


Cáblaí Cumhachta agus Fuinneamh Inbhuanaithe a Fhorbairt

An Chéad Córas Cábla Fomhuirí Fáscadh

D'fhógair an Grúpa Prysmian forbairt agus tástáil rathúil ar an gcéad cheann 525 kV córas cábla fáiscthe ghrinneall na farraige le haghaidh feidhmeanna DC ardvoltais.

Le blianta beaga anuas, sustainable energy has been a hot topic and project. Sustainable energy development is worthy of everyone’s attention. So what is the close connection with the cable industry? Let’s take a look at the editor of the ZMS cable company.

According to reports, the breakthrough innovation of this cable technology will increase the maximum transmission capacity of the bipolar system to above 2.5GW, which is more than twice that of the current 320kV DC system.

Tá nasc cábla DC ardvoltais ina phríomhchuid de chórais fuinnimh inbhuanaithe, a úsáidtear chun méid mór leictreachais a tharchur ó chian fhada, a shíneann idir tíortha nó tíortha de ghnáth.

Don chóras cábla fomhuirí nua seo ar leibhéal voltais, úsáideann an chuideachta a chuid eolais ábhartha agus cumais phróisis chun dul i ngleic go rathúil leis an dúshlán chun an próiseas tionsclaíoch iontaofa a bharrfheabhsú le paraiméadair theicniúla dian. Agus dúshlán córais iomlán a sholáthar.

Maidir le Fuinneamh Inbhuanaithe

Tagraíonn fuinneamh inbhuanaithe do sholáthar fuinnimh inbhuanaithe chun freastal ar na riachtanais reatha gan cur isteach ar chumas na nglún atá le teacht freastal ar a gcuid riachtanas. Áirítear fuinneamh in-athnuaite sa teicneolaíocht a chuireann fuinneamh inbhuanaithe chun cinn, mar hidreachumhacht, Fuinneamh Gréine, fuinneamh gaoithe, fuinneamh tonnta, fuinneamh geoiteirmeach, agus fuinneamh taoide. Áiríonn sé freisin teicneolaíocht a bhfuil sé mar aidhm aige éifeachtúlacht úsáide fuinnimh a fheabhsú.

Is fothacar d’fhuinneamh in-athnuaite agus teicneolaíochta é cumhacht glas a sholáthraíonn na tairbhí comhshaoil ​​is airde.

An U.S. Sainmhíníonn an Ghníomhaireacht um Chaomhnú Comhshaoil ​​cumhacht glas mar fhoinse fuinnimh foinsí leictreachais a ghintear le fuinneamh na gréine, gaoth, fuinneamh geoiteirmeach, bithghás, bithghás, fuinneamh bithmhaise, agus acmhainní hidreachumhachta beaga a bhfuil tionchar íseal acu.

De ghnáth ceannaíonn custaiméirí cumhacht glas chun na buntáistí a bhaineann le tionchar comhshaoil ​​agus laghdú a n-astaíochtaí gás ceaptha teasa a sheachaint.

Dá bhrí sin, tá forbairt fuinnimh inbhuanaithe doscartha ó fhorbairt an tionscail cábla cumhachta. Gach fuinneamh na gréine, fuinneamh gaoithe, agus tá rannpháirtíocht cábla ag fuinneamh geoiteirmeach.

1. Cábla Cumhachta Agus Fuinneamh Gréine

Solar energy is the energy (mainly solar energy) from the celestial body outside the earth. It is the huge energy released when the hydrogen atomic nucleus of the solar is released at ultra-high temperature. Most of the energy required by humans comes directly or indirectly from the sun.

The fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas we need in our lives are formed by various plants to transform solar energy into chemical energy that can be stored in plants, agus ansin déanta ag na hainmhithe agus na plandaí faoi thalamh curtha faoi thalamh trí ré fada geolaíochta.


1. Ginearáltaacht, gan srianta réigiúnacha, cibé an talamh nó aigéan é.
2. Díobhálach, ní dhéanfaidh sé truailliú ar an gcomhshaol. Tá sé ar cheann de na fuinneamh is glaine.
3. Go hiontach, is é an méid iomlán an fhoinse fuinnimh is mó ar domhan inniu.
4. Beo, is féidir a rá go bhfuil fuinneamh na gréine do-exhaustible.

For solar photovoltaic cables, chomh fada agus a bhaineann le hiarratais fhótavoltach, ba cheart go mbeadh na hábhair a úsáidtear lasmuigh ultraivialait, ocsaigine, severe changes in temperature, agus creimeadh ceimiceach.
Using low-grade materials under this environmental pressure will cause the cable sheath to be fragile and even break down the cable insulation layer.

2. Power Cable And Wind Energy

Wind power generation is the kinetic energy of the wind to electrical energy.
As clean renewable energy, wind energy is getting more and more attention from countries around the world.

The number is huge, and the global wind energy is about 2.74 × 10^9MW. Ina measc, the available wind energy is 2 × 10^7MW, which is 10 times larger than the total amount of water energy developed on the earth.


1. Clean, good environmental benefits.
2. Renewable, never exhausted, no greenhouse gas emissions.
3. Can be built on land or sea.
4. Low operation and maintenance costs.

Special cables (wind power generation cables) for wind power generation units, in addition to meeting the performance of ordinary cables, must also meet the less curved radius. The basic requirement of frequent reversal is that wind power cables are mostly used in areas with harsh climate conditions.

It is generally used in northern China. The climate is relatively cold and the temperature difference between day and night is large. Dá bhrí sin, wind power wires must also meet the conditions of the use temperature of -45 ° C ~+50 ° C, and the working temperature of -40 ° C ~+50 ° C.

3. Power Cable And Geothermal Energy

Geothermal power generation refers to the use of land thermal energy power generation.

The technologies used include dry steam power plants, flash steam power plants, and dual cycle power plants. Faoi láthair, 24 countries use geothermal energy for power generation, agus 70 countries use land heating.

Geothermal energy is natural heat extracted from the crust. This energy comes from lava inside the earth and exists in the form of heat, which is the energy of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
The temperature inside the earth reaches 7000 céimeanna Celsius, and the depth of 80 chun 100 kilometers drops to 650 chun 1200 céimeanna Celsius.


1. Renewable
2. Broadly distributed
3. Rich reserves
4. Low unit cost

There are many tightly wrapped wires of geothermal cables. The heat conduction is strong, and the heat dissipation is fast, which improves the efficiency of the transformation of electricity into thermal energy and reduces energy loss. Ensure the safety and stability of the heating cable in use.

The superior insulation and moisture-proof performance of the multi-layer insulation layer use durable Teflon insulation layers, which to a greater extent prolong the service life of the cable.

The bronze line or tin-plated copper wire is a weaving radiation shielding net that can eliminate radiation, increase the mechanical strength of the cable, and play a role in grounding.

The rated output power design at the specified length provides consistent and reliable thermal output for easy selection and installation.

A single or multiple heating metal resistance conductor compositions, under the rated voltage, evenly generate calories in the conductor according to the ohm law. The rated power output on the rated length. Applicable to higher maintenance temperature requirements.


The above is about close connections between cables and sustainable energy. With the rapid development of the world, the use of electricity is increasing, and various resources that can be used for sustainable use are being developed.

Cable is a necessary condition for power use, so demand is also increasing year by year.

ZMS cable companies have always paid attention to the development of cables and always insist on providing high-quality cables, cheap quality, thoughtful service, agus táirgí a bhfuil muinín acu tar éis athbhreithniú dian cáilíochta saorga.

ZMS Cable F

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