Жылаңач жез зымынын ортосунда кандай айырма бар жана жез зымдары?

Scrap Copper Recycling

Жез зым - электр энергетикасы жана электроника дүйнөсүндөгү фундаменталдык компонент, анын мыкты өткөрүмдүүлүгү жана ар тараптуу. Two widely used types of copper wire are bare copper wire and enameled copperRead more

2025 Жаны жылыңар менен!

Жаны жылыңар менен 2025!

Жаңы жылга карата 2025, Zms кабелинин ар бир кардарлары жана өнөктөш жаңы жыл жана эң мыкты! Жаңы жылы деп үмүттөнөбүз, we will have more surprises inRead more

What Industry Cables Are Used in a Rocket Launch from Start to Finish?

The successful launch of a rocket involves one of the most complex engineering feats imaginable, where every system and component must work seamlessly. Among the critical elements ensuring the smooth operation of a rocket launchRead more

What Fiber Optic Materials Are Used to Produce a Fiber Optic Cable?

Optical_Fiber_Cable_Slide structure

Fiber optic cables have become the backbone of modern telecommunications, offering high-speed data transmission over long distances with minimal signal loss. Understanding the materials used in their production is essential for grasping the effectiveness, durability, … Read more

What is the Difference Between Single-Mode and Multimode Fiber Optic Cables?


Fiber optic cables are critical components in modern communication networks, enabling high-speed data transmission over long distances. As businesses and individuals increasingly rely on fast, reliable internet connections, fiber optic technology has emerged as theRead more