NKT beplan om 'n nuwe aanleg te bou, insluitend 'n derde ekstrusietoring in Karlskrona, Swede, as well as a new…
ZMS-kabelredaksie het die kabelklassifikasie en naamvoorstelling omvattend georganiseer, but also made a detailed introduction to the cable…
Die VK is lank reeds 'n leier in die ontwikkeling van die ondersese kabelbedryf. And as the topic of…
With the advent of the digital era, more and more companies are realizing the importance of digital transformation. At the…
A major milestone was reached in the installation of the Shetland high voltage transmission line Link project in the UK…
The Egyptian president recently discussed with Dimitri Kopilosis, chairman of the Greek power company Kopilosis, the construction of a submarine…
Die ondersese kabelprojek word deur lande regoor die wêreld as 'n komplekse en moeilike grootskaalse projek erken. Submarine…