Low Voltage Cables Includes a variety of copper or aluminum insulated polymer insulated cables with voltage ratings between 600 和 1000 伏特. 这些电缆用于在各种应用中传输电源, from … 阅读更多
Low Voltage Cables Includes a variety of copper or aluminum insulated polymer insulated cables with voltage ratings between 600 和 1000 伏特. 这些电缆用于在各种应用中传输电源, from … 阅读更多
High-voltage cables for new energy vehicles are generally compose of high-voltage cables, connectors, protective materials mounting brackets, sealing rubber rings, labels, ETC. The following figure is a typical high-voltage wiring harness assembly. Structure of High-voltage … 阅读更多
尤其, ACCC conductors have been used to increase the efficiency of the re-conductor portion of the transmission grid by 30% 或者更多. ACCC电缆采用轻质, 小尺寸碳纤维复合材料芯材. It increases the … 阅读更多
When winter comes, insulation and heating are often heard. 最近几年, the use of electric heating cables and heating cable products has given users more choices. But many users are not very clear about … 阅读更多
Armored cables use steel tape or aluminum tape to strengthen the mechanical properties of the cable so that the cable can withstand external mechanical pressure. The shielded cable is shielded with copper tape or braided … 阅读更多