HV XLPE Insulated Cable

VERI Cables is a global supplier of a wide range of HV XLPE insulated cable types in stock. We will select the right HV XLPE cables for your project such as power supply, providing a cost-effective and safe maintenance solution.

  • Product qualification ISO9001, ISO 14001, GB/T 28001, etc.
  • Including producing ultra-high voltage cables with rated voltages of up to 500kv.
  • Its insulation material and armor construction can withstand different harsh environments, including humid, acidic, and corrosive environments.
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Hot Models

4 Cores HV XLPE Insulated Cable

Conductor: Smooth round, compacted stranded copper or aluminum conductor.
Bonding Filler: Polypropylene laminate with overlap tape
4 core wire color identification: red, yellow, blue, black
Armoring: Galvanized steel wire over XLPE liner
Standard: IEC 602282

These 4-core high-voltage XLPE cables are best suited for pipeline installations, direct underground burials, power stations, and other industrial installations where mechanical damage is risky.

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High-voltage underground cables

HV XLPE Aluminum Shield Underground Cables

SWA, LSOH, and armored XLPE cables can also be manufactured
Reliable, low cost, easy maintenance, after-sales guarantee
Suitable for buried cables in distribution networks
Conforms to IEC60502.2-2008 IEC 60840-2011 IEC60228 and other quality standards.

Our high voltage underground cables have many advantages over other types of HV XLPE insulated single core cables. Not only do they last longer, but they are also resistant to different harsh environments such as storms or direct sunlight.

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High Voltage Cu 115kV cable

HV 2XS(F)2Y, A2XS(F)2Y 110kV Electric Cable

Conductor: Classis 2 copper or aluminum conductor, compacted or segment strand Milliken
Conductor Screen: Extruded semi-conductive XLPE
Insulation: XLPE
Separator: Water swellable semi-conductive tape
Screen: Copper wire screen, with a counter helix of copper tape

STANDARDS: IEC 60840, HRN HD 632, IEC/EN 60228

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high voltage 2XS(FL)2Y HDPE cable

HV 2XS(FL)2Y HDPE 76/132kV XLPE Cable

Conductor: Copper conductor (optional watertightness – WTC)
Conductor Screen: Semi-conductive screen extruded on the phase conductor
Insulation: XLPE
Insulation Screen: Semi-conductive screen extruded on insulation
Wrapping: Semi-conductive water swelling tape
Tape: Longitudinally applied aluminium tape coated with PE copolymer
Sheath: HDPE (High Density Polyethylene)

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XLPE High Voltage Cable Application

High voltage cable installation
High voltage cable transformer
High-voltage cable conduit laying

110kv High Voltage XLPE Insulated Power Cable for distribution networks; also for connection to generation units and plant and process connection. For installation on the ground, in water outdoors, indoors, and in cable ducts for power stations, industry, and distribution networks. The water-blocking tape avoids water propagation inside the cable.

In some specific applications, XLPE insulation will be better suited than PVC for voltage ranges from low voltage to ultra-high voltage.

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De VERI Cable Post-Sales Service

ZMS Cable Order Shipment
Shipboard transportation of cables

Primum, Product Quality Commitment:

  1. Sunt qualitates monumentorum et probatio notitiarum omnium fabricandi et probatio cable products.
  2. Ad inspectionem operis perficientur, sincere invitamus utentes ad inspiciendum totum processum et effectum operis in persona. Post productum confirmatus est esse idoneus, ut sit amet ac packaged.

Secundus, in productum pretium commitment:

  1. Ut in elit elementum accumsan magna, the material selection of the system is made of domestic or high-quality products.
  2. Sub eisdem conditionibus competitive, comitatu nostro sincere providebit tibi parabilis pretium sine reductione technicae operationis productum vel mutando productum components.
  3. Partus tempus commitment:

tertia, Partus tempus productum:

Quantum fieri potest secundum user requisita, si peculiaria requiruntur quae in antecessum perfici debent, nostra societas potest specialiter organize productionem et institutionem, contendunt ad user necessitates.

Quartum, Post-Sales officium commitment:

  1. Service tenet: ieiunium, decretorium, accurate, animo ac diligenti.
  2. Service aliquip: qualis muneris ut vincere mos satisfactio.
  3. Service efficientiam: Si defecerit in instrumento ad tempus warantum vel extra tempus warantum, Post elit notificabitur, ad sustentationem personas potest pervenire ad locum ac satus sustentationem intus 24 horae.
  4. Ministerium principium: Tempus cinematographicae praestat tempus duodecim mensuum. Per tempus praestat, in elit reparare et reparare partes quassatas ob causas qualitatis gratis. Si partes laeduntur extra tempus warantum, et provisum accessiones modo arguere sumptus de apparatu damnum fecit ab humanis factoribus emptoris, et accessiones reparatae vel provisae a supplemento computatae sunt.

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