Kauchuk kabelning xususiyatlari

kauchuk kabel

Har xil turdagi simlar va kabellar har xil qatlam qalinligiga ega, like rubber cables. Ular asosan aşınmaya bardoshli va sovuqqa chidamli joylarda qo'llaniladi. Va izolyatsion qobiq qalinroq. Umuman, theRead more

What is the ACSR Cable?


The steel core aluminum stranded cable is a steel core aluminum stranded cable, which has the characteristics of simple structure, qulay o'rnatish va texnik xizmat ko'rsatish, low cost, large transmission capacity, easyRead more

Application and Function of Overhead Cable

Overhead transmission lines are generally composed of foundations, towers, hardware, insulators, wires, ground wires (including OPGW optical cables), and grounding facilities. Above the conductors of overhead transmission lines, the powerRead more