Kejbils li jużaw kondutturi tar-ram jippropagaw sinjali elettriċi, filwaqt li l-fibri ottiċi jxerrdu sinjali ottiċi. There are two types of general network…
Australian Energy Startup Funds A Major Submarine Cable Project Australian energy startup Sun Cable has hired investment banks Macquarie and…
X'inhu l-insulazzjoni? L-insulazzjoni tal-kejbil hija parti importanti ta 'kwalunkwe kejbil. It is made of a non-conductive material…
The Prysmian Group has recently signed an order for 2GW of high-voltage DC underground cable systems with the German grid…
A plan for a transmission projects to bring electricity from Egypt and Israel to Greece is getting a fresh boost…
Skont id-ditta internazzjonali tar-riċerka tas-suq Markets and Markets, the global electric vehicle charging cables market demand will reach US$2.453…
F'Ġunju 24, 2022, bastiment ġdid għall-manutenzjoni tal-kejbil taħt il-baħar, Gżira ta' Molene, tnieda b’suċċess f’Calais, Franza, u…
LSCV, a subsidiary of Korean cable manufacturer LS Cable & System, recently supplied the required optical cable products to Viettel,…
Scotland's largest offshore wind farm has passed another major milestone, that is the successful installation of 19km of onshore cable in…
Telecom Egypt and AquaComms have signed an agreement covering the landing and services of Egypt's 2Africa fiber optic system, which…