


Performance Comparison of Optical Cable and Copper Cable

Optical cables are becoming more and more popular and are gradually replacing copper cables. Fiber optic and copper cabling systems give you access to the more advanced and latest technology. Fakat, there are several different uses in an office or residential area.

What are Fiber Optic Cables?

This includes some up-to-date plastic or glass stock to deliver the message. Ayrıca, it sends data in the form of light, not electricity. Just slightly different from copper cables, fiber optics(opgw fiber and adss fiber) cannot transmit electricity. Fakat, this cable offers higher theoretical performance. While other types of cables are made of plastic or fiberglass rope, copper cables contain individual threads. The size of the cable will vary completely depending on the application. It can be thin or small, but you can also find some large that are as thick as your arm. These are sometimes protected with another type of metal cover. This covering is often referred to as weaving. Ek olarak, the two cables have different interface resistances.

Advantages of Fiber Optic Cables

Compared with copper cables, the core diameter of optical cables is much smaller, and the weight of optical cables is much lighter than that of copper cables. The optical cable only transmits optical signals, not electrical signals, and is not subject to electromagnetic interference, so the signals transmitted in the optical fiber are not easy to be eavesdropped on, and the confidentiality is strong. Compared with copper cables, the longest distance of electrical signals is 100 metre, and the transmission distance of optical cables is more than 100 kilometers.

What are Cooper Cables?

Copper cables are generally weak to certain types of signal interfaces, such as those from cell phones or microwave ovens. Öyleyse, you should not operate or use any device that may trigger the interface. Fakat, you won’t find this particular problem when you use fiber optic cables. But if you are looking for something cheaper to meet the needs of your home, it will be a good choice. Aynı zamanda, you will get great convenience. Because it can transmit multi-channel audio from optical fiber over a single line. This capability also makes this cable ideal for home theater system wiring.

Advantages of Copper Cables

In-network transmission within 100 metre, optical fiber is inferior to bakır kablo in terms of maintenance, maliyet, wiring, vesaire. The core in an optical fiber is a glass fiber, which is more fragile than copper cables. In wiring and post-maintenance, the optical fiber will be damaged if not careful. And the copper cable is not easy to be damaged. Öyleyse, relatively speaking, the wiring and maintenance of copper cables are more convenient and cost-effective. In the transmission of voice signals, optical fibers cannot replace copper cables.

Because copper cables are different from optical fibers in that they transmit data through electrical pulses, they can transmit voice signals, but optical fibers cannot. Since the core of the optical fiber is made of silica, it cannot conduct electricity, while the copper in the copper core can conduct electricity. Copper cables can supply power at the same time as data connections. And they can use for power systems.

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