

كابل بحري

شركة Nexans تستثمر مليار يورو في زيادة تكنولوجيا وقدرة كابلات التيار المستمر ذات الجهد العالي

NKT plans to build a new plant, including a third extrusion tower in Karlskrona, Sweden, as well as a new

1 year ago

ما هو تصنيف الكابلات وكيفية تسميتها وشراء الكابلات?

نظمت افتتاحية كابل ZMS بشكل شامل تصنيف الكابلات وتمثيل التسمية, but also made a detailed introduction to the cable

1 year ago

Sumitomo Electric has reportedly built a new submarine cable factory in Scotland

The UK has long been a leader in the development of the submarine cable industry. And as the topic of

1 year ago

What are the impacts of the rise of artificial intelligence on the cable industry?

With the advent of the digital era, more and more companies are realizing the importance of digital transformation. At the

1 year ago

Milestone achieved in Shetland HVDC Link project

A major milestone was reached in the installation of the Shetland high voltage transmission line Link project in the UK

1 year ago

مصر تعتزم بناء كابل بحري لربط اليونان

وناقش الرئيس المصري مؤخرا مع ديمتري كوبيلوسيس, رئيس شركة الطاقة اليونانية Kopilosis, the construction of a submarine

2 years ago

The Ways of Laying Submarine Cable

The submarine cable project is recognized as a complex and difficult large-scale project by countries all over the world. Submarine

2 years ago