The XLPE Insulated & Sheathed 3 core submersible cables that we deal in are ideal for usage in submersible pumps in deep wells for irrigation (Direct Burial), drinking water supply, industries, mines, fountains.

Pananya Ayeuna


Medium Voltage submarine cables are used for power transmission to offshore islands, platform minyak, or to cross rivers and lakes.

Cable design is based on the major national or international standards e.g. VDE, IEC, and ICEA, or according to customers’ desain jeung standar.


IEC 60228; IEC 60502;IEC 60840; IEC 62067


1. Konduktor: Konduktor tambaga, sirkular terdampar compacted, cai diblokir.

2. Saringan konduktor: Sanyawa semi-konduktif extruded.

3. Insulasi: XLPE.

4. Screening insulasi: Sanyawa semi-konduktif extruded.

5. Waterproof Layer: Semi-conductive waterproof tape

6. layar: Copper wires and copper helix, swelling powder.

7. Laminated Core Sheath: Al. laminated tape bonded to overlaying

8. sarung PE

9. Pangeusi: Pangeusi polipropilén.

10. Fibrotic Element: Fiber optic cable.

11. Pamisah: Pita binder.

12. Lapisan Kasur: Tali polipropilén.

13. Armor: kawat baja Galvanized.

14. Ngalayanan: Hessian Tapes, sanyawa bituminous, tali polipropilén.

Pananya Ayeuna

Transportation with Professional Service

Veri Cable has multiple ways to protect your cables, with sturdy and professional shipping packaging and comprehensive insurance. Before shipping, our cables are packaged in wooden reels and corrugated box coils. During transportation, to protect the cable ends from moisture, we seal them with BOPP self-adhesive tape and non-hygroscopic.

If there are quality problems such as damaged packaging and product surface damage on the spot when the goods are received, if the goods are confirmed to be true, the goods do not match the order, and the quality problems found by the customer during the installation, laying and use process are confirmed to be the quality problems of the product itself, If the delivery is not in accordance with the contract requirements, please contact our company directly.

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