Airport Lighting Cable

Suppliers of airport lighting cables

Airport lighting cable, also known as a Type C airport cable, is a specific type of industrial cable used in airports to sustain runways. Kábel VERI is a professional exporter of airfield lighting cables and special cables in China. Airfield lighting cables from VERI Cables are the backbone of an efficient runway and taxiway lighting system that ensures safe takeoffs and landings in all weather conditions. The cables are also designed to strictly comply with international aviation standards in all regions, providing excellent reliability, durability and performance.

Our airport lighting cables are manufactured to international standards with FAA, AC 150/5345-7E, and ICEA standards. The conductors of airport lighting cables are copper and aluminum.

Types of Airport Lighting Cables for Aviation System

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5kV Lighting Cables

Airport Lighting Cable 5 kV is used for power transmission from the power generator to the lighting and guiding light. In lighting system of the airport, is buried directly in the ground or installed in a duct buried in the ground, rated voltage of 5 kV.

Dirigent: Stranded bare or tinned copper.
Inner Semi-Conductor: Extruded semi-conducting compound.
Izolácia: XLPE.
Outer Semi-Conductor: Semi-conducting tape or extruded.
Shield: Copper or brass tape(s). Tinned copper wire braid can be offered upon request.
Plášť: PVC. PE/XLPE can be offered upon request.

Dimensions and Weight


Nie. of Strand

Nominal Insulation Thickness

Nominal Overall Diameter

Nominal Weight

Nie. x mm^2/ AWG

























Menovité napätie: 5 kV
Test voltage: 18 kV AC (5 minutes)
The maximum conductor temperature for normal operation is 90ºC
The maximum conductor temperature for short-circuit (5s maximum duration) is 250ºC
Continuous working current up to 20 A
Minimum bending radius: 9 x D (D: cable diameter)


FAA L-824 Type CANSI/NEMA WC 74/ICEA S-93-639-2012

Airfield lighting cable with shielded
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8kV Primary Cables

ÚDAJE airport lighting cables can be found in terminals and in airports all over the world. These cables are suitable for operation at 600v or 5kv in wet or dry locations. Conductors shall be annealed copper. The insulation layer of cables with different voltages is different.

Napríklad, the insulation layer of 600v cable should be a black cross-linked polyethylene insulation layer that is wear-resistant, moisture-proof and heat-resistant. The 5kv cable shall have a 20 mil extruded XLPE conductor shield. The voltage of 5kv cables should have cross-linked polyethylene that is abrasion, moisture, heat and track resistant.

ŠTANDARDY&LITERATÚRA:IEC 60502, IEC 332-3, IEC 60228, FAA AC 1 50/5345-7E

  • Materiál vodiča: Bare or tinned copper
  • Typ vodiča: Stranded
  • Izolačný materiál: Ethylene Propylene Rubber(EPR)
  • Shield: Tinned copper tape
  • Farba: Green/Blue/Red/Grey/Black or as your requirements
  • Napätie: 8kv


Specifically designed for airport security and airport systems, airport ground lighting cables illuminate runways during take-off and landing approaches. These cables are suitable for stationary applications such as taxiways, runways, navigation aids, and obstacle lighting. It can be installed in a conduit and directly buried.

Unshielded airport lighting cable
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FAA-L-824 Type C Cables

Single conductor 5000-volt nonshielded power cables suitable for L-824 underground installation for lighting at airports per FAA L-824 Type C and AC 150/5345-53. Veri Cable offers a range of airports lighting cables from shield through to shielded, suitable for a range of primary and secondary circuits, available with PVC, Polyolefin, or HDPE sheathing. They are all XLPE insulated, providing a maximum operating temperature of 90 degrees. They are supplied with a voltage of 5kv.


  • Materiál vodiča: Bare or tinned copper
  • Typ vodiča: Stranded
  • Izolačný materiál: Ethylene Propylene Rubber(EPR)
  • Farba: Green/Blue/Red/Grey/Black or as your requirement
  • Napätie: 5kv


The type of unshielded airport lighting cable is primarily used for series lighting circuits for runways, control systems, and other multi-purpose installations. It can be used for direct burial, conduit, or raceway.

Specifications and Features of Airport Cables


Voltage Level

Materiál vodiča

jansulovanie MPodzemný

Working Temperature (℃)


FAA-L-824 Type C


Konzervovaná medená


-40 do 90

Runway, taxiway fixture connections

LSZH 8kV Cables


Konzervovaná medená

Nízko dymat, halogen-free materials

-25 do 70

Indoor and outdoor airport cable networks

High Voltage 15kV


Konzervovaná medená + steel armor


-30 do 85

Remote airport power supply system

The above airfield ground lighting cables consist of standard supply cables covering a wide range of specific applications and environments. Our káblové produkty have been widely used in many airport buildings and airport runways. For more information about airport lighting cables, please contact us freely.

The Feature of Airport Lighting Cable

Airport lightning cable is flexible, ľahký, and fire-resistant in nature. The conductor can be of different materials of Aluminum/Copper. The airport lighting cables are semiconductive screened, which allows the cable to be safely operated continuously to the ground. In the cable industry, an insulator is a part that covers the conductor so that current cannot flow and cause any electrical failure. The insulator can be wire or any insulating material. PVC/XLPE insulation is responsible for a fire-resistant feature.

Airport lighting cables are built for usage in between the constant current source and the isolating transformers in the series lighting circuits. Particularly lighting sources such as runways, taxiways, navigational aids, and obstruction lighting. It is fitted for use in direct burial connections, pulled into metallic or non-metallic conduit.

O popredajnom servise káblov VERI

ZMS Kábel Objednávka zásielky
Dopravná doprava káblov

Po prvé, Záväzok kvality produktu:

  1. Existujú záznamy o kvalite a testovacie údaje pre výrobu a testovanie všetkých káblové produkty.
  2. Na kontrolu výkonu produktu, úprimne pozývame používateľov na osobnú kontrolu celého procesu a výkonu produktu. Po potvrdení, že výrobok je kvalifikovaný, bude zabalený a odoslaný.

Po druhé, cenový záväzok produktu:

  1. S cieľom zabezpečiť vysokú spoľahlivosť produktu, výber materiálu systému je vyrobený z domácich alebo vysoko kvalitných výrobkov.
  2. Za rovnakých súťažných podmienok, našej spoločnosti vám úprimne poskytne za prijateľnú cenu bez zníženia technického výkonu produktu alebo zmeny komponentov produktu.
  3. Záväzok dodacej lehoty:

Po tretie, Dodacia lehota produktu:

V rámci možností podľa požiadaviek užívateľa, ak existujú špeciálne požiadavky, ktoré je potrebné vyplniť vopred, naša spoločnosť môže špeciálne organizovať výrobu a inštaláciu, a snažiť sa vyhovieť potrebám používateľov.

Po štvrté, záväzok popredajných služieb:

  1. Zásada služby: rýchlo, rozhodujúci, presné, premyslený a dôkladný.
  2. Ciele služby: kvalita služieb na získanie spokojnosti zákazníkov.
  3. Efektívnosť služby: Ak zariadenie zlyhá v záručnej dobe alebo mimo záručnej doby, po upozornení dodávateľa, personál údržby sa môže dostať na miesto a začať s údržbou 24 hodiny.
  4. Princíp služby: Záručná doba káblových produktov je dvanásť mesiacov. Počas záručnej doby, diely poškodené z dôvodu kvality dodávateľ bezplatne opraví a vymení. Ak sú diely poškodené mimo záručnej doby, poskytnuté príslušenstvo bude účtovať iba náklady na poškodenie zariadenia spôsobené ľudským faktorom kupujúceho, a príslušenstvo opravené alebo poskytnuté dodávateľom je kalkulované v nákladoch.

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