktuaren fidagarritasun handia bermatzeko, sistemaren material aukeraketa etxeko edo kalitate handiko produktuekin egiten da.
  2. Lehiaketa-baldintza berdinetan, gure konpainia zintzotasunez eskainiko dizu prezio merkean, produktuaren errendimendu teknikoa murriztu edo produktuaren osagaiak aldatu gabe.
  3. Entregatzeko denbora konpromisoa:

Hirugarrena, Produktua entregatzeko epea:

Erabiltzaileen eskakizunen arabera, ahal den neurrian, aldez aurretik bete beharreko baldintza bereziak badaude, gure enpresak bereziki antola ditzake ekoizpena eta instalazioa, eta erabiltzaileen beharrei erantzuten ahalegindu.

Laugarrena, salmenta osteko zerbitzuaren konpromisoa:

  1. Zerbitzuaren printzipioa: azkar, erabakigarria, zehatza, gogoetatsua eta sakona.
  2. Zerbitzuaren helburuak: zerbitzuaren kalitatea bezeroen gogobetetasuna lortzeko.
  3. Zerbitzuaren eraginkortasuna: Ekipoak berme-aldian edo berme-epetik kanpo huts egiten badu, hornitzaileari jakinarazi ondoren, mantentze-langileak gunera irits daitezke eta bertan mantentze-lanak has daitezke 24 orduak.
  4. Zerbitzuaren printzipioa: Kable produktuen berme-aldia hamabi hilabetekoa da. Berme-aldian, hornitzaileak kalitate arrazoiengatik kaltetutako piezak konpondu eta ordezkatuko ditu doan. Piezak berme-epetik kanpo hondatzen badira, emandako osagarriek eroslearen giza faktoreek eragindako ekipoen kalteen kostua soilik kobratuko dute, eta hornitzaileak konpondu edo emandako osagarriak kostuaren arabera kalkulatzen dira.