Cat6a ケーブルが統合ケーブル配線に最適な選択肢である理由?

高速通信は進化し続ける, Cat6a ケーブルは最もコスト効率が高く、将来性のある製品になりました. Cat6 および Cat5e ケーブルとの下位互換性があるだけでなく、, but it also supports data rates up to 10 Gbps and a maximum bandwidth of 500 MHz. If you are considering a new installation or upgrading your existing続きを読む

What is the difference between communication cables and power cables?


There are many types of cables. Power cables and communication cables are two types of cable products. Although both communication cables and power cables are wires used to transmit signals and energy, there are differences in the use of the environment, transmission characteristics, equipment requirements, 等々. What is the difference between similar cables続きを読む