


Four Reasons For the Failure of Fiber Optic Cable lines

The optical cable is mainly composed of optical fiber, plastic protective sleeve and plastic outer skin. There is no metal such as gold, silver, copper and aluminum in the optical cable.

Qaab-dhismeedka aasaasiga ah ee fiilada indhaha ayaa guud ahaan ka kooban xudunta fiilada, Xoojinta siligga birta, filter iyo galley, iwm. Intaa waxaa dheer, Waxaa jira lakab-celin-biyo-celin, Lakabka Buffer, insulated metal wire and other components as needed.

Mashruuca isku-dhejinta isku-dhafka ah waa mashruuc isku dhafan, so it is impossible to ensure zero faults in the construction of the project. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, it is relatively easy to minimize the faults and mistakes. There are four major reasons for the failure of fiber optic cable lines.

The Impact of Lightning

Waxyaabaha gaashaaman ee fiilada indhaha ee indhaha ayaa ah dhammaan wadeyaasha birta. If the power line is short-circuited or the lightning strikes the metal parts, a strong current will be generated to damage the optical cable line equipment. And even serious casualties will occur.

The Insulation of the Optical Cable Is Not Good

If the optical cable line is not well insulated, the operating strength of the optical cable will be greatly reduced due to stress corrosion and static fatigue. After the splice box enters the water or is wet, iyo fiilada indhaha ee indhaha ayaa burburin doonta xaaladaha daran.

The Influence of External Forces

​Line faults are often caused by external forces. Since many optical cable lines are laid in the field, the general burial standard is deep below the stratum. So the damage of many external factors to the optical cable line cannot be effectively avoided

Khalad ku yaal iskuxirka khadka

Ciladaha waxay u badan tahay inay ka dhacaan kala-goysyada khadka. This is because the optical fibers at the joints no longer have the protection power to the original optical cable structure or the protection power has been significantly weakened. Marka hawl maalmeedka iyo shaqada badbaadada waxaa lagu fulin karaa oo keliya adoo ku tiirsan sanduuqa wadajirka ah. Itimaalka guuldaradii si weyn ayaa loo kordhiyaa.

Optical fiber cable is a new generation of transmission medium. Compared with copper medium, optical fiber has greatly improved in terms of security, reliability and network performance. Intaa waxaa dheer, the bandwidth of optical fiber transmission greatly exceeds that of copper cables. And about the maximum connection distance, it supports is more than two kilometer. And it is an inevitable choice for building larger-scale networks. Because the fiber optic cable has the advantages of good electromagnetic interference resistance, strong confidentiality, fast speed, and larger transmission capacity. Its price is also relatively expensive, and it is rarely used in household occasions.

For more information about cable products, welcome to nala soo xidhiidh si toos ah.

VERI Cable

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