HV XLPE Insulated Cable

VERI Cables is a global supplier of a wide range of HV XLPE insulated cable types in stock. We will select the right HV XLPE cables for your project such as power supply, providing a cost-effective and safe maintenance solution.
- Product qualification ISO9001, 国际标准化组织 14001, 国标/T 28001, ETC.
- Including producing ultra-high voltage cables with rated voltages of up to 500kv.
- Its insulation material and armor construction can withstand different harsh environments, including humid, acidic, 和腐蚀性环境.

4 Cores HV XLPE Insulated Cable
导体: Smooth round, compacted stranded copper or aluminum conductor.
Bonding Filler: Polypropylene laminate with overlap tape
4 core wire color identification: 红色的, 黄色的, 蓝色的, 黑色的
Armoring: Galvanized steel wire over XLPE liner
标准: 国际电工委员会 602282
These 4-core high-voltage XLPE cables are best suited for pipeline installations, direct underground burials, 发电站, and other industrial installations where mechanical damage is risky.

HV XLPE Aluminum Shield Underground Cables
西南航空, 低烟无卤, and armored XLPE cables can also be manufactured
Reliable, 低成本, 维护方便, after-sales guarantee
Suitable for buried cables in distribution networks
Conforms to IEC60502.2-2008 IEC 60840-2011 IEC60228 and other quality standards.
Our high voltage underground cables have many advantages over other types of HV XLPE insulated single core cables. Not only do they last longer, but they are also resistant to different harsh environments such as storms or direct sunlight.

HV 2XS(F)2是, A2XS(F)2Y 110kV Electric Cable
导体: 班级 2 copper or aluminum conductor, compacted or segment strand Milliken
导体屏蔽: Extruded semi-conductive XLPE
绝缘: 交联聚乙烯
分隔器: Water swellable semi-conductive tape
屏幕: Copper wire screen, with a counter helix of copper tape
标准: 国际电工委员会 60840, HRN HD 632, 国际电工委员会/欧洲标准 60228

HV 2XS(FL)2Y HDPE 76/132kV XLPE Cable
导体: 铜导体 (optional watertightness – WTC)
导体屏蔽: Semi-conductive screen extruded on the phase conductor
绝缘: 交联聚乙烯
绝缘屏: Semi-conductive screen extruded on insulation
Wrapping: Semi-conductive water swelling tape
磁带: Longitudinally applied aluminium tape coated with PE copolymer
鞘: 高密度聚乙烯 (高密度聚乙烯)
XLPE High Voltage Cable Application

110kv High Voltage XLPE Insulated Power Cable for distribution networks; also for connection to generation units and plant and process connection. For installation on the ground, in water outdoors, indoors, and in cable ducts for power stations, 行业, and distribution networks. The water-blocking tape avoids water propagation inside the cable.
In some specific applications, XLPE insulation will be better suited than PVC for voltage ranges from low voltage to ultra-high voltage.
If you have order requirements, 请随时联系我们!

第一的, 产品质量承诺:
- 所有的制造和检测都有质量记录和检测数据 电缆产品.
- 用于产品性能检验, 诚邀用户亲临考察产品的全流程及性能. 产品确认合格后, 它将被包装和运输.
第二, 产品价格承诺:
- 为了保证产品的高可靠性, 系统选材均采用国产或优质产品.
- 在同等竞争条件下, 我们公司 将在不降低产品技术性能、不改变产品部件的情况下,以实惠的价格真诚为您提供.
- 交货期承诺:
第三, 产品交货时间:
尽量根据用户要求, 如有特殊要求需要提前完成, 我公司可专门组织生产安装, 并努力满足用户需求.
第四, 售后服务承诺:
- 服务宗旨: 快速地, 决定性, 准确的, 深思熟虑和彻底.
- 服务目标: 服务品质赢得客户满意.
- 服务效率: 如果设备在保修期内或保修期外出现故障, 通知供应商后, 维护人员可在短时间内到达现场并开始维护 24 小时.
- 服务原则: 电缆产品保修期为十二个月. 保修期内, 供应商将免费维修和更换因质量原因损坏的部件. 如果零件在保修期外损坏, 所提供的配件仅收取买家人为因素造成的设备损坏的费用, 供应商修理或提供的配件按成本价计算.