


What is a Drag Chain Cable? The Ultimate Guide to Using Drag Chain Cables什么是拖链电缆? 使用拖链电缆的终极指南

什么是拖链电缆? 使用拖链电缆的终极指南

拖链电缆, 也称为电缆拖链或拖链, 是专为满足严格要求而设计的专用电缆…

7 months ago
Why Low Smoke Halogen-Free Cables Can Reduce Harmful Gases?为什么低烟无卤电缆可以减少有害气体?


在现代世界, 安全和可持续性比以往任何时候都更加重要. 随着人们对环境影响的认识不断增强…

7 months ago
How to do Industrial Cables Work in the Oil and Gas Industry?如何在石油和天然气行业中进行工业电缆工作?


石油和天然气行业, 全球经济最关键的部门之一, 很大程度上依赖于一个复杂的…

9 months ago
Overhead bundled cables: A Great Invention for Transforming Power Distribution‍架空捆绑电缆: 变革配电的伟大发明‍

架空捆绑电缆: 变革配电的伟大发明‍

在配电领域, 技术进步为更高效、更可靠的解决方案铺平了道路. Overhead Bundled

2 years ago
What is the classification of cables and how to name and cable purchase?电缆的分类是什么以及如何命名和电缆选购?


ZMS电缆编辑部全面整理电缆分类及命名表示, but also made a detailed introduction to the cable

2 years ago
French company Nexans launches low-carbon cables法国耐克森公司推出低碳电缆


法国电缆和纤维公司Nexans推出了一系列新系列的低碳分销电缆, the first of their kind

2 years ago
What are the characteristics and uses of mineral-insulated cable?矿物绝缘电缆的特点和用途是什么?


矿物绝缘电缆是什么电缆矿物绝缘电缆简称MI电缆, 用作布线, the domestic

2 years ago
What is the solar cable? What are the considerations when selecting one?什么是太阳能电缆? 选择时有哪些考虑因素?

什么是太阳能电缆? 选择时有哪些考虑因素?

Building cost-effective and profitable photovoltaic power plants represents the most important goal and core competence of all solar cable manufacturers.

2 years ago
What is known about low voltage cable?关于低压电缆的知识有哪些?


A cable is a conductor that is covered with an insulation layer, a protective layer, a shield, ETC。, used to

2 years ago
What are the causes of high voltage cable failure?高压电缆故障的原因有哪些?


High-voltage cables usually refer to transmission lines that carry voltages above 10kV. According to GB/T 2900.50-2008, definition 2.1, 高压…

2 years ago