Overhead Electric Cable

Overhead Electric Cables are essential for efficient power transmission and distribution in urban and rural networks.VERI Cablesoverhead lines are designed to withstand harsh environments and ensure uninterrupted power supply over long distances.

Including ABC (antenle birlikte verilen kablo), AAC, AAAC, ACSR, vesaire. So our range of overhead lines generally contains aluminum conductors or aluminum alloy conductors. VERI overhead cable can meet all customer needs. We specialize in providing excellent overhead lines & wires for transmission, dağıtım, ve güç ağı endüstrileri.

Şimdi Sorgula

Types of Overhead Electric Cables

Şimdi Sorgula

Overhead ABC Cable is mainly used for 600V overhead auxiliary power distribution lines. It is not an electrically insulated conductor and is usually regarded as a bare conductor during installation. The conductor is 1350-H19 aluminum wire, 6201-T81 aluminum alloy or ACSR conductor, concentrically stranded wire and polyethylene, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or cross-linked Covered with polyethylene (XLPE) to protect against wind and rain.

STANDARTLAR&REFERANSLAR: IEC 60502 / GİBİ / Yeni Zelanda 3599-1 standartlar

Şimdi Sorgula

All Aluminum Conductor(ACC) are widely used in overhead power transmission lines with various voltage levels, because they have such good characteristics as simple structure, convenient installation and maintenance low-cost large transmission capacity, and they are also suitable for laying across rivers and valleys, and the place where special geographical features exist. These conductors are formed by several wires of aluminum, stranded in concentric layers. All the wires have the same nominal diameter. Most common constructions consist of 7, 19, 3 7, Ve 61 teller.


Şimdi Sorgula

All aluminum alloy conductors(AAAC) are made of aluminum-alloy 6201, the wire resistance is significantly reduced, and the current carrying capacity is higher than that of ordinary wires. Birincil ve ikincil dağıtım için çıplak havai iletken olarak kullanılır. The AAAC conductor is designed to get better strength to weight ratio and offer improved electrical properties, mükemmel sarkma-gerilme özellikleri, ve ACSR ile karşılaştırıldığında üstün korozyon direnci. Geleneksel bir ACSR iletkeniyle karşılaştırıldığında, daha hafif, karşılaştırılabilir güç & akım taşıma kapasitesi, daha düşük elektrik kayıpları, ve üstün korozyon direnci, AAAC'a dağıtım ve ortamda geniş bir kabul görmesini sağlamıştır. & yüksek gerilim iletim hatları.

AAAC Standard: NFC34-125, Lisans TR 50183, BS 3242 ASTM B399, AS/NZS 1531, NFC 34-125 IEC 61089, certificates of ISO9001, ISO14001.

Şimdi Sorgula

Aluminum Conductor Steel-reinforced, also called ACSR cable, steel Reinforced Aluminum Conductor, is used as a bare overhead transmission conductor and as primary and secondary distribution conductor and messenger support. ACSR offers optimal strength for line design. Variable steel core stranding enables desired strength to be achieved without sacrificing ampacity.

Features of ACSR
1. ACSR cables are available in a range of steel contents ranging from 6% ile 40% for additional strength.
2. Yüksek mekanik mukavemet, Good conductivity, and Large transmission capacity.
3. Corrosion resistance, High-temperature resistance, Unit volume light.
4. Easy to set up, Simple structure, Convenient installation and maintenance.

Overhead Electric Cables Technical Parameters


İletken Malzeme

Cross-sectional Area (mm²)

Sıcaklık Range (°C)

Tensile Strength (N)





-40 ile 80


Short distance transmission


alüminyum alaşımı


-50 ile 85


Medium Distance Transmission


Alüminyum + çelik çekirdek


-40 ile 100


Long distance high voltage transmission


Alüminyum + izolasyon


-40 ile 70


Urban power distribution, rural electrification

Uygulamalar & Project Cases of Overhead Power Cables

Afghanistan Electricity Authority National Overhead Line Project

VERI Kabloları & DABS Afghanistan

VERI Cables commenced its overhead line project partnership with Afghanistan’s Breshna Sherkat (DABS) Company in 2017, which saw the cables used in projects such as power generation, transmission and distribution across the Afghan country.

Project NameBoQ_Herat Distribution Networks (Extension and Rehablitation Projects)

Şimdi Sorgula

“In a recent project, bizim AAAC cables were used to upgrade the distribution network of a coastal town, ensuring uninterrupted power supply despite severe weather conditions.”

Profesyonel Hizmetlerimiz

Kalite Belgelendirmesi
The products manufactured by VERI Cables comply with international standards such as Büyük Britanya, IEC, BS, NFC, ASTM, İTİBAREN, vesaire. Dahası, teknik ekibimiz ihtiyaçlarınıza göre kablo özelleştirme hizmetleri sağlayabilir.

Müşteri Takibi
VERI ücretsiz profesyonel kablo danışmanlık hizmetleri sağlar, tek elden proje çözüm hizmetleri, ve hızlı ürün teslimatı çözümleri.

Profesyonel Taşımacılık
VERI Kabloları’ İlk hedef, ürünlerin hızlı ve güvenli teslimatını sağlarken aynı zamanda müşteri sayısını azaltmak için en iyi paketleme ve nakliye çözümlerini sunmaktır.’ ulaşım masrafları büyük ölçüde.

Kablo Ambalajı
VERI kablo ambalajı ahşap makaralarda sağlanır, oluklu kutular, ve bobinler. Kablo uçlarını nemden korumak için uçlar BOPP kendinden yapışkanlı bant ve higroskopik olmayan sızdırmazlık kapaklarıyla kapatılmıştır.. Müşterinin ihtiyacına göre gerekli logoyu su geçirmez malzeme ile tamburların dışına basabiliriz..

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