LAN Cable

LAN cables are a specific type of data cable used in computer networking. There are two different types of local area network cables. The first is a standard cable that connects a computer to a router or hub, and the second is called a crossover cable, connecting two computers.
LAN cables are used in a variety of settings, including homes, businesses, schools, and government agencies. They connect computers, printers, servers, and other devices to the Internet and allow communication between devices. LAN connections offer several advantages over wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi 5G. LAN cables made by VERI Cables outperform wireless solutions in terms of speed, reliability, and security when connected. Poleg tega, LAN connections are less susceptible to interference from other devices and external variables.
Product Introduction
* Raw material of the conductor: solid bare copper * Conductor Dia.: 0.585±0.003mm (23AWG)
* Raw material of the conductor: F-PE * Quantity:4 twisted pairs
Blue/white-blue; Green/white-green; Orange/white-green;Brown/white-brown;
* Insulation Dia. : 1.45±0.005mm * Average thickness: 0.4325 mm
Minimum point thickness: 0.43mm
* Raw material of the screen: 96/0.10mm TC wire braiding
* Coverage rate:≥40%
JACKET RIP CORD: Nylon thread
* Sheath material: LSZH or PVC
* Nominal Dia.: 7.5 ± 0.2mm
* Average thickness: 0.65mm
* Minimum point thickness: 0.55mm

1. This kind of Veri cable electric uses bare copper to be the center conduction with the specification is 23AWG and PE to be the dielectric. The jacket is made of fireproof material, which is so meaningful to the Cat.7 communication;
2. This Cat.7 S/FTP cable conforms to the SIO/IEC, TIA/EIA, and EN standards and the electrical characteristics exceed the lastest Cat.7 standards;
3. Kabel LSZH: means “Low smoke zero halogens”, which is the symbol of environmental protection;
Product Characteristics
- Impedance: 100±15;
- Static electric capacity: max:17.1nf/kf;
- Resistance: max:28.6/kf;
- Unbalance resistance: max 5%;
- Unbalance capacity: max 330pF/100m;
- Rated communication rate: 65%
- Copper diameter: 23AWG
- Outer diameter: 7.9+/- 0.5mm
- Teža: 10.5kg/kft
- Minimum bend radius: O.D.*4-8
- Maximum pulling tension: 10.0
- Jacket material: PVC/LSZH
- Rated temperature: -20~60°C
- VoIP
- Token
- 100M TP-PDM
- Analog and Data Video
- TR-16 Active and Passive
- 155M/622M/1.2GATM
- IEEE 802.3: 10Base-T; 100Base-T; 1000Base-T; 10GBase-T
- Rated temperature:60°C,75°C,90°C
- Reference standard: UL444, UL1581
- Solid bare copper conductor
- PVC/LSZH jacket, RoHS/REACH compliant
- Comply with TIA/EIA-568-C.2-10, IEC61156-5,
- EN50173&IEC11801
- Delovna temperatura:-30~+50°C
- Minimum bending radius: 8D
O poprodajnih storitvah VERI Cable

najprej, Zaveza kakovosti izdelkov:
- Obstajajo zapisi o kakovosti in podatki o testiranju za izdelavo in testiranje vseh kabelski izdelki.
- Za pregled delovanja izdelka, iskreno vabimo uporabnike, da osebno preverijo celoten proces in delovanje izdelka. Ko je izdelek potrjeno kvalificiran, zapakiran bo in odposlan.
drugič, zaveza glede cene izdelka:
- Da bi zagotovili visoko zanesljivost izdelka, izbor materiala sistema je narejen iz domačih ali visokokakovostnih izdelkov.
- Pod enakimi konkurenčnimi pogoji, naše podjetje vam bo iskreno zagotovil po dostopni ceni, ne da bi zmanjšal tehnično zmogljivost izdelka ali spremenil komponente izdelka.
- Zavezanost časa dostave:
Tretjič, Čas dostave izdelka:
Kolikor je mogoče glede na zahteve uporabnikov, če obstajajo posebne zahteve, ki jih je treba izpolniti vnaprej, naše podjetje lahko posebej organizira proizvodnjo in montažo, in si prizadevajo zadovoljiti potrebe uporabnikov.
Četrtič, zavezanost poprodajnim storitvam:
- Načelo storitve: hitro, odločilen, natančno, premišljeno in temeljito.
- Cilji storitve: kakovost storitev za zadovoljstvo strank.
- Učinkovitost storitve: Če oprema odpove v garancijskem roku ali izven garancijskega roka, po obvestilu dobavitelja, vzdrževalno osebje lahko doseže mesto in začne z vzdrževanjem znotraj 24 ure.
- Načelo storitve: Garancijska doba kabelskih izdelkov je dvanajst mesecev. Med garancijskim obdobjem, dobavitelj bo brezplačno popravil in zamenjal dele, poškodovane zaradi kakovosti. Če so deli poškodovani izven garancijskega roka, priložena dodatna oprema bo zaračunala samo stroške škode na opremi, ki jo povzroči človeški dejavnik kupca, in dodatki, ki jih popravi ali dobavi dobavitelj, se obračunajo po nabavni vrednosti.