VERI Cable was established on March 18, 1990, specializing in the manufacturer of power cables, kabel bawah laut, optical fiber cables, cable accessories, and cable products. Seperti armored cables, kabel kontrol, voltage cables, and some spare parts.
VERI Cable Products
Enterprise Basic Situation of VERI Cable
VERI Cables can provide suitable solutions for countless customers. Cable products are widely used in the national grid, cities, railway power transportation, gardu induk, solar power stations, and other fields. With a strong presence in the international market, we export to many countries every year. Products are exported to Australia, Jerman, the United States, the Philippines, Mongolia, Singapore, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, dan sebagainya.
The relentless pursuit of excellence, innovation, and competitiveness is our belief.
Our cable technical team has many experienced engineers. They can meet the needs of any custom project. To ensure the quality of the products, our cable technical team has been producing every product according to strict standards. Selain itu, whether it is the selection of the product supply chain or the inspection of cables before sales, we have always adopted systematic quality inspection. We will strictly control it. VERI Cables offers over 100 series of various power cables based on market trends and personal preferences. To ensure the quality of the cables, we insist on testing our products. We welcome custom designs and sizes. We will do our best to meet your unique requirements.
Our Excellent Service of VERI Cable
Ekspor Pengalaman
Sebagai produsen kabel profesional, produk kabel kami telah diekspor ke banyak negara di masa lalu 30 bertahun-tahun, termasuk Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Spanyol, Inggris, Jerman, Perancis, Rusia, Yunani, Arab Saudi, dll.. Di negara-negara ini, produk kabel kami sangat populer di kalangan pelanggan. Dan setiap tahun, karena kualitas dan pelayanan kami yang baik, kami akan menerima banyak umpan balik yang baik dari pelanggan kami.
Layanan Kabel yang Disesuaikan
Jangkauan layanan khusus kami mencakup desain, ukuran, dan warna permukaan. Banyak warna populer juga tersedia untuk Anda pilih. Kami juga berspesialisasi dalam pelapisan berlebih, Misalnya, kita bisa membuat Polyethylene khusus (PE) dan Poliuretan (PUR) sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Kami dapat memberikan solusi berdasarkan ide Anda. Silakan hubungi kami untuk memberi kami ide Anda.
Standar Pemeriksaan Kualitas yang Ketat
VERI Cable menawarkan beragam kabel daya berdasarkan tren dan preferensi pribadi. Dan kami menyediakan segala jenis kabel listrik, lebih dari 100 seri. Kemudian, untuk memastikan kualitas kabel, kami bersikeras untuk menguji produk kami sesekali.