Outdoor GYXTW Fiber Optic Cable


Designed for outdoor applications, GYXTW cables contain medium-strength components and support up to 24 fibers, making them ideal for everything from telecommunications to security systems.
Kabli VERI produces this type of fiber optic cable in a loose tube design that ensures waterproof and reliable performance in harsh environments. They are not only robust, but also easy to install, compact and lightweight, ensuring efficient data signaling.
We are committed to providing our customers with high quality fiber optic solutions. GYXTW cables are supplied with a long warranty and supported by a large technical team.

Poizvedba zdaj

Whats GYXTW means?

GYOutdoor communication fiber optic cable
XCable Center Tube (Cover) Construction
TFilled structure
WSteel bonded sheath with steel wires (referred to as W-sheath)

gyxtw fiber optic cable

Product Structure

Bundle Tube
It is made of PBT, which is hard and flexible enough to withstand lateral pressure.

Colored Fiber
A layer of colored plastic is extruded on the bare fiber of the fiber optic cable in order to distinguish each core of the fiber in communication engineering.
Opomba: Each bare fiber core of an outdoor fiber optic cable is a different color, the same as indoor fiber optic cables, also 12 kinds. Na splošno: blue, orange, green, brown, gray, Ben (white), red, black, yellow, purple, pink, lime green.

Color-Locked Fiber Optics
In order to protect the optical fiber, a 250 micron layer of translucent resin is coated on its surface.

Water Resistant Tape
Consists of two layers of non-woven fabric with water-blocking powder in the center.

Nonwoven Fabric
Used to block water flow when the fiber optic cable enters water.

Rolled Steel Tape
The main function of steel tape in fiber optic cables is to resist lateral pressure, tensile strength and rodent bites, and to protect the fiber optic bundles.

Steel Wire
On the outside of the strip, there are two parallel steel wires whose function is to increase the tensile strength of the fiber optic cable. The gray color is phosphate steel wire and the silver color is galvanized steel wire.

Structural Parameters

Fiber Optic Cable Type (in 2-fiber increments)
Jedrna številka (of a fiber)
Fiber Optic Diameter
Fiber Optic Weight
Permissible Tensile Force (long/short term)
Allowable Flattening Force (long term/short term)
Bending Radius (dynamic/static)
Storage Temperature
GYXTW - 2 - 12

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Pošiljka naročila kabla ZMS
Ladijski prevoz kablov

najprej, Zaveza kakovosti izdelkov:

  1. Obstajajo zapisi o kakovosti in podatki o testiranju za izdelavo in testiranje vseh kabelski izdelki.
  2. Za pregled delovanja izdelka, iskreno vabimo uporabnike, da osebno preverijo celoten proces in delovanje izdelka. Ko je izdelek potrjeno kvalificiran, zapakiran bo in odposlan.

drugič, zaveza glede cene izdelka:

  1. Da bi zagotovili visoko zanesljivost izdelka, izbor materiala sistema je narejen iz domačih ali visokokakovostnih izdelkov.
  2. Pod enakimi konkurenčnimi pogoji, naše podjetje vam bo iskreno zagotovil po dostopni ceni, ne da bi zmanjšal tehnično zmogljivost izdelka ali spremenil komponente izdelka.
  3. Zavezanost časa dostave:

Tretjič, Čas dostave izdelka:

Kolikor je mogoče glede na zahteve uporabnikov, če obstajajo posebne zahteve, ki jih je treba izpolniti vnaprej, naše podjetje lahko posebej organizira proizvodnjo in montažo, in si prizadevajo zadovoljiti potrebe uporabnikov.

Četrtič, zavezanost poprodajnim storitvam:

  1. Načelo storitve: hitro, odločilen, natančno, premišljeno in temeljito.
  2. Cilji storitve: kakovost storitev za zadovoljstvo strank.
  3. Učinkovitost storitve: Če oprema odpove v garancijskem roku ali izven garancijskega roka, po obvestilu dobavitelja, vzdrževalno osebje lahko doseže mesto in začne z vzdrževanjem znotraj 24 ure.
  4. Načelo storitve: Garancijska doba kabelskih izdelkov je dvanajst mesecev. Med garancijskim obdobjem, dobavitelj bo brezplačno popravil in zamenjal dele, poškodovane zaradi kakovosti. Če so deli poškodovani izven garancijskega roka, priložena dodatna oprema bo zaračunala samo stroške škode na opremi, ki jo povzroči človeški dejavnik kupca, in dodatki, ki jih popravi ali dobavi dobavitelj, se obračunajo po nabavni vrednosti.

    Prosimo, oddajte svoje povpraševanje v spodnjem obrazcu.





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