Building cost-effective and profitable photovoltaic power plants represents the most important goal and core competence of all solar cable manufacturers.…
A coaxial cable is a wire and signal transmission line, generally caused by four layers of material. The innermost is…
A major milestone was reached in the installation of the Shetland high voltage transmission line Link project in the UK…
In many cities in China, especially in some metropolitan areas or new urban areas, power towers, and wires are invisible.…
A cable is a conductor that is covered with an insulation layer, a protective layer, a shield, eċċ., used to…
Kejbils ta 'vultaġġ għoli normalment jirreferu għal linji ta' trasmissjoni li jġorru vultaġġi 'l fuq minn 10kV. Skond GB/T 2900.50-2008, definizzjoni 2.1, vultaġġ għoli…
Il-kondutturi overhead ACSR huma kondutturi stranded tal-aluminju tal-qalba tal-azzar. Dan il-konduttur vojt jintuża f'kejbils overhead. It has the advantages…
Introduċi Ir-riżorsi tan-nikil huma abbundanti fid-dinja u d-distribuzzjoni tar-riżervi hija relattivament ikkonċentrata. Nickel is a silver-white…
X'inhu l-kejbil ottiku sottomarin? Kejbil ottiku taħt il-baħar, imsejjaħ ukoll kejbil ta 'komunikazzjoni taħt il-baħar. It is a wire wrapped in insulation and…
STL, one of the industry's leading digital network integrators, announces a partnership with Vocus Group for Project Horizon in Western…