


X'inhuma l-Karatteristiċi tal-Kejbils iżolati Minerali?

Bl-iżvilupp tax-xjenza u t-teknoloġija, il-kwalità ta 'diversi proġetti ta' kostruzzjoni qed titjieb gradwalment. Min-naħa waħda,…

3 years ago

X'inhuma Kejbils Sottomarini?

Introduction of Submarine Cable Submarine cable are wires wrapped with insulating materials, which are laid on the seabed and underwater

3 years ago

Kejbils DC u Kejbils AC: Dak Li Jagħmilhom Differenti?

Armored cables use steel tape or aluminum tape to strengthen the mechanical properties of the cable so that the cable

3 years ago

Karatteristiċi tal-Cable tal-Gomma

Different types of wires and cables have different sheath thicknesses, like rubber cables. They are mainly used in wear-resistant and

3 years ago

X'inhuma Kejbils Coaxial?

Is-suq modern tal-kejbils tal-komunikazzjoni u tan-netwerking huwa saturat iżżejjed bil-kwotazzjonijiet, so it can be difficult to choose the cable

3 years ago

X'inhu l-Cable ACSR?

The steel core aluminum stranded cable is a steel core aluminum stranded cable, which has the characteristics of simple structure,…

3 years ago

Application and Feature of Overhead Cable

Overhead wire and cable, originally refers to the bare wire erected in the air and insulated by air, mainly used

3 years ago

What are the Requirements for the Use of Robot Cables?

Many of us don’t understand robot cables, so let’s understand what requirements are there for robot cables? The cable used

3 years ago

Erba 'Raġunijiet Għall-Falliment tal-linji tal-Fiber Optic Cable

Il-kejbil ottiku huwa magħmul prinċipalment minn fibra ottika, kmiem protettiv tal-plastik u ġilda ta 'barra tal-plastik. There is no metal

3 years ago

Applikazzjoni u Funzjoni ta 'Cable Overhead

Linji ta 'trasmissjoni overhead huma ġeneralment komposti minn pedamenti, torrijiet, ħardwer, iżolaturi, wajers, wajers ta' l-art (including OPGW optical cables), and grounding

3 years ago