To all customers and partners,
Саяхан, there has been sufficient evidence that other companies and persons have been using ZMS Cable’s trademark and name to engage in commercial activities, and the specific actions include, but are not limited to, sending customers false documents and emails about ZMS Cable’s acquisition, merger and acquisition, болон directing/allegedly defrauding customers to make payments to accounts that are not owned by ZMS Cable. This is a serious infringement of ZMS Cable’s commercial rights and poses a trade risk to its customers.
Hereby, ZMS Cable issues a solemn statement:
Announcement: Thбайна company is not related to ZMS кабель, any proof of a company related to ZMS Cable is a false document.
Information sent through these people’s business cards and mailboxes after June 2024 contains a large number of inaccuracies.↓
翟景飞(Roy Zhai)
孔梦娟(Mia Kong)
张梦媛(Maggie Zhang)
郭露露(Luke Guo)
ZMS Cable has always been committed to providing high-quality cables and services to our global customers in return for their trust in us. We really apologise for any inconvenience this incident may have caused you and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the ZMS Public Relations Department:
All the best,
General Manager:Heng Ren
Henan ZMS Cable lmport and Export Co.,Ltd.
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