3 Core Armored Cable

The 3 core armored cable is ideal for use in single-phase circuits, its main feature is the three copper cores inside, generally identified by brown black gray, or blue brown, or yellow, when you need other colors customized, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, ZMS cables can meet your needs with standard special insulation.

2.5mm 3 Core SWA Armoured Cable per meter
10mm x 3 Core SWA Armored Cable per meter
4mm 3 Core SWA Steel Wire Armoured Outdoor Cable per meter
8mm 3 core SWA Armoured Cable per meter
PVC Jacket Armoured Electrical Cable Steel Wire per meter
SWA Armoured Cable 2.5mm2 x 25m 3 Core
70 mm x 3 Core Single-Phase SWA Cable per meter
50 mm x 3 Core Single-Phase SWA cable per meter
95 mm x 3 Core Single-Phase SWA cable per meter
armored electric cable supplier

Minimum Temperature: -15°C
Maximum Temperature: +90°C
Nazivna napetost: 600/1000V
Insulation Material: XLPE
Insulation Color: Brown, Black, Grey
Oklep: Galvanised Steel Wire
Sheath Material: PVC
Barva plašča: Black
Number of Cores: 3

Poizvedba zdaj

The 3 core steel wire armored cables manufactured at the ZMS factory are commonly used in the electrical industry and strictly conform to specific British Cable Manufacturing and Testing Standards.

  • Used as an electrical power supply and auxiliary control for equipment, 3-core armored power cable transmits mains power to a residential building or commercial facility, so it can also be referred to as a 3-core power cable, and is abrasion-resistant for use in applications where the cable may be damaged or exposed to UV radiation.
  • Traditional 3-core steel wire armored (SWA) cables are ideal for exterior electrical applications. Since such applications must often withstand natural forces, SWA outdoor 3-core cables add an extra layer of sleeving (usually wire mesh) to provide greater mechanical protection to the inner core of the cable.

Naše strokovne storitve

Certifikat kakovosti
Izdelki, ki jih proizvaja VERI Cables, so v skladu z mednarodnimi standardi, kot je GB, IEC, BS, NFC, ASTM, OD, itd. Poleg tega, naša tehnična ekipa lahko zagotovi storitve prilagajanja kablov vašim potrebam.

Sledenje strankam
VERI nudi brezplačne storitve strokovnega svetovanja pri kablih, storitve projektnih rešitev na enem mestu, in rešitve za hitro dostavo izdelkov.

Profesionalni prevoz
Kabli VERI’ Začetni cilj je zagotoviti hitro in varno dostavo izdelkov, hkrati pa zagotoviti najboljše rešitve za pakiranje in transport za zmanjšanje strank’ stroški prevoza zelo visoki.

Embalaža za kabel
Embalaža kablov VERI je dobavljena v lesenih kolutih, valovite škatle, in tuljave. Konci so zatesnjeni s samolepilnim trakom BOPP in nehigroskopskimi tesnilnimi pokrovi za zaščito koncev kabla pred vlago. Zahtevani logotip lahko natisnemo na zunanjo stran bobnov z vodoodpornim materialom v skladu z zahtevami stranke.

    Prosimo, oddajte svoje povpraševanje v spodnjem obrazcu.





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