Low Smoke Zero Halogen Cable

The low smoke and halogen free cable supplied by VERI cable has excellent flame retardant properties, almost no smoke and no corrosive gases escaping when burning. They are widely used in nuclear power plants, subway stations, telephone exchanges and computer control centers, high-rise buildings, hotels, radio and television stations, important military facilities, oil platforms, and other densely populated places with low air density.
The bending diameter of LSZH cable is not less than 15 times of the outer diameter of the cable, and the bending diameter of single-core cable is not less than 20 times. Others can be customized, free inquiry is welcome.
Low Smoke Zero Halogen Cable Types
Control & Communication LSZH Cables: Low smoke and halogen free is a property that cables can have by changing the material. In control cables and communication cables, many cables also incorporate low smoke and halogen free properties in the material to enhance their safety when used in public places.
So LSZH cable has many kinds of parameter specifications, depending on what functions you need it to realize in your project.
LSZH Cat6 Cable
Dirigent: Razred 1 solid copper conductor
Izolacija: HDPE (High Density Polyethylene)
Plašč: LSZH (Low Smoke Zero Halogen)
STANDARDI: Flame Retardant according to BS EN/IEC 60332-1-2
Temperaturna ocena: Popravljeno: -20°C to +60°C
Najmanjši radij upogiba: Popravljeno: 4 x skupni premer, Upogibno: 8 x skupni premer
This 4-pair high-performance cable consisting of twisted pair conductors is primarily used for data transmission. Supporting all the latest equipment, it supports a frequency range of up to 250 MHz and transmission speeds of up to 1 Gigabit per second. Ideal for installations where fire, smoke emissions and toxic fumes pose a potential danger to life and equipment.
LSZH Fiber Optic Cable
STRUCTURE: Single Mode、Fiber、Water-Blocking Yarn、Loose Tube、Glass Yarn、CST、LSZH Jacket
- Each fiber is equipped with A/B markers to identify the transmit and receive ports to ensure proper system connection
- Used to connect to patch panels and/or network equipment using LC-type connectors that require 9/125 singlemode LSZH cables
- Connectors are PC-polished
- LSZH (Low Smoke, No Halogen) jacket has minimal fumes and produces no toxic halogen gases
It is used for signal transmission of electrical control systems, such as equipment control in automated factories and elevator control systems. It ensures that control signals can be effectively transmitted for a certain period of time in case of an emergency such as fire, so that the equipment can be safely stopped or emergency operation can be carried out.
PE Insulated LSZH Cables
Dirigent: Annealed solid copper or plain stranded copper
Izolacija: PE compound
Integral Armor Layer: Aluminum/Copper Wire
Outer Sheath: LSZH
Nazivna napetost: 300V
Običajno, this LSZH flame retardant cable is generally used for indoor installations, communication, data and voice transmission signals and services in industrial processing and manufacturing plants in wet areas, and also for interconnecting electrical equipment and instrumentation to reduce the emission of toxic fumes.
Flame Retardance Standards: IN 60332-1-2; IEC 60332-1-2; BS EN 60332-1-2; VDE 0482-332-1; NBN C 30-004 (cat. F1); NF C32-070-2.1(C2); CEI 20-35/1-2; IN 50265-2-1*; DIN VDE 0482-265-2-1*
Silicone Rubber Insulated LSZH Cable
Dirigent: Tinned annealed stranded or solid copper conductor.
Izolacija: Silikonska guma
Nazivna napetost: 600 volts.
Advantage: Uniform wire thickness, easy to strip and cut, passes UL VW-1 & CUL FT1 vertical flame test, surface coated conductors available.
Suitable for household appliances, lighting, metallurgy and headlamps, motors, temperature sensors, military series, metallurgical and chemical series, automotive and marine, electrical installations.
Flame Retardance Standards: IN 60332-1-2; IEC 60332-1-2; BS EN 60332-1-2; VDE 0482-332-1; NBN C 30-004 (cat. F1); NF C32-070-2.1(C2); CEI 20-35/1-2; IN 50265-2-1*; DIN VDE 0482-265-2-1*
LSZH XLPE Fireproof Copper Cable
WDZN-YJV copper core polyethylene insulated PVC ring protective sheath fire-resistant power cable. When laid indoors, in tunnels and pipelines, the cable cannot withstand mechanical external forces. Single-core cables are not allowed to be laid in magnetic material pipelines. Fire-resistant cables are manufactured according to enterprise standards. The fire-resistant performance of the cables meets the requirements of the national standard GB 1266.6, and is divided into two different fire-resistant categories, A and B (950℃~1000℃/90 min, 750℃~ 800℃/min). Low-smoke and low-halogen flame-retardant cables are manufactured according to corporate standards. The flame-retardant performance of the cable meets the requirements of the national standard GB1266.5. The light transmittance is not less than 35%, and the hydrogen chloride release is not more than 100mg/g.
Aplikacija | Indoors, tunnels and pipes |
Vrsta | Power Cable |
Certificate | CCC CE IEC |
Dirigent | Baker |
Izolacija | XPLE+Fire-resistant |
Plašč | LSZH |
Napetost | 0.6/1.0kV |
Pakiranje | Roll |
Insulation Requirements of LSZH Cables

Low-smoke Halogen-free Fuel
The temperature resistance grade of low-smoke halogen-free cable flame retardant sheath has 70℃ and 90℃, generally requires a product oxygen index of more than 32, has good mechanical performance and processing performance, can be widely used in napajalni kabel, communication cable, control cable, Marine cable and another sheath layer.
Low-smoke Halogen-free Csposobni Flame Retardant Insulating Material
The properties of low-smoke halogen-free flame-retardant insulating materials are similar to those of low-smoke halogen-free sheathing materials, and the insulation performance requirements are higher. It can be used for the insulating layer of power, communication, and electronic wires.
Low-smoke Halogen-free Flame Retardant Csposobni Flame Retardant Oxygen Barrier
The material is used for the inner sheath layer of power cables with high flame retardant requirements, which can improve the overall flame retardant effect of the cable and appropriately reduce the flame retardant requirements for the cable insulation sheath layer.
O poprodajnih storitvah VERI Cable

najprej, Zaveza kakovosti izdelkov:
- Obstajajo zapisi o kakovosti in podatki o testiranju za izdelavo in testiranje vseh kabelski izdelki.
- Za pregled delovanja izdelka, iskreno vabimo uporabnike, da osebno preverijo celoten proces in delovanje izdelka. Ko je izdelek potrjeno kvalificiran, zapakiran bo in odposlan.
drugič, zaveza glede cene izdelka:
- Da bi zagotovili visoko zanesljivost izdelka, izbor materiala sistema je narejen iz domačih ali visokokakovostnih izdelkov.
- Pod enakimi konkurenčnimi pogoji, naše podjetje vam bo iskreno zagotovil po dostopni ceni, ne da bi zmanjšal tehnično zmogljivost izdelka ali spremenil komponente izdelka.
- Zavezanost časa dostave:
Tretjič, Čas dostave izdelka:
Kolikor je mogoče glede na zahteve uporabnikov, če obstajajo posebne zahteve, ki jih je treba izpolniti vnaprej, naše podjetje lahko posebej organizira proizvodnjo in montažo, in si prizadevajo zadovoljiti potrebe uporabnikov.
Četrtič, zavezanost poprodajnim storitvam:
- Načelo storitve: hitro, odločilen, natančno, premišljeno in temeljito.
- Cilji storitve: kakovost storitev za zadovoljstvo strank.
- Učinkovitost storitve: Če oprema odpove v garancijskem roku ali izven garancijskega roka, po obvestilu dobavitelja, vzdrževalno osebje lahko doseže mesto in začne z vzdrževanjem znotraj 24 ure.
- Načelo storitve: Garancijska doba kabelskih izdelkov je dvanajst mesecev. Med garancijskim obdobjem, dobavitelj bo brezplačno popravil in zamenjal dele, poškodovane zaradi kakovosti. Če so deli poškodovani izven garancijskega roka, priložena dodatna oprema bo zaračunala samo stroške škode na opremi, ki jo povzroči človeški dejavnik kupca, in dodatki, ki jih popravi ali dobavi dobavitelj, se obračunajo po nabavni vrednosti.