Na vasta paisagem da engenharia elétrica, cabos de instrumentação são heróis anônimos, enabling the seamless transmission of signals…
O cabo híbrido óptico é uma forma híbrida de cabo que integra fibra óptica e fios de cobre condutores, which can solve…
The U.S. island of Maui, Hawaii, ignited a fire on August 8th. As of the evening of the 28th local…
You're no stranger to cables. Even if you don't work in the electrical industry, you've seen a wide variety of…
High-voltage cables usually refer to transmission lines that carry voltages above 10kV. According to GB/T 2900.50-2008, definition 2.1, high voltage…
The service life of cables is an inevitable problem in the use of cables. The popularity of electricity has been…
O que é isolamento? O isolamento do cabo é uma parte importante de qualquer cabo. It is made of a non-conductive material…