在中国很多城市, 尤其是在一些大都市区或者新城区, 电力塔, 并且电线是看不见的. 但千家万户都能正常用电. 主要依靠地下电缆传输电力.
地下电缆是传输电力的重要方式, 通过建立地下通道和铺设电缆实现电力的持续供应.
最近几年, 科学家控制地下电缆的能力越来越强.
并且新技术不断被引进和推广, 为地下电缆的全面发展奠定了坚实的基础.
随着中国经济发展和城镇化进程加快, 电力设施之间的矛盾.
而城市发展的问题也越来越突出. 确保城镇居民用电安全, 维护城市清洁美丽.
有必要减少 架空输电线路 城市上空, 将它们置于地下, 地下电缆的发展.
据统计, 世界上一些现代城市, 比如柏林, 哥本哈根, ETC。, 已采用地下输电方式超过 70%.
现在, 中国也在加快架空电力线路入地建设步伐, 地下电缆工程, 及地下综合走廊.
截至目前, 在许多其他发达国家, 电缆埋地已近 100%.
因为电缆暴露在空气中, 风, 和雨, 电缆老化时容易出现.
所以, 走户外电源线是必要且极其重要的.
但是 地下电线 是一种安全性较高的铺设方式.
通常, 架空线只能固定在另一个塔上.
但埋在地下的电缆线路可以到达许多电路, 另外,地下高压电缆通常具有更高效的铜导体, 使他们能够快速输送电力.
通过将架空线路插入地面, 城市可以回归纯粹的状态. 能够营造出视觉上的舒适感和美感.
土地是一种高价值但稀缺的资源, 尤其是在一线城市中心.
从而降低土地使用价值, 但通过将其改为地下, 土地利用价值可提升.
说到埋地电缆, 没有什么比日本的地上电缆杆更出名的了.
“Can you count how many utility poles there are in Japan?”
因为据统计, 有大约 35 日本有 100 万根电线杆,并继续以 70,000 每年.
That’s why they call Japan the “Power Pole Nation”.
东京电缆地下化率, 最大的城市, 甚至小于 10%. So Japan deserves the title of “pole country”.
但日本为什么要, 一个发达国家, 处理电缆的方式似乎不太成熟?
Why is it so difficult to achieve pole-free Japan?
Historically, during World War II, Tokyo was attacked by the U.S. air force, and much of the city was in ruins.
After the war, temporary measures were taken for rapid recovery.
And one utility pole after another was erected on the ground, which was much less costly than burying the wires underground.
The local government decided to give priority to erecting power poles for electricity transmission. And then burying the cables underground when there was spare capacity.
然而, as Japan entered a period of rapid economic growth, the demand for electricity and communications increased rapidly.
如今, 日本电线杆问题很难解决.
将电缆埋入地下的成本是铺设煤气管和水管的三到十倍. 成本核算 100 百万至 500 每公里 百万日元.
东京有超过 20,000 公里道路, 而无杆的比例仅为 7%.
假设计算 300 每公里 百万日元, 这也会花费 5.58 万亿日元完成东京铺路工作.
现在, 日本实施地下电缆的成本是分担的 1/3 均由中央政府, 地方政府, 和公司.
然而, 也有乐观的观点认为,如果电缆埋地进度加快, engineering implementation and technology development will result in lower costs.
同时, the interests associated with utility poles are very complex, and all parties must be agreed before construction can begin.
The first step is to obtain the consent of the owner of each pole and cable. Which may be the electric company, telephone company, cable company, or other operators.
下一个, the road manager’s consent must be obtained.
And the roads on which the poles are erected include national roads, county roads, and municipal roads. Each with a different manager.
Finally, the consent of neighboring stores, residents, and government authorities.
Such as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, 运输, and Tourism. And the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has to be obtained.
所以, 地下电线s in Japan are difficult.
这就是 ZMS电缆团队 不得不说的地下电缆以及分析为什么今天日本还有那么多地上电线杆.
当然, 很多事物都有其存在的理由, 而这些并不能否认日本是一个电力先进的国家.
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