Twisted Pair and Earth Wire manufactured by VERI Cables is a flexible, flat-sheathed mains wire rated at 300/500V and contains three conductors. As the name implies, there are one or two pairs of individually insulated current-carrying conductors and one bare conductor that is a central protective circuit (CPC) or ground. Commonly used in circuits for low power and lighting applications in residential and light commercial buildings.
We offer twisted and grounded cable with PVC jackets (6241Y, 6242Y, 6423Y, and 6244Y) and LSZH jackets (6241B, 6242B, 6243B, and 6244B), where the last digit indicates the number of cores in the cable.

Hozir so'rov

2.5mm 1.5/6/10mm Twin & Earth Cable

Conductor material: Copper
Insulation material: PVX
Rated voltage: 300v-500v, up to 750/1000V when used for indoor general installation.
Operating temperature: 70
Hajmi: 1.5mm & 2.5mm &100m
Packing: 100m/roll in general.

Hozir so'rov

Flat Twin Earth PVC Insulated Cable

Dirijyor: Silver plated copper / Nickel-plated copper
Izolyatsiya: Polyimide / PTFE / Silicone rubber / PVX / XLPE
Rated Voltage: 300V-600V
Packaging: 100m/wooden drum in general.
Commonly Section Size: 1mm² 1.5mm² & 2.5mm² which have solid (non-stranded) conductors, 4mm², 6mm², 10mm², 16mm² and higher have stranded conductors.

Hozir so'rov

BS 7211 Twin & Earth LSZH Cable

Dirijyor: up to 4mm2 – Class 1 Solid Annealed Compacted Circular Copper Conductor, From 4mm2 – Sinf 2 Stranded Plain Annealed Compacted Circular Copper Conductor
Izolyatsiya: XLPE
Sheath: LSZH(Low Smoke Zero Halogen)
Voltage Rating: V300/500V
Temperature Limits: -25°C to +90°C
STANDARTLAR: BS 7211, IEC 60754-1, IEC 60754-2, IEC 61034, BS EN/IEC 60332-1-2, BASEC Approved.
Ilova: Used for fixed installations in dry or damp premises clipped directly to the surface, on trays, or in free air. Where mechanical protection is required, it can be laid in conduit or trunking.

Hozir so'rov

6243Y & 6241Y Twin & Earth Cable

Dirijyor: copper
Izolyatsiya: PVC Insulation complying with BS EN 50363-3.
Sheath: PVC sheath complying with BS7655.
Circuit Protective voltage: 300/500V.
Package: Wooden drum, Steel wooden drum, Coil, Box, va hokazo.
Standart: BS6004,EN 50363-3.

Hozir so'rov

Cable Specification

DirijyorInsulation Thickness
Sheath Thickness
Nominal O.D.
Approx. Massa
Stranding No./mm////

Flat PVC Insulated Twin-Cord X03VH-H

What VERI Cable can ensure is that we can produce many of the twisted pair and grounding wire models on the market, but not all of them will be displayed 100% on the page, you can download the product catalog and send us an email with your order requirements and inquiry, and we will reply in a timely manner.

About Different Types of Twin & Grounding Cable

6241Y, 6242Y, and 6243Y Flat Grounding Cables, we can manufacture in sizes ranging from 1 mm to 16 mm with 1, 2, 3, or even multiple cores. These PVC sheathed surface wired cables or twisted pair and grounded flat cables are commonly used for wiring lighting equipment in homes or small commercial buildings. We promise that the cable conforms to British Standard BS6004 or BS7011 and can be fixed directly to a surface, routed through a cable tray, recessed, or laid in free air. Although known as an earth cable, these cables cannot be used for buried laying.

Why Are They Called "EGIZAK" Cables?

The name “EGIZAK” is given to this type of cable because, in terms of construction, they use the same flat PVC insulation and PVC sheath. They have two insulated cores and an uninsulated bare copper CPC, all contained in a flat outer jacket.

What is the difference between twin and flat twin & earth cable?

Twin and Earth Cable: Twisted Pair Ground Cable consists of two individually insulated current-carrying conductors and an uninsulated circuit protection conductor, this type of cable is the most commonly used in home lighting wiring today. Umuman, the jacket is gray (PVX) or white.

Flat Twisted Pair and Earth Wire: Also known as FTE, the core consists of a current-carrying conductor and an individually insulated neutral conductor, with the circuit protection conductor (CPC) or ground wire exposed. It is not suitable for use in exposed outdoor environments because of the susceptibility of its outer jacket material to ultraviolet rays, although cable-specific protective varnishes can provide some UV protection.

Projects And Clients VERI Works With Uganda

VERI Cables has worked with customers on grounding wire projects as far back as 2018 when we worked with a company contracted for construction projects in Uganda on 12,000 meters of the twisted grounding wire.

Electrical Cables 2.5 mm2 twin with earth +1.5mm, Colour;Red and Black all in grey jacket, Packing;100mtres/roll

We have many loyal client partners in Uganda and have worked on many large power projects including but not limited to overhead lines, underground high voltage cables, va hokazo. Feel free to contact us if you would like to know more about the project program guidance first.

Bizning professional xizmatlarimiz

Sifat sertifikati
VERI Cables tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan mahsulotlar GB kabi xalqaro standartlarga mos keladi, IEC, BS, NFC, ASTM, FROM, va hokazo. Bundan tashqari, bizning texnik guruhimiz sizning ehtiyojlaringiz uchun kabelni sozlash xizmatlarini taqdim etishi mumkin.

Mijozlarni kuzatish
VERI bepul professional kabel konsalting xizmatlarini taqdim etadi, bir martalik loyihalarni hal qilish xizmatlari, va tezkor mahsulotni yetkazib berish yechimlari.

Professional transport
VERI kabellari’ Dastlabki maqsad mahsulotlarni tez va xavfsiz yetkazib berishni ta'minlash, shu bilan birga mijozlarni kamaytirish uchun eng yaxshi qadoqlash va tashish echimlarini taqdim etishdir’ transport xarajatlari katta.

Kabel qadoqlash
VERI kabeli qadoqlash yog'och g'altaklarda etkazib beriladi, gofrirovka qilingan qutilar, va rulonlar. Kabel uchlarini namlikdan himoya qilish uchun uchlari BOPP o'z-o'zidan yopishqoq lenta va gigroskopik bo'lmagan yopishtiruvchi qopqoqlar bilan yopishtirilgan.. Biz mijozning talabiga binoan suv o'tkazmaydigan material bilan barabanlarning tashqi tomoniga kerakli logotipni chop etishimiz mumkin.

    Iltimos, so'rovingizni quyidagi shaklda berishingiz mumkin.

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