GYXTC Fiber Optical Cable

In a narrow sense, special optical fiber is different from the international communication standard optical fiber special performance and use of special-purpose optical fiber, its material doping, structural design, process, transmission wavelength, optical properties, mechanical and environmental properties have special characteristics, serving in different industry sectors. In a broad sense, including special optical fiber and communications fiber optic cable and even components belong to the category of special optical fibers (prodotti), used in communications, sensing, energia elettrica, petroleum and petrochemical, industrial and military, e altri campi.


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GYXTC 8S Outdoor Armored Fiber Optic Cable 2/4/12/24 Nucleo

The metal GYXTC8 optical cable is composed of multiple strands of steel wire, and the supporting part is completed by a polyethylene (PE) guaina, forming a figure-8 structure. Corrugated steel tape Armour and PE outer jacket provide crush and bullet resistance properties. The steel wire reinforcement is used as the central reinforcement to improve the tensile strength, and the loose tube and the water-blocking system are surrounded by the surroundings. Impact construction ensures excellent mechanical and environmental performance.

The optical fiber is 250µm, the loose tube is made of high modulus plastic, which is filled with waterproof compound. The center of the cable core is a metal reinforced core, Tubes (e riempitivi) are stranded around the strength member into a compact and round cable core, which is filled with the waterproofing compound to protect it from water ingress. Plastic coated aluminum tape or steel tape is longitudinally wrapped and extruded into a polyethylene sheath to form a cable.With self-supporting messenger wire.

Features of GYXTC8S Optic Fiber:

  1. The central loose tube contains a colloidal compound that protects the cladding fiber.
  2. Corrugated steel tape, double-sided laminated plastic, bonded with PE sheath.
  3. Good mechanical properties and temperature resistance, compression resistance, and flexibility.
  4. Because of its lightweight and small diameter, it is easy to install and operate.

Application of GYXTC8S Optical Cable:

  1. Long distance and local area network (LAN) comunicazioni.

  2. Overhead and conduit/pipe applications.

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GYTC8S Figure 8 Aerial Optical Cable (Strato incagliato)

La struttura del GYTC8S optical cable consiste nell'inserire la fibra ottica da 250μm in un tubo sciolto realizzato in materiale ad alto modulo, e il tubo sciolto è riempito con un composto impermeabile. Il centro del nucleo del cavo è un nucleo di rinforzo metallico (also non-metallic, such as FRP, eccetera.), e il tubo allentato (and filling rope) is twisted around the central reinforcing core to form a compact circular cable core. In the form of longitudinal wrapping, a layer of plastic-coated aluminum tape (APL) is added to the sheath outside the cable core, and finally, a polyethylene sheath is extruded together with the steel strand to make the cross-section “8” shaped.

1. Loose tube style, figure-8 optical fiber cable, Jelly compound, optical fiber cable with metallic central strength member of steel wire
2. Filling compound and waterproof tape armored with corrugated steel tape/AL incorporation steel messenger wire, suitable for overhead installation as pole to pole or pole to premises.
3. High-strength, tracking-resistant sheath
4. Ember, the cable is completed with PE or AT (anti-tracking) guaina esterna.

Features of GYTC8S Optical Cable:

  1. The steel wire strand has extremely high tensile strength, so it is convenient for self-supporting overhead laying and can reduce the installation cost.
  2. Ha buone proprietà meccaniche e caratteristiche di temperatura.
  3. Il materiale del tubo sciolto stesso ha una buona resistenza all'acqua e un'elevata resistenza.
  4. The tube is filled with special ointment, which protects the optical fiber.
  5. The loose tube is filled with special waterproof glue.
  6. The full section of the cable core is filled.
  7. Nastro biadesivo in acciaio plastificato (PSP) moisture-proof layer.


Esperienza di esportazione

Come produttore di cavi professionale, i nostri prodotti via cavo sono stati esportati in molti paesi in passato 30 anni, compresi gli Stati Uniti, Canada, Spagna, UK, Germania, Francia, Russia, Grecia, Arabia Saudita, eccetera. In questi paesi, i nostri prodotti via cavo sono molto apprezzati dai clienti. E ogni anno, a causa della nostra buona qualità e servizio, riceveremmo molti feedback positivi dai nostri clienti.

Servizio via cavo personalizzato

La nostra gamma di servizi personalizzati comprende la progettazione, misurare, e colore della superficie. Sono disponibili anche molti colori popolari tra cui scegliere. Siamo specializzati anche nella sovraguaina, Per esempio, possiamo realizzare polietilene personalizzato (PE) e poliuretano (PUR) in base alle vostre esigenze. Possiamo fornire soluzioni basate sulle vostre idee. Contattaci per darci la tua idea.

Standard rigorosi di controllo qualità

Veri Cable offre un'ampia varietà di cavi di alimentazione in base alle tendenze e alle preferenze personali. E forniamo tutti i tipi di cavi di alimentazione, più di 100 serie. Poi, per garantire la qualità dei cavi, insistiamo nel testare i nostri prodotti di tanto in tanto.

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