在现代世界, 安全和可持续性比以往任何时候都更加重要. 随着人们对建筑和制造材料对环境影响的认识不断增强, there’s an increasing demand for products that prioritize human … 阅读更多
在现代世界, 安全和可持续性比以往任何时候都更加重要. 随着人们对建筑和制造材料对环境影响的认识不断增强, there’s an increasing demand for products that prioritize human … 阅读更多
你对电缆并不陌生. 即使您不在电气行业工作, you’ve seen a wide variety of wires and cables on the street and even while charging your cell phone. There are … 阅读更多
矿物绝缘电缆是什么电缆矿物绝缘电缆简称MI电缆, 用作布线, 国内习惯称为氧化镁电缆或防火电缆. It is by the mineral material … 阅读更多
With the development of society, the requirements of wire and cable are also increasing, the classification of wire and cable is more and more detailed, such as fire-resistant, 不易燃的, and LSZH cable also appearing … 阅读更多