MICC Mineral Insulated Cables

Mineral Insulated Cables also known as mineral insulated copper clad cable. It is a cable with annealed copper as the conductor, dense magnesium oxide as the insulation and annealed copper tube as the sheath. If necessary, a plastic outer jacket is extruded into the annealed copper sheath. Special requirements are smoke-free and halogen-free occasions. Low smoke and halogen free sheath can be added to the outside.
VERI Cable ProduceFire protection, high current-carrying capacity, resistance to mechanical damage, halogen-free and non-toxic, explosion-proof, водоотпорен, corrosion-resistant, long service life, high temperature resistance, ниска цена, small bending radius, termite and rodent bites, protection of the grounding wire, and other copper protection features.

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Types of Mineral Insulated Cable

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BBTRZ Fire-Proof Mineral Insulated 4 Cores Cable

BBTRZ is a flexible mineral insulated cable, commonly known as fireproof cable. It can withstand burning for 3 hours at a flame temperature of 950 degrees and a voltage of 1000V without breakdown. BBTRZ cable is the second generation product of mineral cable. In addition to the advantages of fire protection, explosion proof, temperature resistance and large carrying capacity of the first generation rigid (hard) mineral cable, It also has many unique features.

  • High purified oxygen-free copper
  • Low resistance high conductivity
  • Safety assurance
  • Meet various standards
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3mm 6mm Mineral Insulated Thermocouple Wire

Mineral insulation is used to insulate thermocouple wires from each other and from the surrounding metal probe sheath. The sheath is filled with a highly compacted magnesium oxide powder that prevents the wires from coming into contact with each other beyond the fixed junction. The high density of the mineral powder gives the thermocouple fast response because it promotes rapid heat transfer between the wires and the sheath. Mineral insulation also helps protect thermocouple wires from environmental damage such as corrosion, prevents electrical interference, and allows the cable to remain flexible while maintaining its mechanical strength.

Type K mineral insulated thermocouples (Nichrome/Nickel Aluminum) are the most common type of thermocouple, offering accuracy and flexibility over a wide range of temperatures.

Cable Construction Specifications:

Conductor material
NiCr-NiSi, NiCrSi-NiSi, NiCr-Konstantan, Fe-Konstantan, Cu-Konstantan
Основен број
2, 4 или 6 јадра
Материјал за обвивка
SS321(SS304), SS316, SS310, INCL600
99.6% MgO со висока чистота
from 0.25mm to 12.7mm
connecting with thermocouple and instrument machine
Working temperature (deg)
Long Term
Short Term
±1.5 deg
МК/Т 2614-1998
±2.5 deg
±1.5 deg
МК/Т 4993-1998
±2.5 deg
±1.5 deg
МК/Т 4994-1998
±2.5 deg
±0.5 deg
МК/Т 2903-1998

Cable Application Parameters:

VERI Mineral Insulated Cables Advantages

  • 99.9% Oxygen-Free Copper
    1 Refined pure oxygen-free copper, low resistance
    2 Good electrical conductivity, safe and power saving
  • Low Eccentricity
    1 Uniform thickness, prevent breakdown
    2 Safety guarantee
  • Complete Specifications
    1 Complete specifications complete product models
    2 Can be tailored to meet your needs
  • Excellent Fire Resistance
    VERI MICC fire resistance not only meets the requirements of GB/T 19216 (750°C/90 min) but also meets the requirements of BS6387.
    Such as pure fire (950°C, 180 min), water spray fire resistance test (pure fire 650°C, 15 min and 650°C water spray 15 min), and mechanical impact fire resistance test (950°C, 15 min).

And we have a wide range of mineral insulated cable models. На пример, YJV 1 core, YJV 2 јадра, YJV 4+1 јадра, YJV 3+1 јадра, YJV 4 јадра, YJV 5 јадра, итн. Please feel free to send us an inquiry.

Main Application Places of MICC Cables

  • Public Buildings: Public entertainment venues, high-rise buildings, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools, large shopping malls, stations, airports, ports, and other places with a large flow of people.
  • High-Temperature Places: Micc cable is used for transmission and distribution lines in the metallurgical industry, coke industry, shipbuilding factory, steel industry, glass industry, and other high-temperature occasions.
  • Dangerous Places: Petrochemical industry, oil refinery, gas station, paint, and paint industry, chemical industry, nuclear power plant, natural gas, рударството, and other places.
  • Underground Places: Subways, underground warehouses, tunnels, underground squares, итн.

Најчесто поставувани прашања

What is the maximum operating temperature of mineral insulated cables?

Fireproof Mineral Insulated Cables manufactured by VERI Cables have a maximum continuous operating temperature of 250°C and an extreme instantaneous operating temperature of 1,000°C while maintaining their excellent fire and heat resistance. If you are inquiring about micc cables for special applications (nuclear power plants, steel mills, etc.), our technical team will customize the right cable solution for your project order.

Која е минималната количина на нарачка?

Типично, минималната количина на нарачка за сите кабли поддржани од VERI Cables е 500 метри, поради фактот што тежината на некои кабли, дури и во мали количини, може да биде многу висока и може да доведе до нарушување на транспортните трошоци. Затоа препорачуваме да изберете да купувате локално за нарачки на кабли помали од 500 метри. Сè уште можете да ни го испратите вашето барање за високонапонски кабел.

Како да комуницирам со тебе?

On VERI Cable's website, можете да не контактирате преку полето за прашања, е-пошта (sales@vericable.com), WhatsApp (+86 17303836349). Ние, исто така, поддржуваме видео конференција со нашите клиенти и им посакуваме добредојде да не посетат.

Related Accessories For MICC Mineral Insulated Cables

MICC Cable Termination

An intact end installed at the end of a mineral insulated cable, usually including a cap and a stuffing box or a combined end/stuffing box. Each cable requires a terminal.

Ground Lug

When the copper sheath of the cable is used for grounding or the grounding of other electrical equipment connected with the copper sheath of the cable, a grounding sheet is required.

Terminal Blocks

Used to connect conductors and control cabinet terminals or power supplies. It is composed of a press-fit nut, a press-fit oblique block, and a terminal body. There are two types of terminal blocks. One is the press-fit terminal block, which is suitable for connecting cables above 35mm2. Второ, the crimping terminal is suitable for the connection of 6-25mm2 cables. Small size cables 4mm2 and below can be without terminal blocks.

Intermediate Connector Accessories

When the cable length is not long enough, it is necessary to use the intermediate connector accessory. It is a device that connects two cables of the same specification into one cable. Cable does not need, heat shrinkable tubing, intermediate connecting terminal, fireproof porcelain column.

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Нашите професионални услуги

Сертификација за квалитет
Производите произведени од VERI Cables се во согласност со меѓународните стандарди како GB, IEC, БС, NFC, ASTM, ОД, итн. Згора на тоа, нашиот технички тим може да обезбеди услуги за прилагодување на кабелот за вашите потреби.

Следење на клиенти
ВЕРИ обезбедува бесплатни професионални консултантски услуги за кабел, услуги за едношалтерски решенија за проекти, и решенија за брза испорака на производи.

Професионален превоз
Кабли ВЕРИ’ почетната цел е да се обезбеди брза и сигурна испорака на производите, а истовремено да се обезбедат најдобри решенија за пакување и транспорт за да се намалат клиентите’ трошоците за превоз во голема мера.

Пакување со кабли
Амбалажата за кабли ВЕРИ се испорачува во дрвени макари, брановидни кутии, и намотки. Краевите се запечатени со самолеплива лента BOPP и нехигроскопски капачиња за запечатување за заштита на краевите на кабелот од влага. Ние можеме да го испечатиме потребното лого од надворешната страна на барабаните со водоотпорен материјал по барање на купувачот.

    Ве молиме слободно дајте го вашето барање во формата подолу.





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