XLPE PVC Insulated Cable

VERI XLPE PVC Insulated Power Cable has a variety of insulation materials, that are suitable for different needs and have different purposes. Its insulation materials are polyethylene(PE insulation), cross-linked polyethylene(XLPE insulation), polyvinyl chloride(ПВХ insulation), rubber insulation(ERP insulation), г.д. Insulated cables made of different insulation materials are subject to strict quality system testing. Only cable products that meet the standards can be sold from the Veri factory.

The function of the cable insulation layer is to use a non-conductive substance to isolate or wrap the charged body to prevent electric shock and provide a safety measure for protection.

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Also known as Cross-linked Polyethylene, XLPE Wire is a very good insulation in terms of electrical properties. Single core XLPE insulated power cable, also called XLPE insulated wire, is a new type of environmentally friendly product with high-temperature resistance and environmental resistance. It is made of thermosetting plastic. The electrical properties of XLPE insulated electric power cables produced by Veri are almost as good as those of polyethylene, and the long-term working temperature is relatively higher than that of polyethylene. At the same time, the mechanical properties are better than PE, and the aging resistance is better. Often used in places with high environmental resistance requirements.

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Concentric XLPE Insulated Cable

XLPE concentric cables manufactured by Veri are often used as energy supply cables. It is most common in power distribution, панэль, and street lighting.
Дырыжор: Алюміній / Медны праваднік
Ізаляцыя: XLPE
Ядро: Халасты / Два / Тры / Чатыры ядра
Унутраная абалонка кабеля: ПВХ
Канцэнтрычны правадніковы пласт: медзь / Алюміній
Кабельная стужка: Non-absorbent Material or OEM
Знешняя абалонка кабеля: XLPE / ПВХ / PE

Запыт зараз

Copper Aluminum Core XLPE Insulated Cable

VERI Cable Manufacturer is a specialized supplier of medium and high-voltage underground power cables. Our standard MV underground transmission line composition includes single and three-core cables with copper or aluminum conductors.
Дырыжор: Алюміній / Медны праваднік
Insulation Screen: Semi-conductive XLPE
Ядро: Халасты / Three core
Conductor Screen: XLPE
Кабельная стужка: Water Swellable Semi-conductive Tape
Знешняя абалонка кабеля: XLPE / ПВХ / PE

Good quality PVC cable is a common product in the wire and cable industry. Its product features are good physical and mechanical properties, good processing performance, low cost, and low price. Аднак, it contains halogens, and the maximum amount of sheath is used. VERI power cables with insulation of cross-linked polyethylene (ПВХ) are designed for the distribution and supply of consumers with a nominal voltage of 0.6/1 кВ

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PVC Sheathed Screening Power Cable

Shielded flexible cables are part of our extensive inventory of control cables. Its flexibility can be found in many industries such as manufacturing, construction, магутнасць, and distribution.
Дырыжор: Медны праваднік
Cable Insulation: ПВХ
Ядро: Халасты / Medium core
Унутраная абалонка кабеля: ПВХ
Screen: медзь (Plastic) Or Aluminum (Plastic) Composite Tape, Copper Wire Braided
Знешняя абалонка кабеля: ПВХ

Запыт зараз

Copper Core PVC Insulated Control Cable

Industrial applications of VERI shielded flexible control cables include communication, computer, instrumentation, audio, кантроль, and data transmission. It is suitable for monitoring electrical equipment, control circuits, and outdoor, dry, or wet cable rack installations.
Дырыжор: Медны праваднік
Ізаляцыя: ПВХ
Ядро: Халасты / Medium Core
Знешняя абалонка кабеля: ПВХ

Тыпы: H05VV-F / H07VK / H07RNF

Rubber has been used as cable insulation and sheathing material long before other insulation such as PVC and PE can be commonly applied. The cable rubber insulation layer and sheath are often made of natural rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber, ethylene-propylene rubber, г.д. In addition to satisfying insulation properties and physical and mechanical properties, it also requires aging resistance and abrasion resistance. Some products require oil resistance and flame retardant.

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Rubber Insulated Flexible Wire

Super flexible rubber insulated wire can be fixedly laid in various environments, such as indoor/outdoor, overhead, cable duct, or tunnel. It is mainly used for transmission and distribution line works with a rated voltage of 450/750V or below. It is widely used for external small electrical equipment, agricultural electrification, building elevators, and gantries.
Model: H07RN-F YC / YCW
Voltage: 300 / 500В, 450 / 750В
Дырыжор: медзь
Ізаляцыя: Rubber
Ножны: Natural Rubber / Chloroprene Rubber

Polyethylene is suitable for both wire insulation and final cable jacketing, often used for wire or cable insulation, data wire insulation material, with low dielectric constant, suitable for data wire, communication wire, and various computer peripheral wire core wire insulation. It has excellent electrical properties and has all the advantages of the above PVC. PE wire is approximately 28% lighter than PVC wire.

Запыт зараз

PE Insulated —Solar Power Cable

Polyethylene (PE) is a very good insulating material. It has excellent dielectric properties, high dielectric strength, low dielectric constant, and low dissipation factor at all frequencies. Our polyethylene insulated cables are suitable for applications including telephone and high-speed transmission, high-frequency signal and control cables, нізкі, сярэдні, and high-voltage power cables, overhead lines, and service cables.
Model: Solar power cable
Дырыжор: Flexible stranded tinned copper conductor
Ізаляцыя: PE / XLPE
Ножны: XLPE / ПВХ / Customized

Калі вы не ведаеце, як выбраць прадукты you need, or don’t find the cable type and size you need on this page, не хвалюйцеся. Звяжыцеся з намі і адпраўце нам свае патрабаванні, we can help you choose the right cable. Вы можаце даць нам наступную інфармацыю: напружанне кабеля, матэрыял правадніка, цеплаізаляцыйны і ашалёўкавы матэрыял, шчытавы тып, тып броні, г.д. або вы можаце даць нам асяроддзе для ўстаноўкі кабеля, патрабаванні да заяўкі, г.д. Мы будзем служыць вам ад усёй душы. Veri Cable Supplier has a number of quality certification: ISO 9000, ISO 9001, ISO14000, ISO14001, ISO18000, CE, МЭК, BS, NFC, ASTM, АД, г.д.

Транспарт з прафесійным абслугоўваннем

У VERI Cable ёсць некалькі спосабаў абароны вашых кабеляў, з трывалай і прафесійнай транспартнай упакоўкай і комплекснай страхоўкай. Перад адпраўкай, наш кабелі спакаваныя ў драўляныя рулоны і гафрыраваныя каробкі. Падчас транспарціроўкі, для абароны канцоў кабеля ад вільгаці, мы заклейваем іх самаклейнай стужкай BOPP і негіграскапічныя.

Калі ёсць праблемы з якасцю, такія як пашкоджанне ўпакоўкі і пашкоджанне паверхні прадукту, на месцы пры атрыманні тавару, калі тавары пацверджаны, каб быць праўдай, тавар не адпавядае замове, і праблемы з якасцю, выяўленыя кліентам падчас мантажу, працэс кладкі і выкарыстання пацверджаны праблемамі якасці самога прадукту, Калі пастаўка не адпавядае патрабаванням дамовы, калі ласка звяжыцеся з нашай кампаніяй непасрэдна.

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