Railroad cables are primarily a comprehensive range of cables. As railroads adapt to the needs of the traveling public in the construction and transmission of power, VERI Cables designs and manufactures special cables for railroads made from the latest materials with the latest standards of chemical and mechanical resistance, fire resistance, and EMC performance, which can greatly enhance the transmission capacity of the cables. In addition to specific models, we offer low and medium voltage power cables for railroad construction, fiber optic cables for communication, and control and signaling cables, including a full range of products from central and distributed architecture to CBTC, ETCS, and interlocking technology. Please feel free to contact us for any of your cable technical specifications and dimensions.

Railroad Electric Power Cable

Commonly used railroad power cables include armored or unarmored cables to BS6724, BS6622, low smoke halogen free cables, 25kV feeder cables, тощо. ДАНІ, as a professional cable supplier, can provide railroad power cables that fully comply with Network Rail standards.

Used on potentially risky fire-prone transmission lines to significantly reduce the emission of life-threatening toxic fumes, but is limited to signal power distribution and is not applicable for general signaling purposes.

Before you receive your goods, we will provide you with various qualifications and test reports to ensure that the cables supplied have undergone rigorous quality testing and meet the specific operational and safety requirements of the railroad construction industry.

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Railway Overhead Line Wires

Railroad overhead cables refer to a network of wires and cables suspended above the track to supply power to the train while it runs on the track. The overhead cables used are typically 25kV alternating current (AC) compliant and are widely used on mainline and high speed rail networks. VERI cable also offers a full range of Network Rail approved overhead line conductor accessories to assist with quick and easy installation. VERI cables has been certified by many of our customers as a state-of-the-art cable supplier, so trust us for price and quality. VERI Cables has been recognized as a state-of-the-art cable supplier by many of the customers we have worked with, so trust us to provide you with the price and quality you deserve.

VERI Cables produce overhead bare copper conductors for conventional overhead power transmission, but are also very suitable for remote transmission of power in railroad infrastructure projects, available in bronze II (PADS: 91/012330) or hard drawn copper (PADS 91/010269).
The overhead stranded copper conductor consists of 19 individual wires, each with a diameter of 3.20 mm and a nominal cross-sectional area of 150 мм. Bronze II stranded conductors consist of 19 дроти, 2 of which are bronze, and the other wires are made of copper-magnesium. Each wire has a diameter of 2.1 mm and a nominal cross-sectional area of 70 мм.

We also offer Network Rail compliant accessories such as suspension insulators, cable glands and more to complement our overhead line conductors.

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Railroad Signal Cables

Signal transmission is very important in rail operation and VERI Cables manufactures specialized signal cables for railroad systems to ensure signal transmission and continuous power supply for all equipment applications on a single track. These cables are used for control and signaling and keep the rail network and its passengers and goods moving safely.
Our cables are rigorously certified by Network Rail for a wide range of flower-specific applications and are available in single-core, twin-core, and multi-core versions.

Voltage Rating Uo/U: 6.5/1.1кВ
Температурний рейтинг: -25°C to +85°C
Диригент: Клас 2 stranded tinned conductor
Ізоляція: LSZH (Малий дим, нульовий галоген) or EPR (Ethylene Propylene Rubber) composite
Роздільник: PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)
Оболонка: LSZH (Малий дим, нульовий галоген

NR/PS/SIG/00005 Type A1, A2, A3 & A4NR/PS/SIG/00005 Signalling Type B1 & B2
Nr/PS/SIG/00005 Signalling Type C1, C2 & C3NR/PS/SIG/00005 Signalling Type D1 & D2 cable
NR/PS/SIG/00005 Signalling Type E1, E2 & E3 CableWestpac CoPolymer Signalling Cable

As you understand, each model of railroad signal cable is different in terms of construction and application, if you need a differently constructed signal cable for a specific application, please feel free to contact our team and we will provide customized services promptly.

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Наші професійні послуги

Сертифікат якості
Продукція, вироблена VERI Cables, відповідає міжнародним стандартам, таким як GB, IEC, BS, NFC, ASTM, ВІД, тощо. Крім того, наша технічна команда може надати послуги з налаштування кабелю відповідно до ваших потреб.

Відстеження клієнтів
VERI надає безкоштовні професійні консультаційні послуги щодо кабельного телебачення, комплексні послуги проектного рішення, і рішення для швидкої доставки продуктів.

Професійні перевезення
Кабелі VERI’ початкова мета полягає в тому, щоб забезпечити швидку та безпечну доставку продуктів, а також забезпечити найкраще пакування та транспортні рішення для зменшення кількості клієнтів’ великі транспортні витрати.

Упаковка кабелю
Упаковка кабелю VERI поставляється в дерев'яних котушках, гофроящики, і котушки. Кінці кабелю заклеєні самоклеючою стрічкою BOPP і негігроскопічними ковпачками для захисту кінців кабелю від вологи.. Ми можемо надрукувати необхідний логотип на зовнішній стороні барабанів водонепроникним матеріалом відповідно до вимог замовника.

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