Flexible Control Cable

VERI Cable has more than thirty years of experience in manufacturing flexible control cables. We can offer a lot of câbles de commande pour toi. Including shielded flexible control cable, unshielded flexible control cable, câble d'instrument. Shielded control cables with one or more insulated conductors. Généralement, it has a common conductive layer. Braided strands of copperaluminum or another metal shielding for shielding control wires. It could also be a non-woven helical wrap of copper tape or a layer of conductive polymer.

Types of VERI Flexible Control Cable

Demande maintenant

KVV KVVR KVVRP Flexible Multicore Control Cable

L'utilisation de câbles de commande blindés in security systems provides some protection against power frequency and radio frequency interference. Shielded drain wires can reduce the number of false alarms generated. It can be widely used in areas where heavy equipment is located, such as production or factory floors.

The core of the control cable is copper core, nominal cross-section 2.5mm2 and below, 2 61 noyaux; 4 ~ 6mm2, 2 14 noyaux; 10mm2, 2 10 noyaux. The control cables used in computer systems generally use polyvinyl chloride, polyéthylène, polyéthylène réticulé, and fluoroplastic insulation products.

Pose à l'intérieur, tranchée de câble, pipeline and other fixed places. Signaling control, monitoring and protection circuit lines, electrical instruments, power distribution unit, controlling the use and measurement. (Such as measurement test, signal display, self-test telemetry, computer networking, alarm and other signal transmission control systems).

KVV(KVVP): Complies with GB/T3956 Type 1 and Type 2 Stranded Conductor
KVVR: Complies with GB/T3956 No. 5 stranded conductor
KVV: PVC/A type PVC insulation of rigid structure cable for fixed laying
KVVP: Hard structure cable PVC/A type PVC insulation for fixed laying
KVVR: PVC/D type polyvinyl chloride insulation for flexible structure cables in mobile occasions
Core Structure
Allows to fill the gap between the core wires, facultatif, and the cable is wrapped with an isolation layer (PP tape or non-woven wrap is optional)
KVV(KVVP): hard structure PVC sheathed cable for fixed laying, PVC/ST1 polyvinyl chloride.
KVVR: PVC/ST5 polyvinyl chloride sheath
KVVP: braided round copper wire or tinned round copper wire
Technical Data
Tension nominale
U0/U 450/750V
Tension d'essai
Insulation thickness ≤ 0.6mm: 2000V,
Insulation thickness ≥ 0.6mm: 2500V
External test: 3000V
Rayon de courbure minimum
Installation fixe: 6×D (outer diameter of cable)
Installation mobile: 12×D (outer diameter of cable)

Fixed laying: 12xD (outer diameter of cable)

Installation mobile: 6XD (outer diameter of the cable)
Fixed laying: 12×D (outer diameter of cable)
Température de fonctionnement
Fixed laying: -10℃ to +70℃
Installation mobile: -5°C to +70°C
Radiation resistance
Radiation resistance 8×107cJ/kg

300V 500V Flexible Unshielded Control Cables

The unshielded flexible control cable can work well under mild mechanical stress and is suitable for most environments. It is a general-purpose cable. These unshielded flexible control cables are twisted by ordinary electrolytic thin copper wires with PVC insulation. These unshielded control cables are flexible enough to be installed outdoors as well as indoors in dry or wet conditions such as engineering, factory installation, automotive production, and bottling plants.

It is often used in mobile equipment units, where it is necessary to cycle, to prevent cable entanglement, wear, pull, hook, and scatter, we often put the cable into the drag chain or put it into the hose to protect the cable, and the cable It can also be moved back and forth with the drag chain or hose.


Matériau conducteur
Modified PVC
Matériau isolant
Modified PVC
Nominal voltage
20 années
Temperature range (Occasional flexing)
-15℃ to +70℃
Temperature range(In drag chains)
-5℃ to + 70℃
Temperature range(Installation fixe)
-40℃ to +80℃
Product Features
Oil resistant/Torsion-resistant/Chemical resistance
Rayon de courbure minimum
1. When the stroke is <10 mètres, the bending radius is 8*D
2. When the stroke is >10 mètres, the bending radius is 10*D

Normes et applications

NORMES: CEI60227, CEI60502, CEI60332-3, BS6500

DEMANDES: PVC insulated flexible wire belong to the series of laying electrical wire, which is mainly suitable for laying at fixed places. It is widely used in lighting, connectors of drive, electric equipment, instruments, and telecommunication equipment.

Transport avec service professionnel

Expédition de la commande de câbles ZMS

VERI Cable propose plusieurs façons de protéger vos câbles, avec un emballage d'expédition robuste et professionnel et une assurance tous risques. Avant l'expédition, notre câbles sont conditionnés en bobines de bois et en bobines de carton ondulé. Pendant le transport, pour protéger les extrémités des câbles de l'humidité, nous les scellons avec du ruban adhésif BOPP et non hygroscopique.

Commandes de câbles ZMS emballées dans des fûts personnalisables

S'il y a des problèmes de qualité tels qu'un emballage endommagé et des dommages à la surface du produit sur place lors de la réception des marchandises, si les marchandises sont confirmées comme étant vraies, les marchandises ne correspondent pas à la commande, et les problèmes de qualité rencontrés par le client lors de l'installation, le processus de pose et d'utilisation est confirmé comme étant les problèmes de qualité du produit lui-même, Si la livraison n'est pas conforme aux exigences du contrat, s'il te plaît contactez notre entreprise directement.

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