


Дэлхийн цахилгаан тээврийн хэрэгслийн цэнэглэгч кабель жилийн нийлмэл хурдаар өсөх болно 29.8% Ирэх таван жилийн хугацаанд

Олон улсын зах зээлийн судалгааны "Markets and Markets" компанийн мэдээлснээр, Дэлхийн цахилгаан тээврийн хэрэгслийн цэнэглэгч кабелийн зах зээлийн эрэлт 2.453 тэрбум долларт хүрнэ 2027, -ийн CAGR-д өсч байна 29.8% during this period.

Factors such as increasing sales of electric vehicles, the rapid development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, government policies and subsidies, and rising fossil fuel prices will drive the growth of this market. In terms of market segmentation, private charging will hold a larger share during the forecast period.

With increasing sales of electric vehicles, most vehicle owners prefer private (home) charging as it is both convenient and inexpensive. Private charging stations are installed in home garages or outdoor locations.

The private charging segment will therefore continue to grow at a significant rate over the forecast period, as the number of electric vehicle users in these countries is expected to continue to grow rapidly. Most electric vehicle users have the option of installing a home charger when they purchase an electric vehicle. Үр дүнд нь, demand for this type of charging cable is expected to increase as the number of electric vehicles increases.

In terms of charging cable types, there are mainly straight cables and coiled cables. Coiled cables are the most suitable for these private charging stations as they require less space and are easy to handle. These cables reduce the complexity and cost of private charging stations. Outdoor installations require outdoor-rated charging equipment. Home charging stations, нөгөө талаас, require a dedicated circuit.

Гэсэн хэдий ч, when multiple stations are located within a short distance, straight cables are often used. Эдгээр кабель are cheaper than coiled cables but less durable. As most charging stations are equipped with Type 1 (J1772) холбогч, straight cables are often used for charging electric vehicles.

Charging cables must have a small diameter to facilitate handling, but this can also expose them to excessive heat. Тиймээс эдгээр кабель нь шингэн хөргөлтийн системээр тоноглогдсон байдаг.

Ази Номхон далайн бүс нутаг нь урьдчилсан хугацаанд шулуун кабелийн хамгийн том зах зээл байх төлөвтэй байна. Бүс нутгийн ихэнх улс орнууд зардалд мэдрэмтгий зах зээл юм. Салбарын мэргэжилтнүүдийн хэлж байгаагаар, шулуун кабель хүртэл байж болно 30% ороомог кабелиас хямд. Урьд нь, зардлын хувьд, шулуун кабель нь ороомогтой кабелиас илүү сайн байдаг.

Бүхэлд нь, Ази, Номхон далайн цахилгаан тээврийн хэрэгслийн цэнэглэгч кабелийн хамгийн том зах зээл болох төлөвтэй байна. The Asia Pacific region is home to some of the world’s fastest-growing economies, such as China and India, which are emphasising the rapid adoption of electric vehicles.

Нэмж хэлэхэд, governments in these emerging economies have recognized the growth potential of the global EV market and have therefore taken various initiatives to attract major OEMs to manufacture EV charging infrastructure in their domestic markets. Дараа нь, Энэ бүс нь урьдчилсан хугацаанд EV цэнэглэх кабелийн хамгийн том зах зээл хэвээр байх төлөвтэй байна, өндөр борлуулалтын хэмжээ болон EV-ийн дэд бүтцийн зардал зэргийг харгалзан үзвэл.

ZMS кабель F

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