HV XLPE Insulated Cable
VERI Cables is a global supplier of a wide range of HV XLPE insulated cable types in stock. We will select the right HV XLPE cables for your project such as power supply, providing a cost-effective and safe maintenance solution.
- Product qualification ISO9001, ISO 14001, GB/T 28001, va hokazo.
- Including producing ultra-high voltage cables with rated voltages of up to 500kv.
- Its insulation material and armor construction can withstand different harsh environments, including humid, acidic, and corrosive environments.
Hot Models
4 Cores HV XLPE Insulated Cable
Dirijyor: Smooth round, compacted stranded copper or aluminum conductor.
Bonding Filler: Polypropylene laminate with overlap tape
4 core wire color identification: red, yellow, blue, black
Armoring: Galvanized steel wire over XLPE liner
Standart: IEC 602282
These 4-core high-voltage XLPE cables are best suited for pipeline installations, direct underground burials, power stations, and other industrial installations where mechanical damage is risky.
HV XLPE Aluminum Shield Underground Cables
SWA, LSOH, and armored XLPE cables can also be manufactured
Reliable, low cost, easy maintenance, after-sales guarantee
Suitable for buried cables in distribution networks
Conforms to IEC60502.2-2008 IEC 60840-2011 IEC60228 and other quality standards.
Our high voltage underground cables have many advantages over other types of HV XLPE insulated single core cables. Not only do they last longer, but they are also resistant to different harsh environments such as storms or direct sunlight.
HV 2XS(F)2Y, A2XS(F)2Y 110kV Electric Cable
Dirijyor: Sinf 2 copper or aluminum conductor, compacted or segment strand Milliken
Conductor Screen: Extruded semi-conductive XLPE
Izolyatsiya: XLPE
Separator: Water swellable semi-conductive tape
Screen: Copper wire screen, with a counter helix of copper tape
STANDARTLAR: IEC 60840, HRN HD 632, IEC/EN 60228
HV 2XS(FL)2Y HDPE 76/132kV XLPE Cable
Dirijyor: Copper conductor (optional watertightness – WTC)
Conductor Screen: Semi-conductive screen extruded on the phase conductor
Izolyatsiya: XLPE
Insulation Screen: Semi-conductive screen extruded on insulation
Wrapping: Semi-conductive water swelling tape
Tape: Longitudinally applied aluminium tape coated with PE copolymer
Sheath: HDPE (High Density Polyethylene)
XLPE High Voltage Cable Application
110kv High Voltage XLPE Insulated Power Cable for distribution networks; also for connection to generation units and plant and process connection. For installation on the ground, in water outdoors, indoors, and in cable ducts for power stations, industry, and distribution networks. The water-blocking tape avoids water propagation inside the cable.
In some specific applications, XLPE insulation will be better suited than PVC for voltage ranges from low voltage to ultra-high voltage.
If you have order requirements, please feel free to contact us!
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Birinchidan, Mahsulot sifati bo'yicha majburiyat:
- Hammasini ishlab chiqarish va sinovdan o'tkazish uchun sifat yozuvlari va sinov ma'lumotlari mavjud kabel mahsulotlari.
- Mahsulotning ishlashini tekshirish uchun, foydalanuvchilarni mahsulotning butun jarayoni va ishlashini shaxsan tekshirishga chin dildan taklif qilamiz. Mahsulotning malakali ekanligi tasdiqlangandan keyin, u qadoqlanadi va jo'natiladi.
Ikkinchidan, mahsulot narxi bo'yicha majburiyat:
- Mahsulotning yuqori ishonchliligini ta'minlash uchun, tizimning moddiy tanlovi mahalliy yoki yuqori sifatli mahsulotlardan tayyorlangan.
- Xuddi shu raqobat sharoitida, bizning kompaniyamiz mahsulotning texnik ko'rsatkichlarini pasaytirmasdan yoki mahsulot tarkibiy qismlarini o'zgartirmasdan sizni chin dildan arzon narxda taqdim etadi.
- Yetkazib berish muddati bo'yicha majburiyat:
Uchinchi, Mahsulotni yetkazib berish muddati:
Iloji boricha foydalanuvchi talablariga muvofiq, oldindan bajarilishi kerak bo'lgan maxsus talablar mavjud bo'lsa, kompaniyamiz ishlab chiqarish va o'rnatishni maxsus tashkil qilishi mumkin, va foydalanuvchi ehtiyojlarini qondirishga intiling.
To'rtinchi, sotishdan keyingi xizmat ko'rsatish majburiyati:
- Xizmat tamoyili: tez, hal qiluvchi, aniq, o'ylangan va puxta.
- Xizmat maqsadlari: mijozlar ehtiyojini qondirish uchun xizmat sifati.
- Xizmat samaradorligi: Agar uskuna kafolat muddati ichida yoki kafolat muddatidan tashqarida ishlamay qolsa, yetkazib beruvchi xabardor qilinganidan keyin, texnik xizmat ko'rsatish xodimlari saytga etib borishlari va uning ichida texnik xizmat ko'rsatishni boshlashlari mumkin 24 soat.
- Xizmat ko'rsatish printsipi: Kabel mahsulotlarining kafolat muddati - o'n ikki oy. Kafolat muddati davomida, yetkazib beruvchi sifatli sabablarga ko'ra shikastlangan qismlarni bepul ta'mirlaydi va almashtiradi. Agar ehtiyot qismlar kafolat muddatidan tashqari shikastlangan bo'lsa, Taqdim etilgan aksessuarlar faqat xaridorning inson omillari ta'sirida uskunaning shikastlanishi narxini to'laydi, va etkazib beruvchi tomonidan ta'mirlangan yoki taqdim etilgan aksessuarlar tannarx bo'yicha hisoblanadi.