Kev Txhais Lus



Yog Optical Hybrid Cable ib fiber optical fiber los yog ib cable?

Optical hybrid cable yog ib daim ntawv hybrid ntawm cable uas integrates fiber optics thiab conductive tooj liab wires, Uas yuav daws tau cov teeb meem ntawm cov ntaub ntawv transmission thiab ntaus hwj huam mov tib lub sijhawm nrog ib zaug xwb cable.

Nyob rau hauv campus tes hauj lwm loj, fiber optic hybrid cables mas siv los ua kom tiav qhov zoo sib xws ntawm cov hloov thiab cov AP los yog tej thaj chaw deb module, siv ib zaug xwb cable Ib txhij kiag li cov ntaub ntawv transmission ntawm lub AP los yog tej thaj chaw deb module thiab PoE hwj huam mov.

Raws li WLAN tshuab evolves rau Wi-nkaus 6 thiab yav tom ntej Wi-nkaus 7, tsoos twisted khub cables tsis tau txhawb lub sij hawm ntev evolution ntawm bandwidth. Fiber optics tsis daws tau qhov teeb meem ntawm PoE hwj huam mov, Li ntawd, cov optoelectronic hybrid cable tshuaj yug.

Tus yug ntawm Optical Hybrid Cable

Lub lag luam ntawm network cov kev pab feem ntau yuav tsum tau tias cov khoom los ntawm lub cable daws ob nam ntawm qhov teeb meem: Lub hwj huam mov ntawm cov khoom nws tus kheej thiab cov transmission ntawm cov ntaub ntawv.

tiam sis, Muaj ib co li uas kuj complex installation tej chaw, Xws li WLAN APs, 5G me puag noj, yees duab yoos koob yees duab, li ntawd, thiab thiaj li. Nws tsis yooj yim mus nrhiav suitable hwj huam sockets nyob ib ncig ntawm qhov chaw nruab nrab ntawm cov li lawm, Thiab nws yog yooj yim muab hwj huam rau cov li lawm.

Nyob rau hauv tej scenarios, Nws feem ntau vam tias ib cable yuav ib txhij daws qhov teeb meem ntawm cov khoom siv fais fab mov thiab cov ntaub ntawv transmission.

Nyob rau hauv cov kev sib txuas lus cable, Raws li cov tawm txawv yuav muab faib ua optical fiber li tus transmission nruab nrab ntawm optical cable thiab tooj liab Raws li tus transmission nruab nrab ntawm tooj cable.

Optical fiber siv cov thawj xibfwb ntawm tag nrho cov kev cuam tshuam ntawm lub teeb rau cov ntaub ntawv transmission, Uas muaj qhov kom zoo dua cov bandwidth loj bandwidth, tsis tshua muaj, thiab nyob deb li cas.

tiam sis, Cov khoom ntawm optical fiber yog iav fiber ntau, Nws yog ib qho hluav taws xob insulator thiab tsis tau txhawb ib POE hwj huam mov.

Thiab tooj hlau hlau siv hlau li tus transmission nruab nrab, uas utilizes lub electromagnetic yoj txhooj rau cov ntaub ntawv transmission.

Tooj liab hlau yuav transmit ob cov ntaub ntawv teeb liab thiab hwj huam teeb liab.

tiam sis, Nws muaj nws ib tug nyhuv thermal nyhuv hauv txoj kev transmission, Li ntawd, cov tsis loj thiab tsis tsim nyog rau cov ntaub ntawv ntev transmission.

Nyob rau hauv lub network integrated wiring specification, yuav tsum tau ua kom tseeb, Tag nrho ntev ntawm qhov txuas twisted khub cable yuav tsis tshaj 100 meters.

Rau lub neej yav tom ntej, Qhov xav tau ib cable nyob rau hauv kev them nyiaj yug ntawm lub sij hawm ntev evolution ntawm bandwidth tib lub sijhawm los daws qhov teeb meem ntawm PoE hwj huam mov, thiab Photoelectric hybrid cable yog ib cov tshuaj tsim nyog.

Optical hybrid cable yog tus optical fiber thiab tooj hlau integrated rau hauv ib cable, Nws siv optical fiber los transmit cov ntaub ntawv signals, siv tooj liab hlau los transmit fais fab tuag, noj qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm ob lub ntiaj teb.

Ob leeg yuav ua kom tiav cov ntaub ntawv high-speed transmission, tiam sis kuj yuav ua kom tiav cov khoom siv ntev-nyob deb li cas mov.

Tus ntoo khaub lig-seem ntawm lub hybrid fiber optic cable yog muaj nyob rau hauv daim duab hauv qab no.

Lub complexity ntawm tus qauv cable yuav pom nyob rau hauv cov ntoo khaub lig-seem saib ntawm ib optoelectronics hybrid cable.

Nws integrates optical fiber thiab tooj liab conductors rau hauv ib zaug xwb cable thiab xyuas kom meej tias optical thiab hluav taws xob teeb liab tsis cuam tshuam nrog sib thaum transmission los ntawm cov lug thiab tiv thaiv txheej txheem tsim.

Nws yog suitable rau txhua hom network lub nruab hauv lub integrated wiring, thiab yuav txo tau qhov siv thiab network siv cov nqi, mus cuag lub hom phiaj ntawm ib kab ntawm tej hom phiaj multi-purpose.

Siv Hybrid Fiber Optic Cable

Nyob rau hauv lub campus network, Tus hybrid fiber optic cable mas siv rau qhov zoo sib xws ntawm switches thiab APs los yog tej thaj chaw deb modules.

Rau qhov zoo sib txuas ntawm switches thiab APs, Cov tshuaj no yog los siv twisted khub cables, Uas yuav ua kom tiav ob cov ntaub ntawv transmission thiab PoE hwj huam mov rau APs.

tiam sis, Nrog lub evolution ntawm Wi-nkaus tshuab, Qhov yuav tsum tau no cable ntawm tus hloov thiab AP yuav tau txais ntau dua thiab yooj yim dua.

particular, lub neej yav tom ntej-oriented Wi-nkaus 7 Tshuab yuav tsum tau no cable rau simultaneously daws qhov teeb meem ntawm high-speed cov ntaub ntawv transmission thiab long-distance PoE fais fab mov.

Saib raws bandwidth, Wi-nkaus 6 txheej txheem, Tam sim no yog commercialized rau ib teev loj, Yuav tsum tau tias cov bandwidth ntawm no cable mus txog 10 Gbit/s; Lub neej yav tom ntej Wi-nkaus 7 Txheem yuav tsum tau tias cov bandwidth ntawm no cable mus txog 40 Gbit/s.

Saib raws PoE hwj huam mov, Ntau APs muaj ntsia hauv kuj complex tej chaw thiab yuav tsum tau ntau tshaj 100 meters ntawm PoE fais fab tuag.

Piv txwv, Tej chaw ntau pob yuav tsum tau 300 meters los txawm nyob deb li cas PoE hwj huam mov.

Cov tsoos twisted-khub hwj huam mov nyob deb li cas xwb 100 meters, thiab yuav tsis ntsib tus thov.

Yog li ntawd, vim, hybrid fiber optic cables yog cov tshuaj zoo tagnrho rau connecting switches thiab APs.

Optical Hybrid Cable Applications

Rau qhov zoo sib txuas ntawm qhov hloov thiab tej thaj chaw deb module, Yog ib tug twisted khub cable siv, Yuav kis tau tus kab mob no xwb thiaj li yuav kis tau tus kab mob no xwb 100 meters. Nyob rau hauv lub tsev so, kev kho mob, kev kawm ntawv, thiab lwm scenarios, 100 meters tsis txaus.

Yog hais tias koj siv fiber optics, Koj yuav tsum muab hwj huam rau tej thaj chaw deb module nyias, uas theem ntxiv fais fab deployment thiab tswj cov nqi.

Yog hais tias tej thaj chaw deb module yog txuas nrog siv ib optoelectronic hybrid cable, Nws yuav ib txhij twb paub lawm long-distance POE hwj huam mov thiab high-speed ntaub ntawv transmission. ntxiv thiab, qhov no, Qhov chaw nruab nrab ntawm tej thaj chaw deb module tsis tau confined rau lub hwj huam tsis muaj zog tab sis yuav tau rho ncaj qha mus rau tus neeg siv desktop, Uas heev txuag wiring thiab tswj cov nqi.

Qauv thiab txhooj ntawm Optical Hybrid Cable

Optical hybrid cable integrates optical fiber thiab tooj hlau hlau rau hauv ib cable, Uas cov fiber optical fiber tsuas yog lub luag hauj lwm rau cov transmission ntawm cov ntaub ntawv teeb liab.

Tus tooj hlau hlau no tsuas lub luag hauj lwm rau lub transmission ntawm cov hwjchim signals kom ib hybrid fiber optic cable yuav siv los transmit cov ntaub ntawv thiab PoE fais fab rau lub AP tib lub sijhawm.

Vim li cas yog cov hybrid cable tau txhawb lub sij hawm ntev evolution ntawm bandwidth thiab long-distance PoE fais fab mov, Thaum twisted khub los yog optical fiber yuav tsis?

Cov Ntaub Ntawv Teeb Liab Transmission

Ua ntej no, Nyob rau hauv ib qho optoelectronic hybrid cable, Cov ntaub ntawv teeb liab yog kis dua fiber optics.

Qhov no tso cai rau koj coj kom zoo dua fiber optic sib txuas lus thiab ntsib lub sij hawm ntev evolution ntawm bandwidth thiab nyob deb li cas.

Twisted khub cable siv tooj liab hlau li tus transmission nruab nrab, Ces cov ntaub ntawv teeb liab yuav cuam tshuam dab tsi los kuj thiab muaj peev xwm thaum transmitted rau lub tooj liab hlau, Uas yuav inevitably ua rau attenuation thiab distortion ntawm cov ntaub ntawv teeb liab.

Attenuation thiab cable ntev muaj ib txoj kev sib raug zoo nrog lub cable, raws li qhov ntev tshaj 50, Lub teeb liab ntawmtenuation kuj nce.

Thaum lub teeb liab attenuation los yog distortion mus txog ib theem, Nws yuav ua rau kom muaj kev sib kis tau ntawm lub teeb liab.

Yog li ntawd, vim, Nyob rau hauv lub network integrated wiring specification, Nws yuav tsum tau tias tus nyob deb li cas ntawm twisted-khub cabling yuav tsum tsis tshaj 90 meters, thiab tag nrho qhov txuas ntxiv mus yuav tsum tsis txhob tshaj 100 meters.

Fiber optic sib txuas lus utilizes tus thawj xibfwb ntawm tag nrho reflection ntawm lub teeb, Uas rooj plaub no tsis muaj zog vim hais tias cov nyhuv thermal nyhuv ntawm cov nyhuv tam sim no.

Tib lub sijhawm, Yog tsis muaj teeb liab crosstalk vim electromagnetic induction.

Yog li ntawd, vim, Tsi fiber optic sib txuas lus yog me me, thiab tus transmission nyob deb li cas thiab bandwidth yuav zoo tuaj.

Yam zoo rau transmission nyob deb li cas

thib ob, Nyob rau hauv cov optoelectronic hybrid cable, Tus cwjpwm tooj yog tsuas lub luag hauj lwm rau transmitting fais fab tuag, thiab nws yog ncaj qha mus tam sim no, Li ntawd, tus transmission nyob deb li cas kuj ntev.

Raws li qhov kev kuaj ntawd, Tom qab lub hwj huam mov nyob deb li cas mus txog 300 meters, Lub hwj huam mov fais fab ntawm 60W yeej tseem yuav guaranteed.

Tab sis cov tooj liab hlau tom qab tag nrho muaj ib tug kuj, Txoj kev transmission yuav tseem ua rau muaj teebmeem, thiab yuav muaj zog attenuation.

Yog li ntawd, vim, txawm tias dc teeb liab, Nws kis tau tus kab mob no tseem txwv.

Ua li no, Tus transmission nyob deb li cas ntawm lub hybrid fiber optic cable yog txiav txim tau los ntawm cov DC teeb liab transmission nyob deb li cas ntawm tus tooj liab hlau.

yav tom ntej, nrog rau txoj kev txhim kho tshuab thiab txheej txheem, tej zaum yuav mus cuag tau 1000 meters los yog ntau tshaj.

Tej tus nyob deb li cas yuav twb ntsib qhov xav tau feem ntau scenarios ntawm long-distance PoE fais fab mov.

Evolution ntawm Optical Hybrid Cable

Raws li qhov txawv hauv interface hom, hybrid fiber optic cables tau ncaim ntawm lub evolution ntawm tus thawj thiab ob tiam.

Tus interface ntawm tus thawj-tiam hybrid fiber optic cable (Fiber Optic Hybrid Cable 1.0) yog optoelectronically muab cais, Thiab cov interface ntawm tus thib ob-tiam hybrid fiber optic cable (Fiber Optic Hybrid Cable 2.0) yog optoelectronically united.

Qhov no yog muaj nyob rau hauv daim duab hauv qab no.

Comparison ntawm Optical Hybrid Cable 2.0 Thiab 1.0

Txawv hauv siv ntawm tus thawj thiab ob tiam ntawm fiber optic hybrid cables

Thawj tiam ntawm hybrid fiber optic cable yuav tsum tau ib qhov chaw nres nkoj optical chaw nres nkoj thiab ib hluav taws xob chaw nres nkoj mus cuag tus ntaus ntawv.

Qhov chaw nres nkoj optical siv zoo tib yam coj mus muag-qib optical modules thiab zoo tib yam LC connector fiber, thiab cov hluav taws xob chaw nres nkoj siv RJ45 connectors. Qhov chaw nres nkoj optical yog siv rau cov ntaub ntawv transmission thiab cov hluav taws xob chaw nres nkoj yog siv rau PoE hwj huam mov.

Tus thib ob-tiam optical hybrid cable connects rau tus ntaus ntawv thiab tsuas yuav siv sij hawm li ib optical hybrid interface. Tus mating yog ua nrog ib Optical Hybrid Optical Module thiab PDLC connector pigtails los yog patch cords.

Tus Optical Hybrid interface yuav siv tau rau ob cov ntaub ntawv transmission thiab PoE fais fab tuag.

Qhov txawv ntawm Optical Hybrid Cable 1 Thiab 2

Piv rau Optical Hybrid Cable 1.0, Qhov biggest hloov hauv Optical Hybrid Cable 2.0 Yog tias cov Optical Hybrid Switch chaw nres nkoj muaj tau hloov ntawm ib optoelectronic sib cais rau ib optoelectronic integration.

Tus optimization ntawm tus qauv ntawm lub hybrid cable ua tus fusion thiab siv cov cable yooj yim, Thiab tib lub sijhawm doubles cov density ntawm cov optical thiab hluav taws xob ports. ZMS Cable ntseeg hais tias yav tom ntej, hybrid cable 2.0 Yuav ua tus mainstream ntawm optical hybrid cable.

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