


Никелийн дэлхийн эрэлт ойрын хугацаанд өсөх төлөвтэй байна 30 Он жилүүд

Никелийн нөөц дэлхийд элбэг бөгөөд нөөцийн тархалт харьцангуй төвлөрсөн байдаг.. Nickel is a silver-white

2 years ago

Кабелийн хамгийн бүрэн тайлбарын талаархи үндсэн мэдлэг

Кабелийн тухай үндсэн мэдлэг маш их, маш төвөгтэй. Өнөөдөр, Би заримыг нь нийлүүлсэн, I hope to help

2 years ago

Цахилгаан кабель гэж юу вэ?

Define Цахилгаан кабель нь цахилгаан эрчим хүчийг дамжуулах, түгээхэд ашиглагддаг. Power cable are often used in urban underground power

2 years ago

Ашигт малтмалын тусгаарлагчтай кабелийн талаархи мэдлэгийн хураангуй

What is mineral insulated cable? Mineral insulated cable is a kind of cable with copper sheath wrapped copper conductor core,…

2 years ago

What is Environmental Protection Cable?

Environmental protection cable refers to the cable does not contain lead, кадми, зургаан валент хром, mercury and other heavy metals, does

2 years ago

Future Development Prospects of Global Power Battery Recycling Market

Analysis of the global power battery recycling industry Power battery recycling is a global focus. It is not only the

2 years ago

Will French Lithium Become a Major Contributor to Battery Materials for Electric Vehicles in Europe?

French mining companies plan to develop lithium deposits in central France Lithium ore is a very important resource. Plans to develop

2 years ago

Brief Discussion on Prolonging Cable Service Life Method

The service life of cables is an inevitable problem in the use of cables. The popularity of electricity has been

2 years ago

Analysis of the Importance of Submarine Cables from the Norwegian Submarine Cable Rupture Event

Submarine cable breaks in Norway The submarine cable is composed of polyethylene layer, polyester resin, хөнгөн цагаан хоолой, paraffin fiber bundle

2 years ago

Телеком Египет нь Африкийн шумбагч онгоцны кабелийн 2 системд нэвтрэх болно

Telecom Egypt and AquaComms have signed an agreement covering the landing and services of Egypt's 2Africa fiber optic system, аль…

3 years ago