Kábel VERI, according to different uses, produces a variety of nadzemné káble. Including AAC, AAAC, ACSR, ABC kábel –letecký zviazaný kábel, a tak ďalej. Our range of overhead lines generally contains aluminum conductors or aluminum alloy conductors to meet all customer needs. We specialize in providing excellent overhead lines for transmission, distribúcia, a priemysel energetických sietí. And other cable products such as voltage cables, podmorské káble, fiber cables, špeciálne káble, a tak ďalej. So please contact us with your requirements. Tiež, we will reply to you the detailed information that you want.

All Aluminum Conductor—AAC
hliník Alloy Dirigent is the main component of the overhead power line. Its function is to transmit current and electric power. These bare conductors are suitable for low, stredná, and high-voltage overhead lines. AAC is widely used in urban areas, where the span is usually short. But the conductivity requirements are high.
ŠTANDARDY&LITERATÚRA:ASTM - B 230, ASTM - B 231, DIN48201, BS215 (Or producing by the standard of the customer’s country)
- Phase conductors: round stood or compacted 1350-H19 aluminum or copper conductor, AAAC, ACSR
- Neutral or messenger conductor: round stood or compacted 6201 aluminum alloy or AAC, ACSR
- Vodič pouličného osvetlenia: round stood or compacted aluminum conductor
- Izolácia: LDPE, HDPE, XLPE, PVC
Manufacturing Standards
Conductor Size | Code Words | triedy | Required Construction | Mass | Rated Strength | |||||
Cmils or AWG | mm² | Nie. of Wires | Diameter of Wire | Per 1000ft, lb | Per km, kg | kips | kn | |||
In. | mm | |||||||||
3500000 | 1773 | Bluebonnet | A | 127 | 0.1660 | 4.22 | 3345 | 4977 | 58.7 | 261 |
3000000 | 1520 | Trillium | A | 127 | 0.1537 | 3.90 | 2840 | 4226 | 50.3 | 223 |
2750000 | 1393 | Bitterroot | A | 91 | 0.1738 | 4.42 | 2602 | 3872 | 46.1 | 205 |
2500000 | 1267 | Lupine | A | 91 | 0.1657 | 4.21 | 2365 | 3519 | 41.9 | 186 |
2250000 | 1140 | Sagebrush | A | 91 | 0.1572 | 3.99 | 2128 | 3166 | 37.7 | 167 |
2000000 | 1013 | Cowslip | A | 91 | 0.1482 | 3.77 | 1873 | 2787 | 34.2 | 153 |
1750000 | 886.7 | Jessamine | AA | 61 | 0.1694 | 4.30 | 1641 | 2442 | 29.7 | 132 |
1590000 | 805.7 | Coreopsis | AA | 61 | 0.1614 | 4.10 | 1489 | 2216 | 27.0 | 120 |
1510500 | 765.4 | Gladiolus | AA,A | 61 | 0.1574 | 4.00 | 1417 | 2108 | 25.6 | 114 |
1431000 | 725.1 | Carnation | AA,A | 61 | 0.1532 | 3.89 | 1342 | 1997 | 24.3 | 108 |
1351000 | 694.8 | Columbine | AA,A | 61 | 0.1488 | 3.78 | 1266 | 1884 | 23.4 | 104 |
All aluminum conductors belong to bare conductors, which mainly play the role of transmitting electrical energy. Based on different voltages, the wire cross-sectional area is also different. AAC cable is commonly used for general distribution lines with a small force and small span. But it is not allowed to contact with trees.

All Aluminum Alloy Conductor—AAAC
Dirigent: Hard-Drawn 1350-H19 Aluminum Wires, Minimum Purity 99.45%.
Reinforcement: Galvanized Steel Wires (Zinc-Coated)
Stavebníctvo (Aluminum/Steel): 6/1, 7/1, 8/1, 12/7, 16/19, 24/7, 26/7, 30/7, 30/19, 36/1, 45/7, 54/7, 54/19, 72/7, 76/19, 84/19
Prierezová plocha: 6~4/0 awg, 80~2312 mcm (80~211.3 mcm for Standard High-Strength Conductor).
Galvanization: Class A, B or C
Grease Corrosion Protection: Available upon Request
AAAC bare conductor meets the following ASTM specifications :
B-398 Aluminum Alloy 6201-T81 Wire for Electrical Purposes
B-399 Concentric-Lay-Stranded 6201-T81 Aluminum Alloy Conductors.
The Part of AAAC-ASTM-B399 Technical Data:
Stranding | Diameter of conductor | Linear mass | Rated strength | D.C. resistance at 20℃ |
No./mm | mm | Kg/km | kgf | Ω/km |
6 | 7/1.55 | 4.65 | 36.44 | 422 |
7/1.68 | 5.04 | 42.7 | 502 | |
4 | 7/1.96 | 5.89 | 57.89 | 685 |
48.69(4) | 7/2.12 | 6.35 | 67.56 | 799 |
2 | 7/2.47 | 7.42 | 92.14 | 1091 |
77.47(2) | 7/2.67 | 8.02 | 107.50 | 1275 |
1/0 | 7/3.12 | 9.35 | 146.50 | 1733 |
123.3(1/0) | 7/3. 37 | 10.11 | 171.00 | 2019 |
2/0 | 7/3.50 | 10.52 | 184.70 | 2090 |
155.4(2/0) | 7/3.78 | 11.35 | 215.16 | 2447 |
3/0 | 7/3.93 | 11.79 | 232.70 | 2641 |
195.7 (3/0) | 7/4.25 | 12.75 | 271.50 | 3079 |
4/0 | 7/4.42 | 13.26 | 293.70 | 3334 |
246.9 (4/0) | 7/4.77 | 14.30 | 342.60 | 3885 |
Použitý ako holý režijný vodič pre primárne a sekundárne rozdelenie. The AAAC conductor is designed to get a better strength-to-weight ratio and offer improved electrical properties, Vynikajúce charakteristiky napnutia SAG, a vynikajúca odolnosť proti korózii v porovnaní s ACSR. V porovnaní s konvenčným vodičom ACSR, ľahšia váha, porovnateľná sila & súčasná kapacita, nižšie elektrické straty, a vynikajúca odolnosť proti korózii poskytla AAAC široké prijatie v distribúcii a médiu & prenosové vedenia vysokého napätia.

Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced—ACSR
ACSR conductor has the advantages of simple structure, convenient erection and maintenance, low line cost, a veľkú prenosovú kapacitu. And they are convenient for laying across special geographical conditions. Such as rivers and valleys, dobrá elektrická vodivosť, and sufficient mechanical.
1 Aluminum conductor with increased breaking load, round stranded compressed (RM)
2 Core insulation (XPLE black, UV-resistant, not flame retardant); 2 až 4 cores of the equal cross-section are stranded together in left-hand lay, additionally 1 alebo 2 cores of the reduced cross-section can be co-stranded.
ŠTANDARDY&LITERATÚRA:ASTM - B 230, ASTM - B 231, DIN48201, BS215 (Or producing by the standard of the customer’s country)
ACSR Technical Characteristics / U.S.A Sizes – ASTM B232
Area | Stranding and diameter | Approximate overall diameter | ||||
hliník | Steel | Total | hliník | Steel | ||
AWG or MCM | mm2 | mm2 | mm2 | mm | mm | mm |
8 | 8.34 | 1.39 | 9.73 | 6/1.33 | 1/1.33 | 3.99 |
6 | 13.29 | 2.19 | 15.48 | 6/1.68 | 1/1.68 | 5.04 |
4 | 21.16 | 3.55 | 24.71 | 6/2.12 | 1/2.12 | 6.36 |
4 | 21.16 | 5.35 | 26.50 | 7/1.96 | 1/2.61 | 6.53 |
3 | 26.69 | 4.45 | 31.14 | 6/2.38 | 1/2.38 | 7.14 |
2 | 33.61 | 5.61 | 39.22 | 6/2.67 | 1/2.67 | 8.01 |
2 | 33.61 | 8.52 | 42.13 | 7/2.47 | 1/3.30 | 8.24 |
1 | 42.39 | 7.10 | 49.49 | 6/3.00 | 1/3.00 | 9.00 |
0 | 53.48 | 8.90 | 62.38 | 6/3.37 | 1/3.37 | 10.11 |
2/0 | 67.42 | 11.23 | 78.65 | 6/3.78 | 1/3.78 | 11.34 |
3/0 | 85.03 | 14.19 | 99.22 | 6/4.25 | 1/4.25 | 12.75 |
4/0 | 107.23 | 17.87 | 125.10 | 6/4.77 | 1/4.77 | 14.31 |
Application of ACSR
1. The higher-strength ACSR conductors are widely used in power transmission lines with various voltage levels.
2. The higher-strength ACSR conductors are commonly used for river crossings, overhead earth wires, and installations involving extra-long spans.
3. The higher-strength ACSR conductors are also suitable for laying across rivers and valleys where special geographical features exist.
Vynikajúci servis VERI Cable

Exportovať skúsenosti
Ako profesionálny výrobca káblov, our cable products have been exported to many countries in the past 30 rokov, vrátane USA, Kanada, Španielsko, UK, Nemecko, Francúzsko, Rusko, Grécko, Saudská Arábia, atď. V týchto krajinách, Naše káblové produkty sú u zákazníkov veľmi populárne. A každý rok, Kvôli našej dobrej kvalite a službám, we would receive much good feedback from our customers.
Customized Cable Service
Our range of custom services includes design, size, and surface color. Many popular colors are also available for you to choose. We also specialize in over-sheathing, for example, we can make custom Polyethylene (PE) and Polyurethane (PUR) according to your requirements. We can provide solutions based on your ideas. Please contact us to give us your idea.

Strict Quality Inspection Standards
Veri Cable offers a wide variety of power cables based on trends and personal preferences. And we provide all kinds of power cables, viac ako 100 series. Potom, to ensure the quality of the cables, trváme na testovaní našich produktov raz za čas.